Game gets good reviews

>game gets good reviews
>Sup Forums will say because it's casual
>game gets get bad reviews
>Sup Forums will say it's shit
Reminder that GoW is playing a losing hand against this board where both call and fold are losing moves.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is literally the only place in the internet where I'm seeing people say the game is shit.

hmmm, what could be the reason for this.....

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A board that spent a decade shitting on older GoW now doing a 180 on those games so they can shit on this one.

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Is it really that hard to work out.
>GOW trilogy release and have to be compared to its counterparts(DMC and NG)
>General consensus is gameplay wise its fucking casual shit but the gore and sex is nice but the game is way to mashy.
>Nu-GOW is set to release
>Anons compare it to the original games and sees that what was already casual shit managed to go even further south and become even worse casual shit.
Its not a 180 when its comparing something that's shitty but has ok things in it to the pinnacle of casual shit.

You can apply that to literally ANY game. This fucking board is just a retarded hive of contrarians.
The funny thing is that nu-Sup Forums knows that the consensus is generally right, so they can't praise garbage games so they pick niche ones literally no one outside of reddit cares about or has played so they're not 'going with the masses', because that'd go against their edgelord persona.

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You fucking fags haven't even played the new game and are already passing judgement. Worse when it actually seems to have way more depth than the original games with a less mashy design and more slow and deliberste style.

>this doesn't look fun to Sup Forums
It's like I'm on a different reality from you fags

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>implying those scores aren't accurate.

>unironically liking qtes

>should i use my axe?

>Non-engaged enemies stand around like retards politely waiting for their turn to be wailed on

What bullshit is this?

OK I'll give my views on this. Not everyone will buy a game because its new so you use gameplay trailers to decide if what the trailer(which would show not high level gameplay but not entry level either, something in the middle) if it appeals they'll buy it. The problem with the new GOW is that while it seems less mashy and slower, part of the appeal of games like GOW and DMC was speed, the alternate name to character action was "cuhrazy" that heavily implies stylish shit happening(see not grounded) and fast(not slow). So the argument can be made easily that as a GOW game it will be shit and terrible by removing the stuff people look forward to in those games. HOWEVER looking at the new game in a fair lense there are a few issues that can be picked up on from the gameplay leaks and other trailers.
The first is the odd silence about showing combat gameplay. This immediately caused bad faith in the game because a game like GOW was gameplay heavy instead it focusses on the kid and the moving emotional story. The intial questions were pretty obvious "Where's the ripping and tearing?" However it took a fair amount of time to show any gameplay, what was shown at E3 last year left an even worse taste in peoples mouths. The game was sluggish, the tiny bit of combat they showed looked fucking terrible and the only thing worthwhile in the trailer was the pretty pictures of snow. For a game about ripping and tearing being shown as that it left people asking the more valued questions about this being a GOW game. Namely "Where's the blood?" The game at that point in time was clearly not what people wanted from GOW and it was made for a different audience. Now we have a bad taste in peoples mouths (a bad thing to have) and the feeling of betrayal from fans of the original series(a worse thing to have). As things stood the game was trash and should be shit on, its not the fucking game we want was the predominant mentality here.
cont. I'll talk about the combat next.

>Hurr how do you know it's shit if you haven't tasted it???
Fuck off shill.

Action adventure games on Normal aka Easy.

But if you're arguing from a point of view of depth and cinematic, this GoW has more depth with toned down cinema aspects. Older GoW games would break into non-stop QTE and the gameplay made Kratos a nuclear bomb with zero negative frames to punish your mistakes.

combat looks shallow as fuck
>tap x to completely dominate your enemy
>fill up your execution meter and press r1 to overkill bash someones skull in with your fists
>throw your magic boomerang axe to freeze opponents before they can even come near you
>you can dodge roll and block because those are popular mechanics, but all your melee attacks are significantly faster than your enemies' telegraphed attacks which renders the former pointless

>Namely "Where's the blood?"
SeeNext time don't bother pretending to give a shit about the series.

>you can dodge roll and block because those are popular mechanics,
What the fuck? Can toddlers please play older games before spouting shit?

Godhand did the whole third person beat-em-up thing better 15 years ago.
Maybe this wouldn't be getting so much flak if they didn't paste Kratos into a game that couldn't be trying any harder to be a generic 2017 action-adventure. Now if the kid eats shit at some point, Kratos gets pissed, and then the combat suddenly shifts to what the rest of the GoW series was like they'd get people's attention but I doubt they're ballsy enough to try some shit like that.

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The chains are coming back

From what I remember on easy back in GoW1 you would still at least end up with a couple of Satyrs trying to gangbang you are the same time.

Bamham combat

Nah countering attacks in older GoW games was babby easy and gave you crazy i-frames. It only got semi-challenging at hardest difficulty. The satyr fights were also plagued with needless QTE segments. Fun games then, not so fun today.

fuck off nigger, i havnt played the old games in over 10 years. the second half of that sentence is still valid and applies to the old game as well, which is probably why i dont even remember those mechanics

Dumb toddler you are for saying those mechanics are there just due to popularity when they have been with the series since GoW1. Your shitpost is lazy shit.

this magical throwing shit is gay, give me a normal fucking axe

Ok so now we reach, what like five days ago or something. The gameplay b-roll leaks and we get 15 minutes of semi-interuppted gameplay (semi-int means that it shows gameplay then after showing what would be cut from there for a trailer it jumps to the next scene.) At this point in time we have some horrible standings for the game and the people who aren't happy are more than happy to rip it apart. The gameplay as you said is slower and deliberate(I think you mean grounded or heavily telegraphed here, clarify in your response). Now this isn't inherently bad combat and to a degree I can say that what we were shown wasn't as terrible as E3 made the game look. If they'd shown this at E3 and not the footage they did things would be way better as a standing since there would be less bad blood between game and core fans. That said the game has glaring issues that if they are showing it so close to release(the game should have gone into printing by now) then its release footage. Clear glitches being shown is perhaps the worst crime that footage commited. It shows that the game may be untested meaning we could have possible game breaking bugs that the devs didn't catch. The problems this raises should be self-explanatory. Combat wise things are slower, which while yes it can make the game feel less floaty actually brought to light a small but important issue with regards to animation. The animations don't flow seemlessly meaning the attacks don't flow together and seem to go for a full 180 where when it was once too floaty its now too stiff. That's already an issue for a game that has a huge budget and has a strong focus on combat. The other issue is that there's a lot of assist mode tier things shown in the standard gameplay, that's not a good thing to show in your release footage if you want people that like action games to get it.
cont. I think one more post should be everything I need to say.

If the camera pulls out and it actually goes back to the old combat, I'll be impressed.
If it's anything like what we've seen so far where it's still slow and your attacks magnetize you to the enemies it'll just look bizarre with the chain blades.

>since there would be less bad blood between game and core fans
Ah yes, a game praised literally everywhere except on the board that heavily leans Nintendo.

Do you understand how to read retard? E3 footage. No wonder you need to be told where the boss health bar is located, you can't even use your eyes well. I'm talking about the gameplay footage in my other posts. This was set up and getting the main issues that already existed before this footage cleared up.

They can't show off gore in E3 trailers I think due to exposure. Not sure but either way the blood is in the game.

...user, please stop embarrassing yourself.
>Its praised everywhere
We're talking about core fans, not the fucktards that suck Naughty Dog's dick and fall for every single marketing trick thrown at them.

So who remembers the Challenge mode in GoW1?

Are you still as angry as I am?

Core fans? What's your metric? Youtube? Reddit? GameFaqs? Or the board that shat even on Bloodborne relentlessly due to its exclusive status?

>managed to go even further south and become even worse casual shit.

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Next we get to the issue of blood, the INITIAL leaked footage THAT DIDN'T SHOW THE WITCH THING had no blood and made it look like there was only fanta spurts. This was a mistake that could've been fixed had the footage either not leaked or included that part. Because again it made the game look like it didn't want to acknowledge its prior self. It of course gets worse when you have the small ledge old kratos would've easily climbed up and of course we can't forget out good friend Mr. "The bosses health bar is located at the bottom of the screen". This should be seen as pretty insulting as it implies the people playing this game can't even take basic information and decode it with their own brains. Essentially the game called the players drooling retards. Then you have things like the kid not shutting up and talking to much which was supposedly toned down. Again people saw issue there. Something I forgot about the combat is the axe and throwing which I agree gives the game significantly more depth and the level of detail with the variety of animations is solid, no complaints there. The RPG mechanics being hamfisted in isn't that appealing for those who don't want to grind for rat pelts. The last real issue is the lack of enemy variety. We've seen a single boss and its barely half the size of the monstrosities Kratos faced as bosses normally. While they've said they don't want to spoil everything there is a limit they haven't even tried to surpass. Showing other weapons, not necessarily his blades, keep that as a surprise but maybe a different weapon like a sword or something and showing a few more enemy types in say the 2nd area of the game(maybe reveal but don't show the moves of a boss) would solve a number of the criticisms on this part. Hence why the witch part made the blood argument void, though total blood may be lower than all other games(MAYBE).

I looked at that and thought "wow that kid is strong as fuck to stay attached to that spinning zombie" and then remembered that yeah, he probably is because he's the son of Kratos, the person who single handedly killed every god from the Greek Pantheon

punching things to death is way more fun

Actually he used two hands. And like 3 heads.

No thx kid

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Essentially, bad blood and a number of fears being confirmed rather than subsided has caused a large back lash against the game that will cause criticisms that are unfair to the game since they're showing things too little too late and not showing enough for the skeptics to consider that the game isn't as bad as they fear. We know game journalists won't give the relvent info and suck off the emotional story so its up to the devs to show the content in the trailers. They did a damn good job on what they've revealed but there are still things people are worried about. If they could confirm or at least clarify some of these the non-shitposting will be much calmer. The downside with their trailer releases however is they showed too much shitposting potential (boss health bar, cinematic moments, kid that can't shut up) rather than pure undoctored gameplay content. If they'd shown more gameplay earlier then the game would have some fairer discussion instead of constant shit flinging (minus the shitposters). Essentially they appealed to the new target audience before trying to target the previous target audience. The game may be good and have all kinds of variety and be a solid entry into the series, it could also be a crappy game with nice combat that feels like wasted potential. I'm not saying the game will be good or bad. Merely stating what I've seen. Hope this suffices a fair look at the events that have occurred that led to so much disdain for this game.
Also anons, Please fucking read and see where in the timeline things take place. We know NOW about blood but it was in question during the leaked footage. We know NOW about difficulties but we didn't at the time of the leaked footage.

As a lifelong GoW fan, it looks fucking great

>play the first god of war
>eh its nothing special, just a button masher
>everyone talking about how it's the best thing since sliced bread because you have QTE sex like three times and do some BROOTAL QTE takedowns
>it'll never catch on, you can get away with just pressing one button the whole game and win
>it catches on
>every hack and slash since is a shitty casualised QTE cutscene-fest
i hate god of war so much
this one somehow looks even worse

Why do you put so much weight on trailers two years before release? Trailers rarely show off gore and such due to age restrictions. They should've shown off real gameplay earlier I agree. But so long as it happens well before review session starts that's fine. I don't put much value in trailers anyways, only the gameplay prior to launch. Games can undergo massive changes in just a year.

>The RPG mechanics being hamfisted in isn't that appealing for those who don't want to grind for rat pelts.
You don't think its too early to call it hamfisted?

>we get 15 minutes of semi-interuppted gameplay
we got 9 minutes

PS4 exclusives always cause most shitposting on NintendoGAF. Remember "Blunderborne". Oh how they shat themselves when it came out and was fucking good.

>a board that spent a decade shitting on older GoW
Huh? What board are you talking about? Because it's certainly not Sup Forums.

Sup Forums fucking hated GoW games right up the day the PS4 one was announced.

>god of soy

>Sup Forums is one person

Sup Forums pretty much has ALWAYS seen god of war as "CASUAL PLEB HACK N SLASH".

I personally love the franchise and it was always great to me. I even love Ascension. This new entry however is simply bringing shame to the legacy that the other games have built upon.

It's simply not a god of war game.

There is no blood
There is no gore
There is no sex
There is no chaotic mayhem
There is no lone warrior all on his on

I will play it but I have a modded PS4 and will pirate it.

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>A more cinematic entry in the simplest series in the action genre
Yeah, I'm sure it's Sup Forums's fault

Is this a joke? Why did they completely change the series' style?

I don't get why they are reusing this brand for a new title... I mean on the one hand it is recognizable, so it will get some pull because there are people who enjoyed the original games and therefore will buy this. But on the other hand the gameplay looks really bland or like a cheap knock-off, because of the Souls-like combat, which is totally not how the God of War games' combat was, and... THEY GOT RID OF KRATOS' ICONIC WEAPONS! WHY?!

I mean if they wanted to do a game with a norse-esque theme, why not relaunch Viking: Battle for Asgard?

where the fuck are the blades of chaos, holy shit do they have to ruin everything?

Reminder that the post 2007 gen will call it shit if the cannot do it and remark that its “idiot souls”

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Then where the fuck were you to defend GoW in those threads? I was there. I think I was the only one.

That nigger is clueless if he thinks GoW was anything but hated on this board prior to E3 2016.

No it’s just that the new one looks like ass compared to the old ones, which were ass compared to other action games of the time.

so your idea is to make the game even more boring in general? Fucking idiot.


>There is no blood

>series called god of war
>the god of war dies in the first game

Kratos becomes God of War

>enemies just stand by and watch as you wail away on one of them

how interdashing

who the fuck is Kratos?

>still square square triangle to win
>people still shill that God of War was good once

Fuck of retard

>Sup Forums shitposts every single time a game gets "rebooted" by totaly changing the formula
>Sup Forums is not allowed to shit on this game because muh Sony exclusive

Truly, it's ok when Sony does it

The only winning move is to not bring up shitty reviews at all. Metacritic doesn't matter except to publishers, shitposters, normalfags and shills.
It isn't indicative of a game's quality because it's an aggregation of the least useful part of a game review coming from plenty of people with shit taste.

Normalfags have shit taste. This place is by nature a shithole of disparate opinions and as such simultaneously a bastion of good taste and shit taste.
GoW has clear reasons to rail against it and the sudden influx of shills (I didn't even really see positive opinions regarding this game before a few days ago that weren't related to my exclusives are better than yours shitposting) with the last gameplay release didn't really change that even if it may have convinced some people.
The game in many ways still looks terrible.
The combat is pretty meh with enemies seeming to mostly just stand around awaiting death.
The camera is excessively shoulder hugging.
The UI is generic.
The boy is tacked on crap.

What if your qualifiers weren't
>good reviews
>bad reviews
>good game
>bad game

I still cant get over the fact that it's got of war: kratos completing fucking the world apparently didn't matter/happen.

Did they retcon everything he did? how does he have a kid now? where is he and how is there a functional world?

>You fucking fags haven't even played the new game and are already passing judgement
So do you.
>it actually seems to have way more depth than the original games with a less mashy design and more slow and deliberste style.
Did you play the game? You didn't, so how about you stop passing judgement?

Sup Forums will play it anyway so this thread has no meaning

he didn't say that angry user

I dont care anymore whatever thinks, still buying it. But retard soy threads still trigger me little bit, not enough to join in to defend game tho

>combat consist mostly of QTEs and just hitting enemies over and over doing minute amounts of damage with barely any if at all consequences when getting hit
Good combat has weight to it, every hit, swing or punch needs to be felt by the player.

when enemies do little damage and you do little damage, when there are no stakes to an encounter and you just go from one set of enemies in a locked room to the next one... isn't this the same thing as a Warriors game? You're just mowing down a bunch of enemies from room to room with no real feedback whatsoever, fuck dude even on Warriors games you at least get a bit of freedom to move around.

did you just explain old gow games? New one feels like combat has actual weight and wte is only finisher.

So the story is generic fantasy shit
The combat is generic QTE shit
The graphics aren't anything to write home about
I mean, why defend it then? the more power to you if you find the game fun, but ppl in this board not liking it is no crime either. Most gaming media outlets praising the game to high heavens are not only full of AAA industry shills but are also riddled with incompetent players and writers, and comparing what those outlets say with what most anons on Sup Forums makes no sense whatsoever.

I disagree eith combat. Several weapons, magic, more personal, yet still has crowd control and qte is just optional finisher. Already better than old games

Attached: gow2.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

>Soyny boys in full damage control because Cuck Of Bore is a disaster

Damn that looks good

It looks pretty boring to play desu.
All the gameplay they showed so far is just Kratos killing enemies that don't fight back with a series of "combos" that are just mashing the attack button.

I don't understand why anyone is hyped for this to be honest.

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>the one guy in the back standing still for literally TEN SECONDS since he's not allowed to interrupt the player while they have "fun"
God this is a literal joke.

Welcome to action games on normal

I'm playing through DMC1 right now, and while the game is far easier than 3 or 4, at least the enemies don't stand afk while you wail on their friends, hell they even attack you from off screen. It's not the greatest game ever, but at least you're fighting something that's trying to kill you.

I may be an old fuck but I'll never understand the appeal of games where you can't really lose.

This is press footage. Its literary easiest difficulty ak "story" one.

Well I sure hope so, I won't be buying this shit but I'd feel really bad for all the Sonybros hoping for a somewhat good game like Bloodborne and getting a GoW flavored turd instead.

GoW games are generally piss easy on normal. I always start on Hard.

The director got older with kids.
Also Sony was saying that western euroshitters enjoy more cinematic games.

It's an expensive game with a recognizable brand being released in a desert.
Doesn't really do anything for me, but I never liked GoW to begin with.

This looks actually much deeper than older GoW games.

>Hack and Slash genre effectively dead for 8 years
>They change the genre of Nu-GoW instead of capitalizing on this

I don't even like GoW but I would have bought it if it played like the earlier titles to fill the uncompromising massive fucking void of no hack and slash genre vidya.

My only choice right now to get my fix is to buy a Switch and play a 4 1/2 year old port of Bayonetta 2.

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You have a fuck ton of more choices than just that.

THIS 10/10 not just blood but violence and gore has been neutered for Le father figure meme

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As much as I like saving money, "Don't play anything" isn't exactly a good choice user.

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That's true, but the blame still lies in good part on the game's side.
Whether it ends up being a good game or not the image it set up for itself is pretty awful, and on top of that you could have easily improved on the originals without going to such extremes to alienate the original fanbase.

It simply needed a bit more depth in its combat and a protagonist that wasn't quite as unrelentingly awful (or a new protagonist).