
When will Mr. Tails get his own game?

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oooooh no no no no no

You don't have the fucking guts

Tails Sky Patrol and Tails' Adventure

S3&K Tails only.


>forgetting Tails Adventure on Game Gear
Try to bait harder.

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i got big boy guts

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>all tails is doing is having a nice day sitting on the bench
>Sup Forums hates him for it
poor tails


The absolute madman

shit quality sorry. Anyway i think this comic would make for a good baseline for a tails game. I will post more i’d anyones interested

Please do

forgot to attach pic teehe

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I wonder what their diapers smell like hehehe

anyway it would be a kind of slice of life rpg kind of thing

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i just wish mr tails could get a new game ya know?

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excellent post user

Here we go!

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I'm ready

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This comic can no longer hurt me. I've been dead inside for as long as I've been here.

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Don't do it.

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>he isn't posting it
Fucking pussy

we can stay up late teehee

When will there be a Kpop game where you can fight idols as idols kinda like mortal kombat?

A smash game of it wouldn't be bad either desu

Post the rest :)

hi kaz