Why is the english version of Yakuza 6 released in asia but not world wide? It makes no sense

why is the english version of Yakuza 6 released in asia but not world wide? It makes no sense.

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Looks like you should have learned Japanese, you lazy faggot

Sega of America is run by retards. This is evident by their handling of the Yakuza 6 demo and how they released Anarchy Reigns in the West.

new financial season

Most likely that the localized version needs English VA or risk getting on the syndicate/VA bad side (just look at those faggots screaming when Persona 5 got a dual audio release in the west) and the market at large doesn't like text only translations. Then again Sega of America is full of retards.

>the market at large doesn't like text only translations






Pretty much this. They released the entire game, for free, a few weeks ago. Now they want to wait a few weeks to re-build hype, except woops, the asian versions weren't delayed so now everyone's just gonna get spoiled. (not that the story hasn't been out there since the game is like a year and a half old.)






Cant you just import or download from the Singapore PSN store?

Never played Yakuza before
Should I buy the PS2 games and work my way up or wait for the remakes?

you know the release date was pushed back before the demo was released right?

Holy shit her head is huge, I thought her being a man was a meme

Buy the P5 version


if you want to see how a videogame has progressed through the years which you should play in release order pal

I agree

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Don't bother. It's just the same shit every game with an (admittedly ok) Yakuza story laid on top. If you're going to play one play zero because that's an actual legit good game

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>asshurt user from the other thread is here


I want to stick my dick through those holes in her shirt and tittyfuck her.

this but unironically

God, I wish that's me.

i too wish i could shake hands with someone cosplaying as majima

No, you idiot. He wish to be that shadow guy.

damn you're right i didn't notice shadow guy some stupid girls boobies were in the way

because the rest of the world would bitch over not enough niggers in japan so they focus on the market that matters

why is catherine zeta-jones arm-wrestling with escape from la in that picture

>Check out her instagram
>Tits are just absolutely massive now

Shame she quit porn, granted her tits probably sag down past her belly button

it doesn't look big at all
what are you talking about, fag

The same reason they released Dragon Quest X to Japan and China, but not South Korea or the US where MMOs are 10x more popular.

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tfw downloaded 400gb of anri videos last week

is Rotund Rodriguez going to do an Enraged Evaluation of 6?

Can I play Yakuza 6 if I have only played 1, 2, 3 and 0?

I hated the other characters in Yakuza 4, so I never bothered with 4 and 5.

those other characters barring a couple are also in 6 (not playable)

Are they any good?
Any uncensored

why is this a thing

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Dude why comment on the issue if you've never even played it? Holy fuck this has to be bait.

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Japan region is not Asia region. I know it sounds silly but this is how it works there because sections of Asia predominately speaks English like Hong Kong and the Philippines. You also have issues that regional differences (censorship) and what is legal and what is not.

Some trvia for ya. English is the second most spoken language in the world and will overtake Mandarin Chinese in a few years.


when did this happen

Fuck i want to unload on those tits

She's gonna kill her child with those

These sex dolls are getting ridiculous.

poor Kiryu's literally haunted

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Some sort of error with the special edition stuff, game was supposed to be out at the start of march, now its going to compete directly with my wife's son of war.

I'm fairly sure Majima could beat her in an arm wrestling contest.

God of War isn't going to take any attention away from it, people who want to buy Yakuza are going to buy it regardless of what comes out near it.

The only games I plan on buying this year are 6 and Kiwami 2.

*muffled BEAUTIFUR EYES in the distance*

She can't produce milk with those.

>Some sort of error with the special edition stuff

I want my fucking glasses sega wtf

These faggots barely have the patience to sit through a cutscene

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These retards can't even play the games in release order, you expect them to learn an entire fucking language?

>that feel when a Triad stops fighting you and won't re-engage even if you shove him around
Is NPCs having an existential crisis intentional or did he just bug out

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To be fair, I wanted to get into the series. But the first few games didn't have a dual audio option. And I'm not gonna play a game set in Japan with horrible English voice actors.

>just learn Japanese!
Nah, that's a stupid argument and you know it.

by first few games you mean 1 (one) singular game the first one

>first few games
it was literally just the first game, and 2005 was during that golden era where voice acting was hilarious

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Fuck it.
What are my options when it comes to learning moon?

spend money on a teacher

Because Yakuza games are problematic.

Would you fight Kiryu?

he looks pretty sad so I'd say probably not

How long will Yakuza 5 take if I were to do almost nothing but the main story

>I know a guy who ACTUALLY pre-ordered yakuza 6

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if you ever need that question answered use howlongtobeat since it has a lot more users on it that can give you a good average



why do jap fake tits look like real one while american ones always look obviously fake

>its acceptable to have bad voice acting if its funny
This is why no one takes dubbing seriously.

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Anyone else reject Makoto and then go to see this by themself?

why would I reject my waifu?

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what else?

i wouldn't bother trying to learn it if you won't shell out dosh to a teacher who can keep you on track

>41 hours
here I go lads

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rushed is probably the one you'd be looking to which is more like 36 hours

her boobs arent silicone, she had stem cells.

>tfw too poor for After Hours edition

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Didn't some of the stuff get taken out for the us release?

It's just a language, why would a teacher be necessary?

The AI can be fucking wonky in 6, sometimes I'll have enemies just walking next to me, look directly at me and do nothing, then walk five feet and they go apeshit

>tfw have to wait 26 more days until I can get mine from MemeStop

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to gauge how well you're progressing

i'll make sure to fill both glasses with orange juice when i get mine in memory of you my dude

Alright. I'm guessing this is done online?
Any sites / tutors you'd recommend?

i'm talking irl my man it adds structure to your life to have to go somewhere instead of just logging onto a website

>the joker

Anyone already playing their version of 6 from psn?

How rude, assuming my life is nothing but sitting at home all day in front of a screen, even though my friends invite me out.
I guess I'll see if there are any local nips.

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I hope you're not citing the Joker from Batman Arkham Asylum as a "bad" voice actor.