what the frick...
What the frick
why did nintendo do it backwards
Why aren't L and R swapped as well?
Xbox makes no sense.
A goes first, so it must be on top of B.
The same goes for X and Y.
Nintendo does it right as always.
I understand that Nintendo's had it that way since '83, but it's still retarded as fuck.
>X is on the x axis
>Y is on the Y axis
>Makes no sense
japs read backwards
Japs read right to left, stupid. You ever read a manga before?
If that's the case why is Y on the positive end, yet X on the negative end? Is Microsoft a bunch of lefthand-rule-fags?
Nintendo did ABXY layout on the SNES
For the playstation, Sony used the button functions in the same positions (circle = A, X = B)
Sony in the US reversed Circle and X in most games for some reason
Xbox then uses the american Sony control layout but with ABXY
Stop living in Japan and learn how to read from left to right, weeb.
They don't read occidental word backwards
thus the ideal layout would be
You are correct
Most people read left to right. Most of the original Xbox used the buttons in the following manner
A (green) as the primary button (this changed to X nowadays) = Accept in the menu
B (red) as the primary opposite button or important extra skill = Back in the menu
X (blue) the second most used button and usually for repetetive quick tasks aka attack/reload/activate = referred as eXecute in manuals
Y (yellow) was usually used to change between things (weapons, skills) because it was always considered "far" compared to the other buttons = options in menus
>impying literally anybody cares about playstation or bothers with their shitty controllers
In case of Switch A and B buttons are located in the spots traditionally assigned to the "confirm" and "reject/cancel" functions respectively, at least in Nintendo games. The positioning of X and Y are the consequence of that.
I don't know why they didn't do this for the SNES in the first place. The layout they went with means you have weird shit like B to jump and Y to run.
Nintendo’s X and Y placement bugs me, X should be on the X axis, Y should be at the top on the Y axis
sorry, I don't """read""" comics, I'm an adult.
>played on Xbox before Nintendo
>play Nintendo game
>qte begins
So? You move the center down right.
>played on Xbox before Nintendo
Why is it X Y and not Y Z ?
Xbox took their layout from Sega who's been doing this shit since the 6-button genesis controller. I'd almost argue that the original xbox is the spiritual successor to the dreamcast. Sega sure thought so
>why did nintendo do it backwards
They didn't do 'it'. Its not a generic design. Its Nintendo's design. Everyone else copied THEM.
>Xbox took their layout from Sega
Are you fucking serious?
The diamond layout is Nintendo's
The ABXY letters are Nintendo's
The fucking RED/YELLOW/BLUE/GREEN colours are Nintendo's.
The order is arbitrary either way, otherwise it should be
The reason why A is right and B is down is because if you hold the controller with your right thumb in a resting position and then move it away from your hand counter-clockwise the first button you reach is A, and then B.
The real question is why has everyone copied Nintendo's design for the past 30 years?
Nintendo predates xbox
that line has always bothered me
Nintendo did six-face button layouts?
Because your brain couldn't handle the contradiction
never got past that flying segment in sonic unleashed as a kid for this reason
He's not wrong though. Not to say Sega did it first, but rather that Microsoft's layout is the way it is because they took it from the Dreamcast controller specifically.
I suppose you think SONY didn't ripoff the N64 pad for their DualShock pad just because it has TWO analogue sticks instead of ONE.
Buttons aren't a novel. You don't read them, you press them.
A is closest to your right thumb, B is right below it, and if you reach a bit further you get X and Y.
Also in the XBOX layout Y isn't the furthest button. It's exactly as far as the X button, you just move your thumb slightly clockwise and there it is. It also allows you to reach more easily to every other button because when you press it your thumb is resting on the B button, and the A and X buttons are neatly to the sides. When you're pressing the X button the B button can't be pressed without taking the thumb off of it, unless you have gigantic thumbs (or you're only using the corner of your thumb).
>Microsoft's layout is the way it is because they took it from the Dreamcast controller specifically.
But EVERYBODY took it from Nintendo.
Even at it's most basic level:
Directional controls on the left
Action Buttons on the right
One or Two indirect function buttons in the middle
Action buttons in a diamond formation
Buttons labeled ABXY
Shoulder buttons
Shoulder buttons labelled L/R
Not including later innovations like the analogue stick, rumble, wirelessness.
Every thing about what we consider about joypads comes directly from Nintendo. SONY added the contoured handles. Thats about it.
What I wanna know is, what happened to the Black and White buttons?
> resting on the B
I meant to say the A button
I press the wrong buttons on Switch/Wii U constantly because of this.
Fuck Nintendo, why change what already works?
>i don t read manga cause i m an adult but i play vydias
Fucking mongoloid
The buttons were racist?
In textbooks involving a Z-axis, when they draw the three axis lines, they put x as the vertical and y as the horizontal, which is annoying
You just look at the pictures?
Why X and Y exist on a controller? Is it axis related ? If no then why not B and C
>playing with a controller
>k-keyboard and mouse master race
this thread
How will I recover?
>If no then why not B and C
You mean C and D, right?
>internalize symbols using PS
>internalize colors using Xbox
>internalize letters using Nintendo
Done. Was that so hard
Yeah I recently realised that this is why I keep confusing x and Y whilst playing dark souls.
How can you weebs be this fucking autistic?
Because X/Y give a similar idea of relative order as A/B while being clearly detached from them. If you called the buttons ABCD you give the impression of a strict order.
Y and B was always out of the way because of the shape of the controller. Most games used A and X prominently which you could press with little movement. Moving your finger to the right took a relatively lot of time and effort especially if you rested your thumb in a way you could press X and A together. This is why games went to the bumpers and used less and less colored buttons as time went on.
good bantz
>I'm an adult.
Not if you have to say it like that.
Neck yourself millennial human garbage
>the analogue stick
Sega had it before Nintendo, mate.
Not a thumbstick on a controller.
If we're talking about any kind of analog stick then Sega wasn't first either.
It's embarrassing how the kids here know nothing about gaming history.
A = accept
B = back
This works on both Nintendo and Xbox games.
An analog stick which you only move with one thumb (thumbstick) was a Nintendo invention.
No, the real reason why Nintendo has their face buttons in that order is because the NES's face buttons are B on left A on right, and when they made SNES they kept that format but gave it the diamond arrangement in order to fit the extra buttons in while keeping it comfortable to move your thumb between them.
But why is it
X = Accept
O = Cancel
On PlayStation when it logically makes sense the other way around?
because they're retards
Massive Nintendo fag here.
Xbox layout is better and makes more sense.
lmao Bayonetta and XB2 fuck me over completely
because in japan and most PS1 games O is accept you mongoloid, if you buy a japanese console it still has O as accept and X as cancel
>They don't read occidental word backwards
but that dpad on dremcast. Always felt like playing on katana edge
The fact that they managed to fuck up what should be a standard on their platform is kind of amazing. What kind of localization choice is swapping the accept and cancel button functionality? What was the logic behind that decision? The results are just sloppy and confusing because every other game on any PlayStation platform swaps the cancel and accept buttons.
>the real reason why Nintendo has their face buttons in that order is because the NES's face buttons are B on left A on right
The real reason why Nintendo has their face buttons in that order is because it's their design and they can do what the fuck they want with it while everyone looks over their shoulder to copy.
What did she mean by this?
>Nintendo invented arcade games
Okay kiddo
>even Mario Odyssey used B as the jump button
Their outdated format needs to go.
>implying Nintendo didn't pioneer the video game controller as we know it today
The fuck are you even on about?
This is very upsetting
Something buggin you
You mean generation Z, everyone is a fucking millenial
stay mad
>multiplat game compensates for he letter change but now the position of every button is wrong in my mind.
i dont know whats worse between the letters or positions being wrong
Honestly, I grew up with an original Xbox controller and I could say that the black and white buttons were the wors part of it, Unlike L1 L2 from the Playstation, it was uncomfortable to press them simultaneously, you had to use your right thump (and release any button/stick you were using) and were almost hidden.in the layout. I can see why they change that.
>What is SNES
Wait nevermind, I forgot that most people here weren't even alive during that time.
QTE's on the Switch and Dreamcast make me want to kill someone
>Press the Y button
>Press the fucking green button