Riot, Blizzard, And Twitch Are Teaming Up To Fight Toxic Gaming Behavior

>"For years now, gaming companies like Riot, Blizzard, and Twitch have been fighting online abuse and harassment in their own ways, to mixed results. Now they’re trying something different: Working together."

>"The Fair Play Alliance is a coalition made up of over 30 different companies, including Riot, Blizzard, Twitch, CCP, and Epic, that aims to share research and lessons learned around gaming communities in the hopes of cutting down on “disruptive behavior.” The goal, Riot senior technical designer Kimberly Voll told Kotaku, is to create a consistent set of behavior standards between companies and a common understanding of the underlying issues that cause poor behavior in online communities. The hope is that developers won’t have to start from square one anymore when creating online games."

Will the Fair Play Alliance be able to prevent toxic behavior in video games, Sup Forums? What do you think of this idead? Will it save (modern) vidya)?

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IP ban anybody who uses twitch and you'll cut out about 95% of toxic players

>removed the soyjak

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>gaming company


>he posts the actual kotaku link and not an archive
good job retard

This is a good thing, isn't it?

I hate this system, but it's not like I can do anything as an individual to change it. There is a silver lining, however. In these types of games I just act like the most sensitive soyboy ever to abuse the system and report people for "toxic behavior" for simple shit like if they say "fuck you". I laugh knowing if I cry hard enough to the moderation team (which is most likely full of ultra-left diversity hires) the person I'm reporting is guaranteed to be actioned because "uhuhu they hurt the gay brown boi's feelings".

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Basically good trolls and people who are good at baiting responses will be fine. These systems can only catch those that rage at the game since text logs or multiple reports for toxicity over mic will get people banned.

As long as your not shouting the N word or feeding a million times your fine.

remember to report literally everyone for saying anything, because you could interpret it as offensive. Also report people who don't say anything, because not working as a team is toxic.

DESU people without Mics shouldn't be playing online games.

And this is why I'm quitting gaming

Some guy just sent me a friend request. Should I report him?

What about games with chat?

Or you can grow up and play single player games.

define "Toxic behavior", because ANYTHING can be considerd toxic, all from playing the best class/race/hero to playing "wrong"

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In this society? Where shitposting is the norm?

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>playing online even once
I play games the way they were meant to be played. At home and offline.

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>supporting western media

You can make as many threads as you like. Your topic is still shit

>I play games the way they were meant to be played. At home and offline while dressed like a little girl


Rah rah fight power! Someday youll be able to yell nigger in walmart and not get in trouble *burappp*

Just ban solo queuing in any cooperative online game, problem solved.

>can only communicate through a few predetermined phrases
>game chooses your skills and heroes randomly
>can't play too good or too bad

Boy I can't wait!

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People who swear always make me laugh.

Literally the only faggots i mute are the ones having private unrelated conversations over the ingame chat. Like dude i dont care about your financial problems

The only that was worth was the EVO finals stream, but it's been garbage for 4-5 years

>Someday youll be able to hang a nigger in walmart and not get in trouble


Here's a novel idea:
If you actually go through and report someone for "toxic behavior" you get added to a kiddy pool that can't matchmake with other players.

We already have one of these threads up. And you linked a kotaku article, nice fucking job.

The saving grace has been SF since it took the main stage from UMVC3, I just fear the day when SF goes away, nothing but smash NRS and arcsys.

What does the word toxic even fucking mean?

This is why dedicated servers need to come back. Let me play the game in peace without your 1984 bullshit

About fucking time.

People telling others to mute / ignore trolls are idiots. It's like tellling people that running around naked covered in your own shit yelling at others is perfectly fine, and you should simply not look.
Perhaps when most of Sup Forums meme spewing retards will get permabanned, multiplayer games will become decent again.

good luck. where there is a will there is a way

>fighting """toxic""" behavior

Say goodbye to scamming, propaganda,etc. Eve cucks.

>N word
You mean nigger?

wont happen they want to control you

something I specifically don't like you fragrant shitlord.

>playing Destiny
>get into PVP
>try to give advice
>no one hears me
>go to coop PVE events and do the same
>no one hears me
>research it
>you have to "OPT in" to chat unlike the majority of games out there
>ask about this on subreddit
>"This is for the bests someone might be toxic to you and I can't handle this"
>post gets 1000 upvotes and multiple gold

I am ready honest to God to check out of gaming now. People are utterly terrified of hearing criticism in game they just want all chat stopped. This is pathetic and will branch out into other parts of our lives if these losers get any power.

unironically this, I legit have only been drawing and playing slay the spire.

a word that used to be standard neo Sup Forums vocabulary and then the "alt left" got a hold of it and now it's not cool to say anymore.

Awesome. Now retarded underaged trolls screaming nonsense can get banned for being idiots

You along with the vast majority of Sup Forums voted with their wallet to remove dedicated servers by not keeping to those boycotts.

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Then like many i just stop gaming.


IRL: Talk shit - get hit
Internet: Talk shit - talk shit back and then have a laugh about it together
This is how it had always been and it ain't gonna change because of some corporative initiative.

>People are utterly terrified of hearing criticism in game they just want all chat stopped.
Not only that but they want to get criticism and mark it off as "toxic" behavior in order to get pity points. I swear this whole war on "toxic" behavior is nothing more than a motivation for people to play 4D chess with accounts on the line.

Reported for the use of the word retarded. The correct term is mentally challenged individuals

Toxic game behaviour wouldn't exist if Americunts weren't all mentally ill and could actually into banter.

Whenever i hear the term toxic these days it either means someone speaking common sense or men having a good time

Same on Sup Forums. The moment the mutt meme became a thing burgers lost it crying like little bitches

The difference faggot is you can keep using the mutt meme and no one will ban you here

sadly in America you can actually get sued for banter and the court system would actually be in favor of the banted. Our court system is beyond fucked, and that is what a majority of the citizens think is justice.

>N word

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I'm going to abuse the living shit out of this just for fun.

anyone who irritates you, so basicly you can report anyone and its valid as Toxic

>someone plays to good? Toxic
>someone playing bad? toxic
>someone went left when you silently wanted them to take a right? toxic
>someone dont like what you like? toxic

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>retarded underaged trolls screaming nonsense


It's not americans, it's most of western world.

>bait people into getting mad
>report them for toxic behavior

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So we pretty just have threads 24/7 for auristic 14 year olds to complain about mommy taking their toys away. This website was ruined by gamer gate. So we can thank steve bannon for that


how come we know this but the entirety of reddit doesn't and uses that word like it's going out of style?

No they wont, this just encourages people to not talk during games or to use discord.
>oh boi i sure want my online games to have nobody talking in them!

Best way to make both rowdy players and snowflakes happy is separation.
Have a report player button but no bans, what reporting does is build a small profile on not only the reported player but also the reporter.
Does this person mostly report after a loss?
what behavior do they report on the most?
are they making false reports (like reporting for mic spam when the player had no mic)

This way both parties get a better experience by being paired with players who are more like them without decreasing player count and avoiding possible abuse.

gamer gate wasnt the beginning retard
this site has always been shit
its just different shit now

How is this bad when Capkuks commit suicicde and eat up any shit Capcom trashes out?

this site was great when it was mostly weeboos and perverts talking about their fringe interests

This site is better now you autist NEET

>Expecting actual effort from moderators and admins
Sounds like a pipe dream user.

>play games where enemy players murder or rape you
>take offence when they say mean things about you


been doing this on a rust server that has certain words like hitler auto ban people. shit's funny.

objectively it isnt because you faggots dragged your bullshit with you we were glad to get away from

The only people upset about this are people who can't help but act like cancerous Sup Forumsirgins outside of Sup Forums

Don't even bother arguing with me because you know I'm right

>can't differentiate between play simulations and real life


You know whats worse? I argued with faggots on reddit about this topic. They were arguing that we need to stop toxic behavior because they are terrified of being criticized vocally but they had no issues telling me how bad and terrible I am through text. All this is, is more passive aggressive bullshit from utter losers. They get so confrontation in text and when they can downvote you away and google insults but they are terrified of getting into a heated vocal debate where all the tactics and strategies they are used to don't work.

objectively wrong. You're just a kid with no sense of quality.

'toxic' is the most fucking irritating buzzword ever.

Just get clever with your insults then.

Objectively it is. You are just throwing a temper tantrum that you lost your NEET secret fort.

>linking to kotaku
>no archive or even a fucking pastebin

Hm. All this means is you have to do better than spamming ‘nigger’, ‘fag’ or any other explicitive when talking shit. Good, people these days need to work on their burn game anyways.

Sup Forums used to have video game generals just to have a thread up about video games
Sup Forums , as shit as it is, is better now

>bait people into making them mad
>report them
>they actually get permabanned
Based Blizzard

I'm okay with this.

Why do you play online games with random people anyway? Don't you have any friends?

My one dream is Hiro randomly bringing back Snacks, banhammering anyone with an American IP who has posted on Sup Forums and emblazoning the board with a massive POOLS CLOSED.

Also a One Winged Angel.midi for some reason.

See this kid gets it.

Actually you're wrong. You're just salty you missed the golden age.

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>having friends

Don't worry, Sup Forums has granted us the new way to deflect any arguement whatsoever.



I didn't miss it user, we are in it now.

>n word

So they put the mute button in your menu twice? New functionality isn't needed for a feature we already have.

You are a pussy

this shit is equivalement of getting banned for swearing on servers of a game where characters themselves swear

>tfw realising I haven't played a proper online game in forever

>No they wont, this just encourages people to not talk during games or to use discord.
Because they can't call others subhuman slavshits, british inbreeds, surrender monkeys, amerimutts, and blame jewish propaganda for every mistake they make themselves? Seriously?

>Oh no! I can't be a fucking retard and offend anyone I want anymore!
>That's why I won't ever open my mouth again on discord!
Do you really believe that?

Also this;


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you arent any better then the people who use the toxic behavior button

I don't really think of anal vore and an abundance of politics in vidya as a golden age

>Riot, Blizzard, And Twitch Are Teaming Up To Fight Toxic Gaming Behavior
>three mega corporations want to decide what you can and can not say
so have meme magick already in this timeline so I guess we are going full shadowrun now