Name some video games for gaymers with a below average IQ

Name some video games for gaymers with a below average IQ.

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Nintendo titles in general honestly.

That is kind of the idea though, so I don't hate on them for it.

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Why is it that the DLC gets the good cover art?



If I can finish it it is probably below average IQ game.


Any game I don't like

Dark Souls

NieR Automata.

Current WoW
Sea of Thieves

Literally every single video game that came out after 2007.

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Dark Souls
Monster Hunter

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Console Skyrim

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Every game made by those hacks

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Any decent, popular game series I don't like


t.faggot who cant beat any of their games

>platinum games

videogames are generally designed for dumbs

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>all the games i don't like

>old wow was good
t. never played on BC or Vanilla.
Balance is nonexistent, everything is on chinese grind levels. Any sane person would NOT want that shit back. The only bad expansion is WoD. If you think otherwise - you're just being a grumpy old man who hates everything new.

all of them

>all the games i don't like vol.2

American Monster Hunter

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>says OW is stupid
>too stupid to coordinate with his team
lmaoing @ ur life op

Actually Nintendo games have a V shaped gradient for amount of players to IQ scores.

Pretty much everything that isn't dorf fort

>old wow was bad
t. never played bc or vanilla.

Balance was counter play, your class couldn't take everyone down each class had somethings they were decent at and others they were ass at.

Ask any god mode rogue how they felt in AV.

this but unironically

cringe also reddit spacing

Wouldn't know, I don't go on reddit.

Fallout 4, Overwatch, League of Legends, Skyrim without mods, definitely most Nintendo games, especially Pokemon series.

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Spotted the redditor

any game Sup Forums spergs over is a good bet

Every kojima game

every game that doesn't punish toxic players

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>reddit spacing

You just posted one