Darks Souls Lore

What was this retards problem?

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didn't have a tongue couldn't call Anri a retard

why are you talking shit about Anri?

retard had a companion and that never works out

She's a qt though

He got separated from Anri and hollowed out
that isn't even lore nigger it just happens in-game as part of the quest line

gay af

I love how he/she seems to be incapable of looking down in the room before Wolnir since you can clearly see that guy at the bottom of the cave.

Is there a lore reason for why she's so cute?

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I just beat the Old Demon King and I have dark sword +6. I heard the sword starts to show its age around this time so is it worh upgrading further or is there something better to replace it with. I'm leaning toward a strength build right now.

I'd fuck the shit out of her feet if she wasn't such a cunt boss.

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the character creator is so bad for making cute grills you have to model a unique head.
deepest lore

He got cucked so hard he went crazy.

Tongue cut out, Way of White blasphamy practice, see Anastacia.

Everyone had one last thing/quest/promise to fulfill that kept them from hollowing or dying right? What was his cause it clearly wasn't the same as Anri's.

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It is the same because both have an agenda against Aldrich but also Horace is the guardian of Anri as he's a blue sentinel.

If you emote at Horace and Anri they address you.


You a fag or something? Why would you want to play a man and stare at mans ass for 40 hours when you can play a qt undead waifu?

My guess is that, Horace being Anri's protector, him losing her in the Catacombs and getting separated was enough to make him despair and hollow, thinking she must be dead.

i think if you were in a severe enough position where you felt like you wouldn't be able to complete your mission youd still go hollow


She's a boy man!