Would've FFVII been better on the Nintendo 64?

Would've FFVII been better on the Nintendo 64?

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CD > Cartridge

>10 carts later


Only in visuals
Imagine if N64 was disc based.

There are reasons the Great Betrayal happened. The N64 was one of them.

>that FFVI Interactive Demo for N64 will never be leaked

>Gimped soundtrack
>Nowhere near enough size for the content

The PSX was attractive to devs for a reason user.

Were there any good RPGs on N64?

No. Unless you count Ocarina of Time as a RPG.

Just PapMar and OgBa

>Unless you count Ocarina of Time as a RPG
Why would anybody think that?
They did have Paper Mario, so that's one.

If N64 launched with a CD drive, it would have been similar to PS1, just with blurrier textures in battles due to bilinear filtering, field models might have been higher poly as well

This game is in the top 5 RPGs on the 64 and you can't prove me wrong!

Attached: ee9c4c7aecd0d99f3a8074c8681d1324-Quest_64_9770.jpg (300x204, 48K)

It was never good

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Epic contrarian opinion my man. It's not the best game ever but it's still pretty good. Cmon.

It would've been better if it were being made for the ps1 from the getgo tbqhwyf

Cartridges have always been far superior to discs, but the major difference is production cost. Discs are much cheaper.

As for the N64 I don't really think so. The N64 cartridges were fast but lacked storage space, and FF7 is a big game.

If N64 released with a CD drive we wouldn't even have sony since they were developing it for Nintendo

Jokes aside though, I definitely think Quest 64 has a lot of lost potential. It could have been great.

Who the fuck cares when we have this bitch?

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for all it's faults i had a lot of fun playing this as a kid