Vidya ecelebs are becoming more woke (and that's a good thing)

Vidya ecelebs are becoming more woke (and that's a good thing).

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Sup Forums - politics

unsubbing from totalbiscuit now

Who gives a shirt about what worthless e-celebs think?

What's the matter, you got a problem with paid actors & bald lesbians going after your guns?

I have no idea what this shit is about and I probably shouldnt care

La creatura

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goddamnit cruz, you missed the two most important targets

Is that Malcolm In The Middle?

Imagine scape goating your problems on someone else and producing a non solution that only hurts law abiding citizens and only targets the symptoms of a greater problem.

holy shit is that frankie muniz? I love malcom in the middle. too bad he can't remember it cause of all the brain damage.

The greatest part about the whole fiasco was the fact these guys watched as Florida turned down a gun control proposal in front of them.

why are normalfags such horrible people?
beta uprising when?

Wtf is with e celeb these days? I came across tetraninja to check the new ACO dlc and he was like cleavages are unrealistic.

Banning single mothers will solve the mass shooter problem.

No, we need to go a step further.

>british person laughs at american gun control laws
What else is new? Make a few nazi pug memes in return idc. video games

subbing to totalbiscuit right now
nothing gives me greater pleasure than watching Sup Forums slimes squirm
we will take all your guns

But......they didnt watch their friends get gunned down. They were in the acting/drama department where no shooting took place...........the kid even took out his phone and started interviewing other students on what they thought about gun laws as the school was being shot up...........

Damn that /noaesthetics/ tier body shape

ecelebs are not video games or video game culture. Fuck off and don't post here again.


Imagine you watch 3,000 Americans die due to Religious radicalism and then you are mobbed out of your job by people who think it's racist to question that religion.

>When a Brit talks about gun control

Even shitposting is illegal over there.

this makes me sick.

i wonder if he is now going to be gunned down
you know cause every time he says something it happens to him

They're getting woke alright. I checked the new ACO dlc and one eceleb says cleavages are unrealistic.

>bullies support removing a way for their victims to defend themselves

wtf my almonds are activating now

This is the perfect opportunity to get rid of all black people.

>we will take all your guns

How? You gonna try to hurt our feelings by accusing us of wanting dead kids? Because that has already been proven to not work. Or will you go nuclear, and call us racists? Despite the fact that gun control was started as a democrat method to disarm blacks so they would remain second class citizens.

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Executing single mothers? I mean, nothing of value would be lost.

>mfw someone tells me Kojima is not in their top 10 best vidya developers

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Even further user.

Having to pass a psyche evaluation and a polygraph in order to keep the mentally unstable from getting a gun is not that big a deal. If youre not okay with that maybe we should allow felons to have guns too.

Reminder to report and sage. Even though the mods/Jannies are too busy deleting videogame threads and banning me for telling you this and that Sage goes in all fields.

stop posting smug anime girls

Replacing all meatbag women with sexbots and artificial wombs?

but user democrats and republicans switched so now republicans are the bad guys

>this is what some people actually belive

lmao well done burgerclapmutts


>guns fire themselves

shut the fuck up totalretard

I was really hoping the Pulse massacre would get more gays to abandon the left, as it made the left pick who their favorite child was, and the left chose muslims. But the gays somehow mental gymnasticsed it into somehow being the fault of Republicans.

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Go single mother 3?!

I hate how pushing kids in to subjects that have little to no understanding about is still done with the intent to appeal to emotion not logic.


Got any proof of that or are you just talking out your ass?


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Literally who? That's the guy who had ass cancer, right?

what are some games where I can post off topic threads vaguely related to video games in a half assed attempt to not get banned?


Did they though?

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Yes, then his brain broke after Trump, whom his wife voted for.


>the NRA is "basically threatening"
Knowing what people consider death threats these days, a member of the NRA probably said "fuck those guys" and the two goblins had a panic attack.

I'm going to report everyone in this thread to the police.

Next time, try not being nazis ;)


hey lets ban cars because of drunk drivers, fucking retards.


>listening to a generation addicted to smartphones and weed

when has logic ever been a factor in political arguments?

Sup Forums - Sup Forums without the porn

>listening to the generation who eats Tide Pods for fun

>believes everything he sees in a mainstream news article
165 IQ

He was brainwashed by the homophone white supremacist culture, or rather he got a gun so immediately became evil and killed a bunch of homos. Pick your favorite narrative.

>"It was sheer terror," Hogg said of that moment, but he quickly recognized it as one that needed documenting -- if not for him to report, then for survivors and lawmakers to understand how desperately the country needs to implement reforms to prevent yet another mass shooting.

>He started interviewing those closest to him in the cramped space, who told him how terrified they felt. "I want to show these people exactly what's going on when these children are facing bullets flying through classrooms and students are dying trying to get an education," he told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on Thursday. "That's not OK, and that's not acceptable and we need to fix that."

AAAAAAAAAAA! This. This is my ultimate form. SSSHJ

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Correct me if I'm wrong but apparently they weren't even friends with the dead ones and were included in bullying the shooter.

why would i want to imagine myself being a total faggot ?

there are a lot of brap threads and waifu fagging

Or they told them "that sucks what happened to your school , but it doesn't change that guns are not responsible for what happened, they were merely the tool this particular maniac used to do what he did." "He could have just as easily welded all the doors shut and lit the building on fire."

Loli threads on Sup Forums are god tier

They are a bunch of controlled opposition liberals

But NRA members are just regular gun owning americans. They want to ban the NRA so they can go after every NRA member. It's a giant honeypot

Paternalism over blacks and loyalty in return is the relationship between Democrats and African Americans

who Sup Forums here

>no more spam/ad option for reporting anymore
fucking gookmoot

there is a pro 2A kid who trolls the shit out of this kid and the dyke looking one.

took a while till he was verified, because twitter has bias.

>faggots here say shooter was justified since he was bullied and that bullies deserve it
>faggots here say that we need bullies back to make all these DEE-GEN-ERR-UTS hide their shit by beating them up
So which is it?

Holy shit man, I don't know much of what happened but how in the fuck people didn't stop her there?
She's basically admitting they knew this edgy fuck was a potential school shooter and kept bullying him instead of getting him some help?
Sometimes, I feel like America deserves the school shootings, you know? Fucking normalfags.

Why the fuck do people feel the need to be political all the time? No one cares about your political views.

I'm sorry it took much longer than the others. I havent had the occasion to practice this one. This is what I call a kill all women.

Did something happen or are you guys being upset about highschool students

Also it's funny that they confirmed they bullied the shit out of the shooter.

>"Those talking about how we should have not ostracized him - YOU DIDN"T KNOW THIS KID. WE DID"
so it's okay to bully someone into school shooter territory if I "know" them?

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>Dude it's physically impossible lmao

Ah yes, South Africa never happened either
They were all protected by their constitution

This. Why the fuck does this board consist of Twitter screencaps from these losers?

>thread will hit 495 posts at which point the Sup Forumscuck mode babysitting it will delete it to prevent it from archiving

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I am fairly certain the latter scenario would have taken days of welding work leaving plenty of time for the culprit to be apprehended before innocent lives were lost.

this thread is off topic and should be delet

This thread belongs on

or some other non topic specific board

The wrong bullies have all the power now.

>south africa
yea, south africa is a bastion of 0 gun deaths.


Woah, it's almost like more than one person posts here and they have different opinions

>he doesn’t realize he’s on Sup Forums



you can just use a chain and padlock. there was some psycho was locking up mobile homes, dousing them with gasoline and lighting them on fire with people still inside.

Fuck him - he is only doing those shitty podcasts now. Where are arbitrary awards for 2017, you stupid ass? Thank god Jim Sterling exists - I need my negativity outlet

This is why we need to tear down the Veil

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Are you genuinely autistic? I'm making fun of you and all the "let's do nothing, because liberals cannot win" apathetic conservatives who don't realize liberals took over academia, law and politics 60 years ago, and now just sit at home all day saying nothing bad will happen, despite the overwhelming evidence that something bad will INEVITABLY happen

It’s board culture. Read the rules and fuck off