Playing mmorpg

>playing mmorpg
>some healer randomly starts following and healing me

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Other urls found in this thread:

I do this.

Sorry. Sorry for the buffs too.

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>play mmo
>nothing interesting happens

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but user

you can buff me any time

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>play maplestory during highschool
>getting kind of old
>oh maplestory 2 is a thing
>graduate from high school
>hopefully maplestory 2 soon
>go to college
>graduate from college
>still no maplestory 2 for america

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>play healer
>see some guy having a hard time fighting a mob
>throw him a heal and few buffs
>he thanks me and keeps following and asking to party and shit like i'm into him or something

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It's shit anyway.

I do drive by heals and buffs, and have received drive by heals and buffs. I never make it into a weird sex thing, nor has anyone else in-game. Why is Sup Forums like this?


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>be healer
>testing my heals on some guy
>later find this thread
>tell him I'm sorry
>he gets lewd for no reason

I can't heal anymore famnogs

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Because I'm lonely...

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>farming some mobs using aoe attack
>accidentally kill players going after grouped mobs

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I buff everyone I see. It's only natural.

>apologizing when helping people
How big of a cuck are you lad?

Oh shit, I'm sorry.

>testing addons
>start healing some random guy near me
>he mounts up and leaves

Joke's on you, I'm a kissless virgin.

Sorry for what?


>implying that's a bad thing


you're mentally ill

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Leave him alone mentally ill people also need love

Don't get so weird about it then. A quick "Thanks, wanna go questing together?" would be totally fine.

We're sorry anons. Do you want me to suck your big penis too? If not then get out of my way. Someone somewhere needs a dick sucked.

i used to do that a healer,i liked helping people

>"Thanks, wanna go questing together?"

Fucking degenerate.


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>playing tank
>see someone about to die from mob
>agro it and let them kill it
>no thank you
>they wander off
Done it thousands of times, I think I've been thanked once.

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it's not like healers can do much else.

>playing mmorpg
>group loves my top DPS

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Attention to all of the trap posters using anime and gay ERP as a Trojan horse for autogynephilia:

Stop cruising for attention and using Sup Forums as a basis for gooning your permanently flaccid cock. You are 10 times worse than furries. You lost to sissy hypno and s-stuttering. You fucked up. You are infertile. Your life will end at 30. Half of the political spectrum wants to kill you. Guys will leave you for a biological woman because you can't have kids.

Nobody wants to read ERP. Nobody thinks girl (male), feminine penis, s-s-stuttering, or any of your shitty memes are funny. Nobody wants to be reminded you exist.

You are AIDS and your culture is predatory. A nontrivial number of you freaks are moral lepers who get off on convincing seventeen year old weebs that if they don't take HRT they will spend the rest of their lives alone. Transitioning is not a solution to social isolation and pornography addiction, the five or ten years of free attention and affection before your looks fade don't make up for everything that comes after that.

Make a tumblr and peddle your trash there.

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I don't know what autowhatever means. I don't want to google it in case of images. Just, give it to me straight user. What is that?

Also I've noticed that /gif/ and other boards are full of trap/shemale stuff too. Is Sup Forums as a whole becoming more gay?

large post; avoided

>OP's face when

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avoid THIS

W-wowie... you made me hard t-thanks

Wanna abuse me in DMs like that?

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the fuck is a dm? death match?

The whole thing about how pretending to act retarded will attract actual retards is 100% true here. It ALWAYS starts with people doing it ironically. Now look where we are. In the fucking closet.


While you can't suck my dick over the internet my balls are feeling fairly heavy, so if you want to share some pictures of yourself to help me relieve myself you'd be doing god's work user.

oh fuck I laughed

Imagine being such a fucking faggot that you try to co-opt synth wave style to make your retarded neck beard ass look "cool" and then you call it "fash wave" because you have zero originality. You are literally gayer than anybody in this thread you fucking semen sucker, you fucking cock huffer, you fucking man loving penis oven. Fucking delete this post right now or I will come to your house and beat the fuck out of you, you little twig of a "man".

How do you know we aren't girls?

we all are. its the only way to live.


Depends do you like being cucked by your waifu?

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>How do you know we aren't girls?

It's a known fact, rarely any girls come to Sup Forums, and even more rare for a girl to post in Sup Forums, and if she would ever do so, she wouldn't seek attention in this hell hole known as Sup Forums.
I bet my left toe you're a dude.

>play mmo by myself
>cant pass certain points without joining a group
>ask random if i can join
>get laughed at

i learnt to stop hurting myself and just play single player games

>cute character shows up at the broker
>immediately get close to them and pretend to be afk

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Play League. Soraka, Nami, Janna... just pick a girly name and buy emotes a few skins

Post email.

>heal people whenever I walk past them, just because I can
>guild/party invites and pm:s all around

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>TFW someone adds you from a /vg/ thread, you get along and talk for 6-8 hours a day and have a great time, eventually learn she's a girl, continue trying to talk for 1-4 hours a day, she stops replying almost completely, eventually remove her and ask her what the change was and she says it's because you were wanting too much of her time when she was the one that started off the long-ass chats in the first place
I'm pretty sure that trannies and traps are preferable to actual women even when it comes down to just casual conversation. Though she did seem fairly autistic so maybe she just freaked out. Damn shame since she was fun to talk to but ghosting pisses me off more than almost anything.

You know what, why the hell not?

[email protected]

>Never play MMOs
>Never ERP like a mentally ill faggot
>Online only friends consist of a few people I translate anime and manga with and we shoot the shit about our hobbies sometimes
>One IRL friend invites me to their discord group
>It's literally all people in their late teens pretending to be super mature but who talk like they're in middle school, and a few 30+ year old people who are mentally ill
>Ignore them and just hang out and play games or watch movies with my real friends
Why are people online so fucked up?

You are not a girl. You never will be.

holy shit im dying over here

im not a faggot though

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>Be healer
>Join dungeon in progress
>Get to it


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Your loss dick is amazing ^^

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Then again I suppose thats better than these

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How do you respond to something like this?

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trans/traps get extremely clingy if you show them any amount of attention and are emotional roller coasters, moreso than real women.

"I was beating my cock too"


He was apparently jacking it for the brief moments I'd come out of the BG before the queue whisked me away again.

>Too afraid to get on and play any game that relies on cooperation
>used to party it up for hours with buddies
>most of them are gone
>I sit here and wonder what happened

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The clingy part I actually wouldn't mind since I like talking to people. The emotional roller coaster part may be iffy. Depends on if it's focused on me or not. Being a sympathetic ear and talking about shit that's depressing/stressing 'em out wouldn't bother me. Will be interesting to see how it pans out if one ever adds me.

>asks someone to be their wife
>won't even use their fucking name

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girl reading your posts here

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don't take it personally; I'm an autist who ghosts most of any relationships that become like that. Clingy people don't jive with me, it seems like a huge time investment for little return.

I imagine she might feel the same way.


You think that (so did I once), but it wears you down after a while.

>Will be interesting to see how it pans out if one ever adds me.
FFXIV, especially its RP community, is a magnet for trannies and traps. Never seen an online game with such a high concentration of them.

>play shaman
>resurrect some random
>he says thanks
>”don’t mention it”
>ask him if he’s doing the same quest as me
>he says yes
>quest for a while together until one of us finishes and leaves without adding friends never to speak to, meet, or even think of each other again

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>playing MMO
>boss charges up huge attack
>kills everyone except me
damn it feels good to be a gangster

>trans/traps get extremely clingy if you show them any amount of attention
From my experience it's the opposite, every time I show a guy some attention online they just keep coming back for more. I have lots of friends, don't really talk to one person for a prolonged period of time so I don't think I'm clingy
>and are emotional roller coasters, moreso than real women.
That is true trans women carry a lot of emotional baggage. And that's really sad.

>trans women

Oh I don't take it particularly personally, it's just that it pisses me off because it's a waste of time. Just saying why you're ghosting me in the first place and we can either cut ties or if it's not something too big I could change. It's why when I removed her I told her why I was doing it and asked her what caused her change, not trying to be cruel or anything but if I'm removing someone I previously had a pretty good connection and friendship with I'd rather it have some finality and closure rather than just silently removing, you know?

I could see that getting tiring, I guess it varies from person to person. Maybe just having someone who likes listening and talking would help 'em eventually, or maybe they'd keep repeating the same issues over and over again.

FFXIV isn't my bag though so no luck there.

Heh, I saw the bunny illusion in the thumbnail.

I haven't gotten a timestamped and personalized collection of images to drain my balls to and it's been half an hour. I haven't even gotten any le epice trole spam or dolphin porn. I want a refund!

This is a boys-only zone. Pls go.

None of the ones I talk to/have talked to in the past thought they were clingy either.

Maybe that isn't the case for you, but has definitely been the norm from my experience.

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Aw, they must've been too shy, how cute

Well the main reason you ghost people in that situation is you don't really like to end things/deal with ending things so you just stop talking all together and bam, ghosted. Iunno, it's real shitty/dumb/generally leads to more time wasted, but in the moment it seems like a good idea.


i like to play classes that has some kind of heal so i can survive on my own and/or help others
i even stop to look at people fighting to see if they are in trouble, if i think they are i just trow some heals, or revive them, then i leave.

This, especially as a class that's known for buffing while i'm leveling as well.
At least until i started raiding and have people literally sperging out for a paladin buff.

It's less cute when your dick is patiently waiting user. Could've had a nice long edging session with a good orgasm, now I'm let down enough I may just skip and jerk off tomorrow instead, such is my disappointment.

It was a better, more innocent time. As a kid you had all the free time in the world to aimlessly do stuff like heal randoms or troll dungeons.

>heal retards
>they dont expect me to jerk them off, cause my character isnt an ERP trap selfinsert

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>Always randomly tossed Pro/Shell on lowbies.
>Might even just follow them around and powerlevel them for fun without saying a word.
Ah such halcyon days they were.

Man this shit happened a lot when i played vanilla wow.
The best part was whenever we crossed paths again while leveling and we see each other at higher levels until eventually we hit max level.
I still never added any people regardless, but i still thought of it as a neat rivalry or something.

fukin saved

That's cute.

>"NERF THIS" in the comments section

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A dm is what social media fags call a pm.

>Main Healer
>do drive-by healing on people in big city because most of the time they just finished duel and using NPC can cost a fair bit
>get mad at because they wanted to keep their HP below certain threshold for special gear buff

I'm sorry

Did no one ever teach Usami how to masturbate? The thirst was killing her that whole show.

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