When will Mr. Tails get his own game?
oooooh no no no no no
You don't have the fucking guts
Tails Sky Patrol and Tails' Adventure
S3&K Tails only.
>forgetting Tails Adventure on Game Gear
Try to bait harder.
i got big boy guts
>all tails is doing is having a nice day sitting on the bench
>Sup Forums hates him for it
poor tails
The absolute madman
shit quality sorry. Anyway i think this comic would make for a good baseline for a tails game. I will post more i’d anyones interested
Please do
forgot to attach pic teehe
I wonder what their diapers smell like hehehe
anyway it would be a kind of slice of life rpg kind of thing
i just wish mr tails could get a new game ya know?
excellent post user
Here we go!
I'm ready
This comic can no longer hurt me. I've been dead inside for as long as I've been here.
Don't do it.
>he isn't posting it
Fucking pussy
we can stay up late teehee
When will there be a Kpop game where you can fight idols as idols kinda like mortal kombat?
A smash game of it wouldn't be bad either desu
Post the rest :)
hi kaz