"Hey, user! Hows it going bro? I heard you play video games, I was wondering if you wanted to play Fortnite?"

"Hey, user! Hows it going bro? I heard you play video games, I was wondering if you wanted to play Fortnite?"

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Whoever dies first has to suck the other guys dick!!
No homo of course

Most of /fit/ would Call this pathetic. Does Sup Forums actually think that this is big?

/fit/fag btw.

Yo I brought some friends over. Mind if we join?

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Hell yeah my guy. Lets get the boys together and do some squads. Byob at your place like always right?

half of /fit/ would fight the other half for a chance to see this dude's dick pics, don't kid yourself /fit/ is fucking pathetic


can i play too?

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Maybe so, but not as pathetic as Sup Forums, Sup Forums, or Sup Forums. I came here for a laugh or two, and I got it. Throw your words around all you want Queerbo, I could throw you around.

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You wouldn't dare


got room for us too?

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/fit/ here. You don't talk shit about Sup Forums brah.
My main boards are /fit/ and Sup Forums. Lift and be redpilled

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Whoever you are im fucking dying.

> Going to /fit/ to improve your body
> Going to Sup Forums to damage your head

You sound like a boxer.

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Fit Sup Forumsirgin here. Yes, most of Sup Forums thinks this guy is a chad.

i like the charlie day longjohn fashion here

>/fit/izen is a Sup Forumstard
Big fucking surprise.


Pot pic of yourself please

>Implying I'm not a fratboy who only really plays fortnite right now
Lets get it, bruh. Tilted towers, hit em with the sticky and I'll give em my lil pump yuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Attached: tumblr_inline_o90xv2XFEZ1t68cx8_540.jpg (420x420, 26K)

> Fratboy
> Playing Fortnite and posting frog

You sound more like those shut-in faggots who look out of the window at the actual people having fun and developing socially. Go back to posting your Le Funi Frog, monkeyz

90% of /fit/ is larping as Rich Piana.

nah dawg its all about that star allies. take your pants off and come grab a joycon

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no one thinks this guy is big
doesn't mean they don't want to suck his dick, though

this man is neckpilled tho


please be bait

Stop extrapolating and projecting yourself onto me.

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It is until the dysmorphia kicks in

okay post yourself then

my weighing of your opinion will change if you can back your shit up


>hey bro get online, We're all playing Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash online together ...you do have the game, right bro?

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>one is broscience
>other is t_d science
Pure fucking pottery

Fit is a bunch of flaming homos who are too busy living in the gym to have friends.

> S-Stop shooting hot projection all over me!
> I’m going to post anime pictures and use big words incorrectly! That’ll show him!

Got ‘im.

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>tfw my normalfag roommates have asked me this almost word for word
Just let me play my obscure JRPGs, dammit

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That guy is very lean and muscular though and you would know that if you were actually /fit/

What is v, nintendo science?

Holy fuck the guy on the left. That looks so goddamn painful. It's like he's wearing a torso exoskeleton

Sure bro, swing by my room

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Lean muscles isn’t akin to powerlifting muscle. Not him, just saying, maybe his opinion is difference depending on his workout style?

sorry but the building mechanic feels very tacked on and unsatisfying to play against, how bout we just go play good old overwatch?i will play lucio or moira or something

You're small bro

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Wait, hold on are you stupid? What do you think extrapolate means?

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Obviously smartest human on planet earth, look out.

When you have some extra poles

every day is back day bro

Sure. Lets Play.

> He thinks I mean extrapolate

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Sure thing, Chad, my good friend. How's Stacy?

His torso looks like the frosting on a chocolate fudge pop-tart.

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>Implying I think I'm smart
This is a word anyone should have learned by a high school statistics class. Come on, stop playing around with me user.

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>not maining /fitlit/

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It's entirely within the realm of possibilities that you're projecting you're own dissatisfaction onto me. Maybe you aren't, but you could be.

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Well obviously everyone should know as much as i do! Ha, simple minded human race, get on my level. I even have the pictures to back up my superior intellect. As one of you more simple minded people would say "get fucked".

Is Chad a good guy or bad guy?

Did you know that psychoanalysis of somebody completely random, and without the qualification, is a red flag for psychopaths?

Dude you’re so fucking cringeworthy. Off yourself asap

>The man is in a argument
>Fires shit
>Is now cringy

stop ruining the based bara thread with your arguing.

You're both cringe

i wonder what it feels like to be these people
i wish i could live just one day as them to see

>Strawmanning this hard
Nobody here is running around acting like these are big words except for you.

>Pot calling kettle black
I guess we're both twisted fucking psychopaths then. Ow the edge.

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that's because most of /fit/ is delusional and are larping skeletons thinking they're IFBB pros, or are on an unhealthy amount of steroids and are in imminent danger of gyno.

plus the point is that he looks like a /bro/, not that he's big, you fucking mongoloid. hows your onion training going?

you're already gay as fuck so it shouldn't be that hard to imagine

> arguing on Sup Forums
> man

OP here
"All of you are killing my vibes, you might have to back off, bro."

Attached: chader thunderercocker.jpg (225x225, 7K)

I bet this is what you actually look like in real life

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Fortnite is a better game than a lot of the shit people play here. You can't shit on Fortnite when you are playing FFXIV or Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Third party faggot

Should we still do the game thing, or should i just bust out the baby oil and vaseline?

Zyzz is an insult to the /fit/ world. Cuck took too many steroids and coke, and had his heart explode in a spa at Thailand.

Shut the fuck up, Chad. Go hangout with Stacy. user, you wanna come play Madden with me and some of the boys?

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To bh chads are the best people to chill with
They're socially and emotionally developed enough to not be total spergs or boring talkers like most gamers.
They're more genuinely nicer and more fun to be with and I'd take playing shit games with my chad mates over playing good games with most nerds any day

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>work out
>get a haircut
>get a tan
>maybe get a facial peel and maintain good face cleaning hygiene

it sounds easy but it aint

>get jaw implants
>get chin implant
>have my entire face crushed and redone to be more aesthetic
>get hair plugs which still look bad
>insert objects into the sides of my neck to make it bigger and eventually kill me
Sounds doable.

Eh, minus the fake tan. I’m brown, so no need. The rest though, spot on. It’s basically me.

"Woah, ive known user since highschool and he wants to play Fortnite with me, thats what all the gamers play today. Your going to back off, or im going to kick your ass, bro."

Attached: Chadest thunderestcockest.jpg (206x244, 6K)

Be careful brah, Sup Forums triggers the living shit out of Sup Forums.

>tfw mutt so no tan needed

Attached: poplan.png (1923x1440, 3.2M)

Sorry, at work. Pic related is me. Yes, I paid some guy money to take candid shots of me, though I use to to sponsor my store, so can’t complain.

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Being tanned is different than being a shitskin.

All the fat nerd virgins that hate themselves talking shit in here is too funny. Thanks op

You look like a more retarded version of Shroud.

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