Look at this new nep

Look at this new nep

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Will it be fun?

Nani the fuck


Brave Neptunia, 2D nep game


Attached: new-neptunia-game.jpg (555x328, 58K)

>developed by fucking leafs
>will be censored to hell and back
>looks like indieshit

So is she the only playable character?

Doubtful, these guys do 2D turn-based RPGs similar to child of light which has multiple party members like any other rpg. The last game they worked on was the same thing. It will most likely be a turn-based RPG in a 2d environment

the posts attacking this most-likely-garbage game are hilarious because you're implying there's some sort of standard that neptunia games have

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>censored to hell and back

There will most likely be nothing to censor.

i thought french people like lewd shit too?

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French, not Canadians.

No physical, no buy.

>Look at this copy pasted nep


>No physical, no buy.
Where is this meme coming from? I saw it on gematsu too. Nobody ever said there would be no physical edition. Nep games on console always have physical editions.

Don't Quebec or however its spelled get really anal about being called Canadian and expect to be referred to as French Canadian or something.

That would be the first ever CH game to have no CE. That's demanding it to fail and die in nuclear hell fire. CH CE's have some great content in them there's no way they'd let their figure head franchise have none. Unless you mean PC in which case you're fighting a losing battle against a fat guy with a monopoly and an army of drooling retards who support his every move.

Not him, but yes. It's filled with a bunch of nationalist assholes who want to be independent from the rest of Canada. It's why they're sometimes looked down upon and laughed at.

Then we have nothing to fear, so its all good.

this. this fucking nip shovelware can't get any worse

the Québécois are even worse than the Canadians tho

>CH CE's have some great content in them
is this a joke
I can't tell anymore

But they have french esque views so we have nothing to worry about in terms of censorship of that glorious Tsunako art. Also CH will have a very tight leash around this studio's neck. They've gained a lot of good will and don't want to tarnish it. If the Japs found out censorship happened to Nep because of the west it will hurt CH but it will cripple many hopes of localisation. They are vindictive fuckers, otaku, piss them off and they will get results. CH don't want any more trouble after Dark rose so them letting some leafs fuck everything up for virtue signalling will cause way more damage for the west than it will for CH.


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That was me, fuck that faggot mod that deleted my comments.
None of the Nep games have gotten a proper physical release on PC, they just see PC as pay pigs that are alright with getting fucked in the ass by using Steam so they give it a digital only release. I pirated them but its a shame since I would be more than happy to pay for a proper release. I'm voting with my wallet here and less and less games get a proper release on PC.

>expecting a physical copy on pc
Lolwuuuut. Why would you even do that. Just join console master race if you want physical

AAA game CE
>Some faggy statue that looks worse than a $200 figure for $400.
>Maybe some tiny ass art book.
>Game might not even be included
>Costs about $200+ straya money.
>Solid sized art book*in terms of no. of pages with notes about certain things
>Whole extra game
>Data CD with more detail than Art book
>Maybe DLC
>Game is included because its a GAME CE
>Depending on game may include bundled Light Novel with extra lore and world building.
>Priced at about $160 maybe less. Straya money
Their CEs are better than any shit the west drops out. Compared to other Jap games they don't have merch as often but have more game related media.

user, I feel you, I may be a console player and not PC player but I get what you mean. I only buy physical with the rare exception it has none even if that physical (like LWA) means I import it. The problem with PC is like I said, Steam has a monopoly and overly dedicated fanbase that demand if something releases on PC it needs to release on steam and no where else. Physical is dead on PC everywhere except the place that treats PC as the porn machine, to the degree that these porn games can be bought not just physically but with CEs as well. I'd love it if you PC guys could get this kind of stuff as well and I do see the issue with everything being digital only but as I said its a losing battle. Don't give up though. Maybe steam will fuck up to such a degree the moderates will want a new thing, if that happens start making a push for physical and say Steam won't be able to do what it did if the game is on a physical disc.

How do you even know that? Almost every game given to a third party has been shit.