Hello, I am your new playable horde race

Hello, I am your new playable horde race.

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Worgen, panadren, and tauren have made WoW furshit for years. Fail to see why this shocks anyone.

>Worgen are classic Werewelves
>Tauren are classic minotaurs
>Pandaren are a shitty joke race

>Furtard: "See? Blizzard always panders to us!"

Would it really kill them to add a reptile of some kind, or god forbid, an Arrakoa or insectoid?

If Pandaren are a shitty joke race, so are Vulpera.

Do they have human breasts? Then its furshit.


They are anthropomorphic

... ok? What's supposed to be bad about this?
>muh furries
This is not the early 2000s anymore

Normies don't know the difference between male and female models, sweaty.

You for being a shit-eating furfag and accepting this garbage.

This is the answer. Everything must conform to human standards or people get confused.

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How many women were in charge of this?

Furshit is fetishshit, user.

If I were to pick up a fantasy mmo and there were in game races that had an interesting story for why they were really into feet, diapers, scat, or vore it would make the game awkward for everyone who didn't have that fetish.

Having a female fox person wear a bikini while having a human ideal for a torso is fetish shit.

Animals should have tits unless they are actively nursing young. Including them on the model is a shit way to have a visual difference in sexes when something like different tail types, different ears, manes, and more could be utilized instead.

But no, instead we get something that looks just human enough for certain people to want to bump genitals with it instead of actually putting a bit of thought and effort into it.

Thats cute.

If they didn't have boobs there'd be a lot more questions over why they didn't have them. Females do have more feminine eyes, also.
I wouldn't like customization options locked to specific sexes, and I doubt Blizzard would start doing that now.

Hyenas are weird, what with females having fake dick vaginas and everything.

People would probably find it even weirder and more fetishy if they had proper 6 breasts

So happy I quit ages ago.

Only people who pay for retail wow now are pathetic losers

Then you like furshit, which is fine. It's your bag, go with it. I don't, so I won't.

Your comment about it not making sense if they didn't have breasts is odd though.

Do you look for tits on any animal besides humans? If you do, do you look for them on their chest? Humans are odd ducks when it comes to sexual characteristics, hell, female menstruation is even more fucked up in humans than any other animal, it's actually rather nightmarish in comparison to every other animal on the planet that doesn't have a heat cycle.

They shouldn't have visible breasts at all unless they were actively raising young.

And then you get people tossing accusations of being gay, or otherwise pushing a flat breast fetishism agenda instead.

Everything's a fetish to someone, on that we agree at least.

>not making sense if they didn't have breasts
I didn't say that. Obviously it'd make more sense if breasts on the female were invisible. But then there'd be little distinction between the genders, and Blizzard wouldn't know how to further define them. Apart from the eyes, and maybe the hips, there's nothing else that makes the female look different to the male.

I really do not know where you are going with bringing up female menstruation. I hope you don't plan on advocating its inclusion in World of Warcraft.

Moth girls for alliance when?

Attached: mothfu.jpg (800x1170, 661K)

>tfw no one wants Vulapa, but Blizzard keeps adding more customized shit for them


Different ears, different tails, mannerisms, etc.

It isn't hard to have visual character traits that make it know the difference between genders. A bird race? The mails have bright colors and the females don't for example.

From a designer standpoint it is simpler to just slap tits on something though.

Yeah, apologize about the menstruation thing. It's 4 am and I am tired, which tends to make me ramble.

Ethereals when

Attached: ethereal.jpg (800x641, 124K)

Female hyenas have a long external vagina that looks like a penis. They basically never get raped because of that and have been known to use it to establish dominance in typical animal fashion over males. Given its shape, giving birth as a hyena is a brutal affair. Yes, it is akin to a male pissing out a child.

>tfw no one wants Vulapa
You underestimate how many furfags are out there

I'm your new Alliance race. We'll end up being the most played Race on Alliance short of Humans and Night Elves despite there only being like a dozen of us in lore.

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Let's be real the reason they have tits is because much fewer people would play them if they didn't have boobies.

Titless furries would appeal to almost no one. Furries wouldn't like it and the people that hate them now would still hate them tits or no tits.

It would be harder to tell the difference between the males and females at first glance too even if there were other smaller differences.

>allied races are announced
>dope, maybe we'll see Arakkoa, Tuskarr, Klaxxi, and other fan favorites
>no, you get the boring shit we literally just made up

Do you mean these small fox people? I think they're cute as fuck and totally want them.

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Amazingly enough, you slap a dress on them and people will think they are female tits or no tits.

That's not a subrace though...

No they won't. Half of all the outfits in wow are some kind of robe or dress and only a handful of them even look that different on females and some of the actual feminine dresses aren't even able to be tmogged.

I also don't think not having tits on a female character would work with their armor system very well at all. A lot of the outfits have painted on shading for the boobs or have a slightly different look because of them which would look retarded without them. Changing the outfits to have the male look would just make them all look like males.

They kinda have to have tits for them to not all look exactly the same in all armor.

Mating press

I want to mating press a Void Elf

>he's not part of a guild that disbars non-core races of their faction
Do it anons.
Elves no longer bother me. They're like tourists now.

>not mating press every playable race in WoW

Hello, I am your new playable alliance race.

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Wow, so Horde has Crash Bandicoot furries as a playable race now?

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The void elfs are already more popular than dwarfs, gnomes, worgen and pandaren on my low pop server

Horde women better be ready to get BLACKED

Hyenas are the futa species

Attached: hyenas.jpg (750x427, 62K)

You seem overly bothered by this. Get some fresh air ffs.

I fail to see how anybody even cares anymore.


Tfw fucking foxes gets added before ogres

I want to fuck these foxes!

We wouldn't give a fuck if you assholes would stop shoving your furshit into every goddamn thing possible.

How the fuck does that happen? Do they not do medical checks for their animals?

One medical checkup should literally be able to discern the hyena's sex. Fuck me that's legitimately retarded.

Only spotted hyenas. Other hyena species do not have that.

well it looks like WoW finally jumped the shark. They're not getting my money anymore

I don't think anybody that isn't a sperglord gives a shit, user.

>UUUGH Why do you keep adding furry races Blizz? We don't need deviants here!
>Fat humans and more purple elves?? SIGN ME UP!!!
I enjoy laughing at retards on Sup Forums

I want to breed a Night Elf.

I think we need to break out Sargeras

>I wouldn't like customization options locked to specific sexes, and I doubt Blizzard would start doing that now.
They've done that since vanilla.

You are reading way too much into things, it's a fucking fantasy game. They are trying their hardest to come up with alternative races for more variety. Having them be humanoid makes it a lot easier for the devs because they can reskin and put less effort into animations.

I think we need to breed Night Elves

>muh realism in fantasy settings
I bet you throw a hissy fit when female lizardfolk have tits but you are ok with pronounced hips and feminine facial features

>can finally make a chaos warrior like deathknight

I am okay with this

>goblin asset rip
>last furshit race was incredibly animated, had great story and had a female model with an ass so fat it literally breaks some vanilla pants textures and causes jpg artifacts
is blizz getting shittier or something?

It's just universal knowledge that foxes r cool.


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Why are people hating on the Kul Tirans?

Strongfat is fucking based

Males look amazing, females look fucking awful and mismatched.

males are fine. females are just lazy as fuck in every sense

Yeah pretty much this. I fucking love how the males look like but the females are just horrendously bad

Female hyenas labia has evolved to look like a fake dick and balls.

furshit has been a thing for a long LONG time in wow
pandaren are objectively the hottest women in wow by far, prove me wrong
only problem with this race is that they're manlets, we have enough fucking short races
give mantis or ethereals already cocksucker blizz

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Unless they're incontinent

>we have enough fucking short races

There can never be enough short races.

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remove manletfuckers
pandaren are the best shortstacks and they aren't even short, they're just STACC

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But I don't want to fuck the men. You don't even know what that term means, do you?

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>we need the furry money

pandaren are fat and dumpy with granny tits

Player race statistics prove that's not a profitable venture, since they all play elf and human anyway.

if the term "mankind" can apply to all humans then I think "manlet" can apply to short women also
what would you say? womanlet? I mean, it looks funny in text but it doesnt roll off the tongue as well.
>the low IQ titfag
>the high test assbro
>the ascended bellyfucker
get better taste user

It's not important for women to be tall, only men. Not saying tall women are bad, that's fine too, but I prefer the short ones.

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its funny because you can put the granny face on a pandaren female and it fits perfectly, where the old faces just look weird on any other race.

>we want the fatfur audience
I will never know what blizzard meant by this

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They have a bunch of unique animations.

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>alliance got ogres before horde

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>Females do have more feminine eyes, also.
Lol, what the fuck am I even reading? The yiffing has poisoned your brain, my friend.

>Would it really kill them to add a reptile of some kind, or god forbid, an Arrakoa or insectoid?
There's not enough demand for those kind of races.

Like 2 people play anything that is not an elf or a human as it is, and they have high demand fetish/furbait. If they add shit that isn't even that, it's dead on arrival, mon.

>not enough demand
>people want Snekmen

I love them. They're adorable.

>there's nothing else that makes the female look different to the male
No shit? That's why people inspect a hamsters genitals before saying whatever it is. Humans, as animals, cannot tell the difference between MOST other animals sex at sight. Don't pull out "b-but some species of bird the females are bigger", no fucking shit, I said MOST, not nearly enough to justify giving human boobs to cows or wolves or elephants.

I'm unironically switching to the Alliance. BfA is the final straw.

Good idea!

Stop spamming this thread Vulpera will never EVER be an allied race and you're a retard if you think they will

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Furries and Soyboys are practically the same, so nu-WoW won't change much

>datamined heart of azeroth animation
>unqiue animation for each emote
>horde-only rep