Comunist town

>comunist town
>everything is gray, cold and sad

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>be Chinese guy born in western country
>go visit my people in China (communist country)
>peaceful, little to no crime, people get along with each other
>return to western country
>obvious racial tension everywhere due to multiculturalism
>nobody looks at or speaks to strangers

really makes you think

No it doens't you fucking gook. Beat it.

>be communist working on spacerace
>government refuses to let you go up in case you don't want to come back

You ever lived in a commieblock?

go to any majority white state like new hampshire west virginia or maine, I guarantee you will find it much better than your communist shithole country

don't stay there though. the last thing we need is more chinks opening up shitty computer stores and chinese food joints

I'd rather have a society of people mean to one another but make good products rather than live in a shithole that just endlessly rips off everyone elses ideas.

>be Chinese guy born in western country
>go visit my people in China (communist country)
>fall off the broken airport railing onto the escalator, people pass me by as my body grinds itself inside


>be white
>go to china
>what the fuck no one wants to talk to me
>go back to my white country
>everyone is friendly

>make good products

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>be white guy
>join military, travel all over country and 2 or 3 others
>everywhere is a slightly different-looking shithole filled with pricks

Activated my almonds

Sure is video games in here.

>Ass-blasted whyteboi.
How does it feels living in a country that if your wife decided to fuck a nigger in front of you and you complained about it you’d be sexist?

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I’m too busy enjoying food.

Wrong, Chinese loves white
Black on the other hand...

>live in a shithole that just endlessly rips off everyone elses ideas.

You mean the entirety of the west?

>China is peaceful, little to no crime, and people get along
Now this is the best joke I've heard all day. They literally run each other over in the streets, shit in public, buildings are falling apart and the government fucks them every chance they get.

tell that to the faggots in the destiny thread

>be starving to death under communism
>plate is gray, cold and empty

>Sup Forums-politically incorrect

>west virginia
>not a shithole

it's a literal third world country

Nice videogames, faggots.

What the fuck are you on about?
We have food too you know, but I guess having low iq and enjoying food so much is why your people are such a fat fucks.

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When I was a teenager I tried to "redpill" my younger siblings on Santa and my parents got mad as fuck at me for it. Talk about irrationality.

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>he never participated in chink hate threads in Sup Forums
oh you poor soul , so innocent

>too busy enjoying food while his wife fuck a nigger.

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Why'd you even come "back", serious question?

>>peaceful, little to no crime, people get along with each other
I'm sorry what?
Oh right you probably got that from the news, you know the news there are state owned unlike the west, who, by study, shows crime as 127% more frequent/dangerous than it actually is.

China is still living off the afterglow ecstacy of being a pseudo-fascism state and has not yet realized fear and lying about your crime is beneficiary.

>live in china
>see a grown man brutally beat a random boy who was minding his own business sweeping the sidewalk
>ride by on by bike and glance for a second before going about my day like nothing happened

>Go to china
>Peaceful, little to no crime, people get along with each other
>Friendly little Chinese lady greets me and asks if I need help finding something
>Ask here where Tienshinhan square is
>Klaxons sound and she starts screaming and throwing bags of powdered deer penis at me.
>PA announces everyone within earshot of me has 50 reputation points minus.
>Beggar nearby begins to melt, having finally achieved a negative reputation score, a car drives up and nails a demolition order for the entire street as its tainted by his low rep.
>The woman says this reputation system is so unfair because she was just trying to help a stranger.
>I apologise and ask if there was some kind of alternative option to what the government currently proposed.
>Klaxon goes into overdrive and I can see drones with the face of winnie the pooh preparing to make a bombing run our location.
>The last thing I see is an unemployed elevator technician running over a baby while hauling poorly secured low-quality steel to be sold at below margin on the international market.

The worst nightmare I ever had. That's the last time I sleep without my sauer safety off.