>30% of the player are fujoshi
30% of the player are fujoshi
Other urls found in this thread:
never met more women or faggots in an MMO before. i can only assume it's because the game is stupid easy and has a pretty face.
>being surprised a braindead easy japanese MMORPGs with catgirls has a cancer community
I finished SB yesterday. You guys lied, it wasn’t half as bad as you made it out to be. Not as strong as HW, but still much better than ARR.
is eveeyone done with eureka yet?
Surprisingly no
Haven't even started yet
Ia it too late to get into this game
You have a source on this? In any event, you're surprised a series that caters to fujo loving girls is fujo? Was Kingdom Hearts and FFXV not enough evidence for you?
No, but unless you find a group who enjoys doing old trials and raids at minimum ilevel you’ll just have to skip over the 8-man raids and extreme trials that aren’t the most recent ones
Community for the game got too bad for me to keep playing. Heard they added Kefka and other stuff.
30% fat 30 year old moms with husbands on gay mode
40% trannies pre op
20% Reddit tryhards
10% normal creatures
>kingdom hearts catering to fujo
You dumb nutshack. Just because fujo like a game does not mean it caters to them
Sexy catbois
I'm almost convinced there's no normal players in this game. Then again I'm in gilgamesh.
>edgy male characters don't appeal to teenage girls
What did he mean by this?
They're blowing their load on FF iconic villains for the omega raid. I expect sephiroth soon.
They can’t because Omega has to be the last boss and not having Sephiroth be the last one would be a waste of him.
I am a woman and I fantasize about 2d grown men having sex with 2d little boys.
>>>>>>clear for one
They do this every. Fucking. Day. Not one person, several, dozens actually
>Clear for a friend
>Clear for one then farm
Seriously just say clear party.
I was convinced that gilg is normal, while bal and mateus are the mess of Aether? Well like I offered to another user yesterday, I'd be up to do a roulette with you too. Just for fun
I, too, fantasize about that.
To be honest the game has already wasted bosses already.
I liked Gilgamesh...
Just wait. Yojimbo will be back when someone with even more money summons him!
Final Fantasy game.
i fail to see the problem unless they get pissy at bants
I never say it was a problem
play WoW
>Yoshi-P just reveals FF14 player base's gender ratio to be somewhere a bit over 7:3 (M:F). However, that ratio is around 5:5 in Korean server with more female players than male.
Well, guess that's good news for all those lonely guys who dream about meeting a girl in an MMO. It does happen. I know two guys who got a girlfriend through RO.
>clearly hasn't done sigma savage
Even more worrying, 80% of the playerbase is gay, literally not even tera with its thunder thigh-ed lolis managed this, most people who played as the elin race aka everyone were straight, pedophiles but still straight.
Have you ever blacklisted someone for being so bad and then see them on PF still aiming to clear same fight few weeks later or even more?
Either Sephiroth or Zeromus will be the next Omega boss.
Man I miss these old designs. Now everyone is running around in overdetailed chuuni gear or fucking stupid ass tuxedos and wool sweaters and shit. Fuck MMOs, they always turn out like this.
The biggest problem with ARR's writing was the pacing. Hours spent on progressing the story at a snail's pace, hours of mundane filler shit like the titan and garuda arcs, finding earrings for F'lhaminn or introducing yourself to the Domans. They fixed that problem in HW and SB didn't have that problem either, but still, the plot and the characters were a real downgrade.
I actually never thought about blacklisting people for being bad. Does it actually prevent you from being in a party with them whether roulette or party finder?
Doesn't prevent you from grouping up with them via DF but it will prevent them from joining your PF group and their PF will show up greyed out and unjoinable to you.
Not at all. There is a fuckton of main story to get through at this point though. If you decide to pick it up I recommend that you approach it more as a single player game until you reach max level. Feel free to do dungeons or whatever of course but there will be hours upon hours upon hours of just getting through the main story so if you think can just blast your way to max level and start raiding you're going to be disappointed.
i only know 4 people who play this but they're all cute asian girls
>mfw exchanging crystals and lootboxs in Eureka
Someone in SE greenlit'd this system.
I know some girls too
>another asian
>damaged goods
of course
Oh well, was hoping it could make me never get in a party with them again. Pretty convinced this healer I just got in my expert bought their savage clears, was real bad, and still felt the need to open their dumb mouth.
>playerbase says they want something like what was in FFXI/old mmos
>mfw they gave us the shittiest part of an old mmo, the levelling process
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
I really like Eureka's concept, but holy shit does it translate like ass with FFXIV's combat system.
I played this game when 2.0 launched then quit. When I came back for Heavensward, I had no trouble finding endless FCs who kept asking for newbie players and wanted to do low level content. They were spamming world chat and constantly messaging me because I didn't have a FC on my name. And the group I joined was full of people just sitting around waiting to do dungeons and joined up any time they were asked.
I daresay that people are so bored with the "end game" of FFXIV they're happy to join up to do low level dungeons and raids. Once I got to the end game and saw it was nothing but relics and raids, I quit again. And with how boring the story was before and during Heavensward, I doubt I'll ever play again.
Yeah the concept is literally just throw the playerbase in overworld with monsters they cannot fight alone. It's so basic it fucking hurts to think about how long this was delayed. It works cause it inspires communication which this game desperately lacks but yeah it highlights all the games faults. Most of all being that combat without mechanics is a boring slog but not brainless/simple enough to be cathartic like diablo or ragnarok online
I would literally enjoy FFXIV more if they just upped the EXP from field monsters by about 10x and let you level in the field. Rather than having to get EXP from quests and events. It wouldn't even be that hard. Just add chains to regular monsters and make FATEs a little more interesting. Would have taken even less thought than Eureka.
But they won't do it because it would make quest EXP pointless. And this game runs entirely on its PvE story.
They could have had simplified braindead combat like in PvP mode in Eureka but makes everything more action oriented instead.
Also they could have made relic gears having non boring effects in Eureka only so you'd have reason to get the outdated shit from few patches ago (I mean, ilvl 335 for first stage, what the fuck?).
If they're gonna make separate progression like this they might as well go crazy with it.
>But they won't do it because it would make quest EXP pointless. And this game runs entirely on its PvE story.
No It would work fine, just have field monsters of your equivalent level give a relative amount of exp to a dungeon monster of that same level. MSQ can still give the most exp with roulettes following. So it would be MSQ >> Roulettes > Dungeon = Overworld >= Side Quests > POTD. And yeah I'm surprised now knowing what Eureka is that it had to be it's own content for some reason. it makes no sense to me to develop a useless overworld then a specific map that serves the purpose the overworld should. At least if Eurkea was just a map we could queue within, set FC buffs, etc.
Yes you can do it. But the minute you did, a huge portion of the population would start crying that quests are meaningless or raiding is nerfed or whatever other stupid things. But the main reason it won't happen is because Yoshi himself wants story and events to be the focus, as he has said in interviews.
>But the main reason it won't happen is because Yoshi himself wants story and events to be the focus, as he has said in interviews.
That makes no sense, the main story and events could still be the focus. I'm talking about leveling specifically. Most people use POTD or Dungeons cause they are the fastest method, if you just adjust the exp values of overworld monsters and FATEs so they're about equal then you're good there and a lot of side quests are just going X and killing Y so overworld and FATEs giving more exp might entice people to actually do those since you'd be getting side quest exp plus the mob exp plus any FATEs you do on the way there.
>But the minute you did, a huge portion of the population would start crying that quests are meaningless or raiding is nerfed or whatever other stupid things
I think this already happened a few times in Stormblood where PVP was the best for leveling so people were throwing in it, so it got nerfed then frontlines was the best so it got nerfed, then FATEs were popular for a bit at SB launch due to the twist of fate buff but that was short lived when POTD and Dungeons reigned supreme at the end of it all.
I wouldnt mind the leveling process if we got new abilities or traits only usable in diadem 3.0.
>99% of the content is shit and uninteresting but this 1% is remotely challenging
What a brainlet response.
Yeah I wouldn't be down for that cause there's a good chance it'd be more fun than the job outside of eureka ya know kinda like pvp. I'd rather the overall game design be better.
I also look forward to using mounts at seventeen
Oh yes, the joy of getting to destination Fate 10 seconds faster than average plebs.
The two glaring issues with SB MSQ is that Lyse’s character growth from playful regard to leader is hard to take seriously when she doesn’t do anything but clench her fist. She does mature, but it’s without much action on her part so it feels lackluster. The other was that Shinryu was shelved ENTIRELY. It’s like they realized they couldn’t have a primal be the main antagonist so they created Zenos but because they had already had Elidibus give Ilberd the eyes, they had to keep Shinryu.
The problem is if you made field enemies have equivalent EXP to story quests, then some players would skip story quests. You will no longer be railroaded into doing the story quests, except the few mandatory ones.
It still should be done both for more options to level and because the game is already so old that nearly everyone has played all the story events anyway. But the point stands that Yoshi doesn't want people to have that freedom. He wants to keep people on the rails.
Not talking about the main story quest. That will and should be the highest exp gain due to the fact that that's how you get access to new content. I'm talking the next best method AFTER the Main Story Quests.
>mfw you were having fun whacking the train but then the ghost tethered to you and your teammates were too dumb to drop spotlight anywhere close enough
In that case we will have this.
-if chaining mobs is slightly better exp then no one will ever do any FATE and the devs do not want that ever. Never happening.
-if FATEs give ecen slighty more then your idea sinks, no one will chain mobs nothing changes.
-if chaines and FATEs give the exact same amount in the same timeframe, good luck balancing that out, the FATEs will win because it's the easier to autofollow the train and you can watch netflix or something.
I hate fate trains so much, it's so boring because no one is really playing they're all watching a movie on the side. Those goddamn idiots take the grind make it even more monotone for themselves, and then turn around to complain yooooo this grind is tedious where's the fun.
They've wasted a ton of bosses. They've almost blown the entirety of their load at this point.
Well they've already used Helicarnassus in Haukke HM and didn't have problem making new one for Delta V3.
>still only level 10 in eureka
At least I can teleport between aetherytes now.
I guess because one is the in-game version and the other is a memory of an alternate dimension. A better comparison would be Diabolos.
>go full defense element, can't keep aggro
>go full offense element, die cause you have aggro on everything and netflix healers don't notice