need games that don't handhold and treat you like a dumbass baby
Need games that don't handhold and treat you like a dumbass baby
Other urls found in this thread:
>One of the things I noticed when I was handed the script is that this was a script, like, an actual script. Not a game script.
>an actual thing the main dev working on this game siad
The Binding of Isaac Rebirth
Super Meat Boy
Dark Souls 1-3
Demon's Souls
Dwarf Fortress
Duke Nukem 3D
Monster Hunter 4U
Most games before 2000, try any crpg's.
how many real life days does it take to get started in door farts?
The Void
Game literally lies/intentionally leaves out really important information until towards the end of the game and you already fucked everything up.
Watch a few tutorials and check the wiki and it ain't so bad. Going in dry will be hard, but doable.
Baldur's Gate 2 (pirate the non-enhanced edition to avoid funding Beamjew)
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
the old X-COMs
everything said
Currently playing Gothic 2 Gold Edition. That shit is RUTHLESS. No handholding WHAT-SO-FUCKING-EVER.
>”I want a needlessly grindy game where you are permanently killed in two shots and you have to guess to where to go for quests because there are no quest markers because I like wasting months of my life on nothing”
took me six 1-3 hour false starts (because I had no internet and therefore no wiki) before it clicked, but the session where it did click was maybe 4 hours to figure out what I was doing and then 26 of pure uninterrupted autism
I imagine it'd be significantly faster with access to the wiki
System Shock.
Sorry Kratty
Having another character to manage health and such was too problematic, so we made him invincible =)
Yeah but if this was a Kojima game everyone would be sucking his dick
why is it ok when Japan does it? And before you drones spout off about Kojima making good games, no. MGS2 is far and away his best work and it does not try to mimic filmmaking like his titles afterwards.
Persona 5
>you have to guess to where to go for quests because there are no quest markers
This is an actual post on Sup Forums in 2018.
It's really not that hard to get going. Just watch a tutorial on how to get a farm and shit going and then feel out from there. Keep the wiki open to quickly search up things you don't quite know how to pull off.
Dont build near a tower for your first time
Kojima's games have stellar gameplay, that's why it's okay.
Finish the sentence
G______________________________DS WHERE IS MY ____'_ SON
Yes, and?
There are only 2 ways of finding out where to go when accepting a quest.
The NPC tells you where to go and how to get there without a compass.
Forget what he said? Open your journal and read 2 novels, 6 paragraphs, 3 short stories and a haiku to see where to go next.
NPC tells you where to go and a compass show you where to go so as not to waste your time reading.
You're all fucking retarded
Reply to this post if you want, I won't read it.
G______________soy____________DS WHERE IS MY soy's SON
>Forget what he said? Open your journal and read 2 novels, 6 paragraphs, 3 short stories and a haiku to see where to go next.
>people still think hyperexaggeration is a legitimate rhetorical device
>Forget what he said? Open your journal and read 2 novels, 6 paragraphs, 3 short stories and a haiku to see where to go next.
If you're too dumb to read just go play a different game.
You're actually dumb as fuck and proud of it for some bizarre reason. I'm being 100% serious, only a dumb motherfucker would prefer the second option or think the description of the former was in any way accurate to how games used to be back when they weren't made for the retarded (you). Which makes sense as the second option literally causes brain damage
I love you user!
FUCK you man.
>What I said was a hyperexaggeration but saying quest markers literally destroyed an entire genre of games isn’t
path of exile
good luck figuring anything out ever.
If you want to read go read a book. Video games aren’t made for you to read. That’s what a book is for.
Quest markers are so retarded they don't need any exaggerations to explain how shit they are. They literally make it so you don't even have to think about where you're going.
Eve Online
Dwarf Fortress
Aurora 4x
You’re the kind of miserable people who grew up as a boomer/boomers kid who didn’t have to go to college and were hired into a 6 figure salary job right out of high school, bought a car for $2000, a house for $100,000 and raised your family in peace without ever having to decide between food or gas for work but say that us millennials have it better because iPhones and facebook.
If you don't want to read, go watch a movie. Video games aren't made for you to not read. That's what a movie is for.
I have no idea how that relates to game design being do dumbed down it actively harms the brain.
nigger I'm 24, my parents were late gen-x, and I've spent 6 years in college
you're just actively anti-intellectual
user, quest logs and journal entries are superior to quest markers, and no amount of odd out-of-place generational angst is going to change that. Stop trying to deflect.
earth defense force just drops you innthe game and almost tells you, "good luck." i don't even remember if there is a tutorial for fencer class. umihara kawase is good, too
ahhh, so quest markers are for beggars, that actually makes a lot of sense
this isn't real, right? pls be real. i never liked god of war anyway
Can I get the original version of this?
One of those tutorial messages is real user, care to guess which one?
You should work at a movie theater user, you’d make a good projector.
what do we call this new game? cuck of war? i'm out of ideas already
God of My Wife's Son
I'm gonna go with "this is the boss" or possibly "the bridge is broken"
What's the deal? Is he really not his child?
the kid is Kratos' son.
She does have another one in the oven which is why kratos drops that line
gay game
the boss healthbar
hello. how many of you are marketers? we just need a heads up on who to not believe
>Sup Forums in full SEETH mode now that GOTY of war is upon us
that's just the kiddies who are hiveminding to fit in. this whole this is good for the laughs
Not me, hehe.