>Here's an idea
>Let's take our lucrative retro-throwback series,
>and instead of using cheap, effective and nostalgic pixel graphics,
>make the game look like a low effort Unity game
>just like Mighty Number 9
>because that turned out so well
Mega Man
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm sure there'll be a fan demake sooner or later like with 7 and 8.
Speaking of demake, & Bass never got the treatment for some reason.
I don't understand why you would use Rush Jet right there. Looks like it just leads into a wall.
I wouldn't mind a new game with the smash 4 megaman model, tee bee ach
>8-bit pixels
>"Muh indie pixelshit/cheap nostalgia pandering"
>HD 2D graphics
>"Muh Flash"
>3D graphics
>"Muh Unity"
There's no winning. This at least feels like they're trying to bring classic MM forward a bit, rather than just relying on the no effort NES graphical/gameplay style. This is from someone who grew up with the series from the 8-bit days, btw.
You figured it out. Sup Forums just hates games, and attacks the graphics as the easiest point.
My standards have been lowered so far by MN9 that your screenshot looks good to me.
Did every big company just simultaneously eject all their Sprite artists? Come on guys the DS was still kicking as early as 2012
>instead of using cheap, effective and nostalgic pixel graphics,
Even those indie pixel art games cost more than 3D, the price saved in animation, effects, and lighting make it very cheap to produce 3D.
Speaking of &Bass, it's in neither of the Legacy Collections for some reason.
Probably because they're too lazy to translate the Super Famicom version, and they realize they'll be laughed out of the room if they try to pretend the GBA version is just as good.
it's like you didn't even watch the trailer m8
That screenshot doesn't look bad though. I can cleary discern Mega Man, I can clearly discern the enemies, I can clearly discern the foreground and I can clearly discern the background. The textures also look good, though it doesn't show on a low-resolution pic like this. Watch the YouTube trailer in HD to see how beautiful Mega Man 11 is. What more could you want?
>"Muh indie pixelshit/cheap nostalgia pandering"
It's because they're not faithful to the original style.
>"Muh Flash"
Thick outlines. Nobody complains about Skullgirls' HD 2D, for example.
>"Muh Unity"
Stiff animations and other signs of halfassery.
Sup Forums's not a hugbox, that's all.
Why does everyone think NES style pixel style graphics looks better than Unity style graphics? It objectively doesn't, regardless of what you think of "Unity games" You're letting nostalgia blind you.
You've just proven my point for me. There's no winning, because you've found a way to bitch about every option they could go with.
>Nobody complains about Skullgirls' HD 2D, for example.Nobody complains about Skullgirls' HD 2D, for example.
Bullshit, I've seen that very complaint leveled against Skullgirls.
>animation, effects and lighting just makes itself in 3D.
This is why game dev forums exist.
>Nobody complains about Skullgirls' HD 2D, for example.
Skullgirls is the fucking nadir of the "2D games = flash" argument, people used to say it looked like "Newgrounds-tier animation" all the fucking time
Believe me, they went with the cheaper alternative.
looks like powered up a little bit.
you hit the nail on the head, op is just a faggot as per the usual
Sad part is they already have a translated script to go with. It's a fucking megaman game not a 50 hour RPG the script is also really short as it is.
Spritework takes too long and costs too much money.
I can deal with the visuals but what is up with this uninterested powershot yell...
>Charge charge charge
i'd rather have pixel graphics than cheap plastic looking 3D like i'm not a fan of the series and i think it looks awful
It's almost like people with varying opinions and preferences browse Sup Forums.
the thing is that we dont 'need' a new mega man game, there's a shitload of them already; and several shit tons if you count the other mm series
so if they're gonna make a new game, they should either improve the old formula and graphics like with 9 and 10; or do a new seperate series like they did with X and the others and make drastic changes instead of small ones
how about keeping it 2D but actually putting effort in? HD 2D graphics almost always turn out to be disgusting tweened garbage like something from newgrounds. they could SNK the fuck out of it with high quality 2D animations and nobody could complain.
They'd complain that it was "too jagged" if they used pixels. If they used high def pixels or hand drawn they'd complain that it looked weird against the 3d backgrounds. If they did 2D backgrounds they'd complain about the lack of parallax. If they did everything high def hand drawn with hand animated parallax it would need a Disney budget and take 20 years to come out.
his center of gravity doesn't look right when he's running. Almost like he's leaning back.
Is anyone else disappointed with the character animation? It looks REALLY cheap.