Far Cry 5

Five (5!) days!

What system are you buying it for? I'm considering buying it for the PS4 since it's mainly a single-player game so I'm okay with changing precision for laying down in my cozy sofa.

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never ever

Buying it for PS4. I almost don't want to, but as a Montanan I feel obligated.

Plus, if I don't like it, I can just livestream myself cumming onto the disc and then mailing it to the developers' office, with a map of the USA and a note saying "why do they have southern accents you geographically retarded canadians?"

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Nobody is buying Far Cry 5

>you can't play PC vidya on the sofa

This is some weird shilling you're doing OP

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>Buying it for PS4

>obama-loving libertard

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>buying Far Cry 5
>buying a FPS for a console, ever
>shilling on Sup Forums

just get out

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Got it on PC. Concerned about day one since I upgraded to an i7-8700k. Primal had issues with some i7 chips day one.

To be fair, it's a fictional place.

I'll buy it in a year, at 66% off

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do americans really love the taste of sausages so they pretend to smoke them?

I can't because I need my computer in my office.

My computer needs repairs.

Okay but it's heavily based in reality, I literally don't know a single fucking person around here who has a southern accent that isn't from the south. It's fucking stupid and insulting. They're so goddamn lazy they couldn't even get our accents right.

>I called them retarded
Did you mean to just quote the first guy or?

lol, because nobody cares abotu your fucking state, you fucking faggot. lmao

>lol its your fault game developers are lazy and still charge you 60 dollars for an incomplete game xD
You know what? I'll just pirate it.

oh so that explains why OP is shilling the PS4 version

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didnt say it was your fault, I just said you're a faggot, lol

No one to play it with so I think it's a pirate for me. Does it have Denuvo? I don't mind waiting.



I'm actually glad nobody cares about my state except the people living in it. Helps keep the soyboys and SJW faggots away.

This is a shill thread you think we don't know your tactics Ubisoft

Lost interest 2/3 into FarCry 3.
FarCry 1 & 2 are vidya-kino. Vaas was the only interesting point of 3, after him, it all fell apart.
Never played 4, and I have no interest in 5...unless they bring back Trigens.

Didn't Ubishit make a universe that merges all their IP's together? Isn't it all set within Assassin's Creed universe?

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I'm not that interested in Far Cry, sorry Ubisoft shill, I'll just pirate it once its cracked and mess around for few hours before uninstalling

>not PC K/B

anyway now we can live out the dream of blasting away hick redneck amerimutt jaysus freaks in vidya

Doesn't really matter much if the game is single-player only desu.

That site was my life when I was a kid

More dull ubisoft trash. Yawn

Pre-ordered the gold edition. I said it in a thread before, there's nothing wrong in spending 90$ on a game when there are no other good games coming out for months after.


I can grow a fucking huge beard and shit like this makes me hate beards and shave

The guy to the right looks like the guy in Witcher 3: Heart of Stone

The dlc has me interested in picking up a goty or complete edition for cheap in a year or so.


Can you customize weapons again? FC4 had shit-tier weapon mods compared to FC3.

>ubishill advertising his AAA microtransaction game again

shove your micro transactions up your ass

If it's like in Assassin's Creed Origins there's literally nothing wrong with them. They don't affect the gamepacing the slightest, unlike Shadow of Greed.

The plan on long-term supporting the online part of the game. It's going to be like GTA V again with a 60$ price for years.

The brief snippets I saw on various videos said they couldn't go into detail, but did say they had tons of customization options. However there are microtransactions so it's probably within the realm of possibility that some parts might be locked behind a paywall unless you find them, similar to how Ghostlands worked.

Ghostlands had a bunch of exclusive weapons and items locked behind a paywall that offered better options and utility over most weapons in-game like built-in silencers, etc.

fuck off kike. no one wants your microtransactions in our full priced games. shove them up YOUR ASS

is this game getting the AC origins treatment or is it the same bullshit FC game as the last one? haven't played since FC3

My guess is non-intrusive microtransactions like Ghostlands and AC Origins. Lots of things from FC3/4/Primal didn't carry over like the towers. They also redid the stealth mechanic which sounds nice.

It's only for cosmetics that can be obteined through gameplay, no need to be autistic

it mostly retains the FC3 mechanics but it has lost the towers, minimap and the map is less playground-y.

microtransactions in a $60 single player shooter

Last time enemies were a threat was in FC2
The "Do it your way!" bullshit needs to stop

The only Far Cry games I’ve enjoyed enough to beat are Far Cry Instincts, Blood Dragon, and Primal
That being said, this one has me excited the most due to the ‘wacky’ dlc episodes.

>got invited to Map Editor beta
>having a blast
>hate how some mechanics feel clumsy or an afterthought
>only a few days until release

I really, really hope they fixed this shit.

>Play the exact same game in tropical islands!
>Play the exact same game in the Himalayas!
>Play the exact same game in prehistory!
>Play the exact same game in...bumfuck Montana?

What's the appeal with this one?

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Removed towers, went back to basics, just a few things. If you don't like it, don't play it. Sup Forums hates fun and buzzwords obviously.

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>walk around easily killing shitty human enemies
>do shit around the map to make it even easier

>press buttons
>tellywelly makes blingbling boingo noises
>computer in my head tells me this is exciting
>it is!

merryment all around!

I'm sure those weeb games that keep talking shit about the power of friendship, the lewd undertones, and pantyshots will tide you over until the japs fart out another one your way.

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if your game is f2p, then microtransactions away
but people are paying $60 dollar upfront in a single player game and still have MTX
fuck you ubishills

you're the type of nigga to walk into a movie theatre, pay for a ticket and then bitch and moan when there's adverts for food and concessions

just kill yourself, your opinion is fucking worthless to anyone and everyone.

>b-b-but weebs!
you are pathetic
don't have to be a weeb to see how mediocre far cry is and how shit ubisoft is

no user has a point and your just being a faggot

I've seen food analogies that make more sense than the garbage you are spouting

way to ignore all the criticism you dipshit

I'm not buying it Ubisoft shill. Far Cry is trash and this game looked terrible from the gameplay I've seen.

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Too obvious. Too easy.

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redneck alert

It's a shame FarCry Arcade won't be F2P. It'll die just like every other FC MP just because it's pay-gated.