It's almost here!
Far Cry 5
Other urls found in this thread:
>3 was shit
>4 was shit
>Primal was shit
haha so excited about 5!! xDD
Sup Forums be seething yo. SEETHING!
kys ubishill
>ubishit making expansion pack dlc for it
>like one where you fight bugs on mars
>this mad
I'm genuinely pumped for FC5, I know it's another revision of 3, I know it's Ubisoft cookie-cutter open-world FPS collectathon, but I'm a sucker for it.
Got my preorder in, bros!
>"""""""time saving"""""" microtransactions
>playing ubisoft games
Fuck of drumpfkin. Sup Forums isnt your territory
I'm looking forward to using nothing but the bow and arrow, will need to take frequent masturbation breaks :D
that user was obviously being ironic
this user might be too
How is it possible to hate the 3 previous far cry games? I've never met anyone who actually dislikes all 3.
It's been stated multiple times and confirmed that the cult is made up of not just white people.
will it be using denuvo?
I could understand thinking that 4 was a revision of 3, but 5 looks nothing like 3 or 4. The only thing similar is the game mechanics. Nearly nothing appears to be reused at all.
What are some games where I can be an African warlord or mercenary and collect blood diamonds and hunt revolutionary pigdogs
First day on Sup Forums huh?
Can't wait to buy some of those sweet microtransactions, right fellow anons?
Is it just Far Cry 3 AGAIN with a different setting?
And semi-invincible AI buddies?
Of course, moron.
>not playing ubisoft games
I'd rather enjoy assassins creed, splinter cell, rainbow six, and far cry than go on some stupid crusade that won't affect sales whatsoever. They haven't done anything that is boycott worthy.
I already preordered the gold edition, you get a 20% discount code for 100 ubicoins too. So 72€ for the whole game & seasonpass!
You're a good little goy. You're shekel is in the mail.
Oh boy more
>Climb on towers to reveal the map!
>Climb on towers to get weapons!
>Hunting wild animals for resources
For the fourth fucking time
watching any gameplay video will entirely disprove that. Oh no, sequels in the same franchise share gameplay mechanics! like every other franchise ever.
just use your fingers you fucking mongoloid
>made by Ubisoft
First 30 minutes, does it leave a good first impression on you?
I'm sure it's so much fun arbitrarily limiting yourself.
No EA, no activision, no $ony, no micro$oft, no nintendo, no blizzard, no Bioware, no ubisoft, no Bethesda, man it's looking like a long boycott list. looks pretty miserable.
>They haven't done anything that is boycott worthy
I guess I should expect it lol
Thanks for spoonfeeding me, gullible turbo-autist.
I wonder how long Ubisoft will be able to milk the current Farcry formula. I want to say it'd die out eventually but then I remember the Assassin's Creed series still exists. Why do people eat up almost all of Ubisoft's mediocre series?
like what? I'm genuinely interested in why what they've done is worth abandoning 4 very enjoyable game franchises
>watching any gameplay video will entirely disprove that
No it won't, it looks exactly the same as 3 and 4.
Primal sucked but at least it tried something different.
no, it was bland as fuck
your writers were never good in the first place
>arbitrarily limiting yourself
Yes user, i limited myself to only playing games i find enjoyable and that aren't skinnerbox busywork trash.
Well, you know what I mean. Either way I don't mind, I spent hundreds of hours in 3 and 4. I know, I'm a faggot.
Joke's on you shill, I pirate anything interesting from those Jews.
It's usually shit but I'm a neet.
Reminder to hide and report the hourly ubishill thread.
Have you considered that he isn't suggesting boycotting Ubisoft, but that instead none of the games they put out are worth playing at all?
far cry 2 is still the best far cry
New terrain, new weapons, entirely different buildings and vehicles, entirely different NPCs and animals, new perks, new items, upgraded graphic engine...
So, besides the basic mechanics, what's the same?
They could do different base mechanics. Make it feel like you know, a different game rather than the same shit with a different skin
>still has a hand
muh realism
Buy this game even if you won't play it. Sup Forums must learn that KCD meant nothing and they should fuck off
If he genuinely believes that, then I feel sorry for him. I don't see how it's possible to hate AC origins, Far cry 4, and rainbow six siege.
>They're completely different cars see?
Same logic
have you considered suicide instead ?
I remember when I was 16, I refused to listen to any music released on a major label, or bands who played venues with a capacity bigger than 150. I thought I was being extremely principled and mature.
>still has a body at all
very realism
Because they're boring as fuck.
Why does everything look and feel so weightless? It looks like your character is floating in the air and using toy guns.
a statement like this is so retarded
>it's boring for me so everybody in the world must feel the same way
Do any sequels genuinely change mechanics? I don't believe battlefield, starcraft, elderscrolls, COD, left 4 dead, half life, shadow of mordor, batman, etc... ever change their mechanics.
The gameplay on far cry feels great, I'd be curious to know what you'd suggest that would actually improve the mechanics?
Not at all, they just changed the colors. In far cry 5, they didn't change the colors of the buildings, they completely rebuilt every part of the map.
I won't speak for the quality of Siege as I haven't played it but I genuinely do not like Assassin's Creed or the Farcry games. Every single one of them feels incredibly shallow and full of busy work instead of deep, fun or engaging gameplay. But I will also admit I do not generally like open world games.
It has no towers
no paragliding, only parachuting
every cool game has ziplines
hunting will not be an essential part of the game, only for challenges
have you?
>hating nearly all publishers/developers, resulting in no games to play
>spends 90% of time on gaming computer shitposting on a videogame forum and watching youtube vids
geez was 2 really that bad? that charging handle clipping though the receiver cause the slots not long enough.
well at least that's an intelligent reply, instead of "durr the games are objectively shit"
I can respect that.
>It has no towers
Ah yes, going into an underground base to unlock points of interest is totally different since you're going down and not up.
Far Cry 1 --> 2 --> 3 are completely different mechanics wise yet hit similar beats
Congrats then user, you belong to the massive casual demographic these games aim for. There's nothing wrong with that really, but to question why many people who prefer deeper more engaging experiences with less busywork think those style of games are boring and not worth playing is silly. You're just doing the exact same thing you're accusing me of doing, just reversed.
>co-op is only two players
And with that, they completely lost me. This game holds nothing for me anymore.
>Anything but fighting mutants
i'm not casual at all, i just play way more games than the average Sup Forumstard and am easily entertained.
The gold edition is expensive, but it comes with a bunch of things. When you think about it, you're getting a pretty nice package:
Far Cry 5
Far Cry Arcade
Mars DLC
Vietnam DLC
Zombies DLC
Far Cry 3 Classic
That's 6 AAA games for 90$, like only 15$ per game, that's a fucking sweet deal.
Sure but why fix something that isn't broken? How can you improve upon far cry 3/4's handling? If you played 1/2, you'd agree that it was a bit awkward and clunky. People tend to change too much shit, look what it did to the halo series... The change in mechanics killed the newer games' replayability.
I heard you can play a few days early if you pre order it. Can anyone confirm?
I can't wait.
Fuck these faggots who don't like far cry but will play some RPG involving cute girls for 500 hours.
Far Cry Primal:
Primal has to be the lowest point in Ubishits history of boring turds...
>24 hours to get 100%, but not more then 2-3 hours worth of story related missions.
>get forced into reading subtitles for the slowest speaking language you could possibly come up with
>no artificial Lightning (because of time period) makes the day/night circle and especially the cave exploring the most frustrating and unfun mechanic imaginable.
>you spend the whole game pressing the button for your much needed 15 seconds of batman vision (without it it's impossible to navigate the copy + paste scenery)
>you get the exact same enemies from 3,4 with new textures
>every inch of progress is behind a massive amount grinding for resources
>not only do you get nothing for hunting down all the collectibles...they even have the audacity to cap the XP gain at around 90%.
>this game eclipses the sheer amount of animal slaughtering from all the other games. Always pushing for unnecessary violence while keeping the auto generated loot stashes as unprofitable as possible. And then the very last cutscene shows us a child becoming friends with an sincere of you ubishit.
>all the weapons are flimsy trash and even the best upgraded bow is more shitty then the starting bow of the other games.
>the map is overcrowded as fuck with nonsensically spawning enemies that will annoy the shit out of you, and an unbearable amount of utterly useless side-content that gives you no sense of accomplishment.
>the more skills you unlock the more the map becomes filled with irritating crap that never goes away.
>while the map is massive you get no memorable locations at all out of it.
>they have Borderlands 2 like raid bosses in the game that have so much fucking health that you have to fight them for ages.
>the problem of not respawning outposts is still a thing, but this time they're also entirely boring to do (since no real strongholds are to be found in that time period)
I didn't make it 4 hours into primal, it was bad.
I did really enjoy 3 and 4 though. I'll give 5 a shot.
I legitimately cannot tell if this is a thread full of people who hate FarCry and everything Ubisoft, or a bunch of dick-kissing ubi-fanatics who think open world meme is legitimately good.
Well played.
>educated city people all voted for hillary
>fuck grizumpf and fuck whypipo
>i already preordered!11`11``1 impeachment when!?
>implying liking what 95% of other gamers like is in any way a bad thing
Typically popular things are popular for a reason. Not everyone has the patience or energy to read through walls of text in games or grind.
We aren't calling lore based games boring, we're saying its not accurate to call far cry games shitty and boring from an objective standpoint. It's like saying Morrowind is shit instead of "I don't enjoy morrowind" Objectively, its not a bad game at all.
I literally said there was nothing wrong with being a part of that demographic. Are you stupid?
>durrr grug hate open world!!!
>grug need cinematic handholding corridors!!
Are you having a stroke?
Seek help.
Another soyboy who thinks the. Cult is 'le racist'
>i'm not casual at all
>am easily entertained.
Lotta SEETHING Trumpcbros in this thread
Confirmed retard
not an argument
>I dislike a popular thing
>I am clever
You must be a boring person. The game has flaws, but it is still great,
>Congrats, you're a total weeb, nothing too wrong with that...
See, I said there's nothing wrong with being a weeb too! You didn't literally say there's nothing wrong with being in that demographic, you clearly said it in a way implying that it was a negative thing.
Are you stupid?
You forgot your TMs.
>not thinking 95% of gamers enjoy games like Skyrim, WoW, CoD, Battlefield, Far Cry, Mass Effect, etc.. over obscure japanese/lore based games
Confirmed retard. I can do it too xD xD xD Epic troll
I wish a longer version of Blood Dragon would be released
You don't think that the majority of gamers are considered casual? Think about all of the mobile gamers alone.
People praising 2 over the others are contrarians or contrarians who played it with mods made year afterwards.
>everyone has a rusty gun
>your gun breaks after not even an hour of use
>kms of empty terrain
>barely any animal
>brown and bloom the game, despite the fact that the game was capable of outputting nice colors (which is why I always set the clock to wake up at around 10 AM when it was blue) and running for a couple of seconds made you look like you were about to die
>Malaria mechanic, doctors have passports but not medicines, fucking fetch quest
>at the beginning of the game you can choose a character but that has no impact on the game minus having that one person missing from the mercenaries you meet
>the faction you work with doesnt make a change and they will shoot you anyway and they are perfectly okay with you killing them all
>unlimited respawning checkpoints
You shills certainly aren't getting paid to be smart huh
Man, it sure would be nice if all casuals disappeared and people would stop developing normalfag shovelware.
The ironic thing is that the reason Far Cry 2 has all these gun inaccuracies for us to jeer at is because it at least tried to model them. How many non-milsim FPS games can you name that feature feeding errors and misfires, let alone do them correctly?
ad hominem is still not an argument