T- thanks for wasting our time, I guess

T- thanks for wasting our time, I guess...

Attached: Untitled.png (488x257, 15K)

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Nowhere in that says "They also premiere new video games and consoles."
This happens every year and you all get your hopes up.

They just copied VGA with who they gave the awards to. Literally identical.

What awards?
It isn't a Award show.

Heh, if you didnt see it then why bother commenting.

Isn't GDC literally all talks? Who was expecting anything out of this?

Attached: burch.gif (320x171, 1.52M)

GDC did a tremendous disservice to Nolan Bushnell, the creator of Atari, in favor of a hack's political ambitions. They say they'll reconsider him for the pioneer award another year, but of course, if he ever comes up again, the same Twitter harpies will cry until he's removed again.

Also, Bushnell is 75 years old already. He may not even last another year.

Attached: https_%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Fdavidsturt%2Ffiles%2F2014%2F05%2FNolan-Bushnell-Atari.jpg (1280x868, 96K)

Quick rundown?

Talks and showcases of new tech, half of which will be forgotten and the other half which will only become relevant five years from now.

where are the "whispers" of next gen consoles
this shit always happens when we are close to the next set of consoles with gdc

Because it isn't an award show.
Never was.
It's ted talks for video games. anything other than that shouldn't have been present.

Because we aren't. Were at least a year and a half out from that.

Different user, but I remember the retards shilling people like Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn as "gaming legends" over actual people that actually made games.

At least Nier got a reward. Then Yoko Taro immediately ran way from this garbage.

>GDCA announced Nolan Bushnell to receive pioneer award earlier this year
>Brianna Wu, hungry for PR for his failing political campaign in Massachusetts, cries about how Bushnell is a sexist for running his company from the 70's like it was in the 70's, with hot tub meetings and such
>news outlets give Wu interviews to slander Bushnell
>GDCA, via Twitter, pulls the reward within days of their initial announcement
>Bushnell apologizes even though he did nothing wrong, because what else can he do in the face of this mob?
>Bushnell's female colleagues from the 70's come out and defend Bushnell, but the news outlets ignore them

What happened to Bushnell was a real travesty. Rami Ismail just got an ambassador award tonight, but when that controversy went down, he turned a blind eye to the injustice being done to Bushnell, using the apology as an excuse to claim that it was a resolved issue and there was no huge sham going on.

Attached: The Assassination of Nolan Bushnell.jpg (631x552, 59K)

More than half of it was an awards ceremony. It was exactly like VGA's.

game devs are such spineless faggots for letting that shit happen

you have to believe women, unless they worked with bushnell
the award isn't really worth pissing on, but whisper campaigns on twitter acting as a heckler's veto makes all involved dickwolves

Then that was retarded and shouldn't have happened.

its literally not for you, its pretty interesting for us game devs tho

It's supposed to be talks and conferences about technical stuff that goes on behind the scenes or in development, but nowadays they've started trying to turn it into another VGAs for some fucking reason. At least this year they had a Splat Tim thing with new beta content being shown off.

GDC is 99% networking for assholes.

I hate hype culture so fucking much.

It's amazing how much clout Brianna Wu has in the game scene despite his only game being embarrassingly bad.

Wu is right at the center of California's highly cliquey indie game scene, has wealthy family, knows how to ruin someone's reputation, and is one of the people in charge of the GDC. Getting on Wu's bad side is a bad fucking idea.

It's no wonder no developers stepped up to defend poor Bushnell, going against Wu means your career is over.

That was Anthony?
Fucking hell

Was anyone else actually there? I walked out to the bathroom when they started the Tim award and the mad man talked for like 20 minutes. God I really dislike him

Remember when GDC featured Mega64?

no, it really isn't that interesting for us either.

Remember when GDC showed games?

Hey, the GGXRD talk about how they made 3D to emulate 2D was amazing.

>you didn't watch it
>"What are you talking about I didn't watch it? You're wrong!"
>but you didn't watch it
>"okay, so what?"
go kys pls thx

Not until 2020-21, we already got the "4K" Consoles to make people sated with the extra long generation this is gonna be

Never saw it. Diddled with a few pet projects like that on my own time, it's nothing groundbreaking.


no. sometimes they have interesting talks, a lot of the time people show up hoping to get work

Nope. It really never has been a consumer conference
Only newish game from this years show is Dying Light New Blood as far as I can tell.