I don't get it

Why Goku?
Why have the millenial autists latched on to this particular anime character to shill for Smash?

People cite that he has been in many video games, but so has Mickey Mouse, Shrek, Spongebob, basically anyone. What makes Goku so special as to break the fundamental idea of Smash Bros and start introducing cartoon characters to the roster? Is Dragon Ball even particularly important to it's own medium?

Some people say Namco owns the videogame licence for Dragonball, so why not. WHY NOT? Square Enix owns the videogame license for Marvel, but Nintendo chose to put Cloud in over Iron Man. You know why? BECAUSE HE'S VIDEO GAMES. I don't care how many licensed pieces of shit vidya that cunt has been in, he does not come from or define video games, and never will.

Yeah, putting Goku in would cause a shitstorm. So would putting in Harry Potter. Not gonna happen, retards.

Who the fuck wants to start seeing cartoon/TV characters in Smash?

Fucking why?

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Why not?

He's many people's very first anime.

goku's been in more video games than cloud bud

He's cool.

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It's fucking Goku. Why wouldn't you want him?

Dragonball z is a more popular video game than it is an anime. At least to Western audiences.

Goku in smash is a fucking miiverse meme

I want to see that shitstorm happen, I want to see a character trailer where right at the end Goku's silhouette appears Cha-la Head Cha-la starts playing and then the internet is engulfed in flames.

[citation needed]

They'll use the american DBZ theme and you will love it.

>What makes Goku so special as to break the fundamental idea of Smash Bros and start introducing cartoon characters to the roster?
Let us not forget that the fundamental idea of Smash Bros wasn't "video game all-stars", it was "NINTENDO all-stars", so the fundamental idea was already broken in Brawl and then pushed to the limit by characters like Cloud who have no fucking relation to Nintendo whatsoever. Sakurai didn't want to put Mii's in Brawl because he felt like they didn't fit the spirit of Smash, but then he said "fuck it" and put those shitty things in Smash 4 anyway. Oh yeah, and are we just going to ignore that doctor fucking Kawashima is an Assist Trophy? He's not a Nintendo character, he's a real-life neuroscientist, it doesn't matter if he's polygonal or not.

Basically, Sakurai isn't exactly known for following his own "rules". You're getting Laboman, Nintendog, Sans and Goku and you'll pay 60+ bucks for the privilege.

>mfw he becomes exclusive only for the US/Asian market and excluded in Latin America for going against Toei's demands

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>Sakurai didn't want to put Mii's in Brawl because he felt like they didn't fit the spirit of Smash
He did want to put them in Brawl but didn't have time or an idea of how to use them back then.

Dude, goku in smash has been a meme since fucking gamefaqs when melee was announced

>Western audiences

Who cares? Smash is Japanese.

And when has Sakurai ever cared about what western audiences think?

dragonball is rad

smash bros is all about power level
goku is japanese superman

what is there not to get?

Everyone knows Son Goku, everyone watched his show when they were young.

Also why not?

Now that I think about it a lot, Goku would actually be pretty cool to play as.

>Incorporating Miis was explored in the previous game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but I thought it over for about a minute and immediately decided against it
The quote from the man himself. Although even without the Mii part my point still stands - Sakurai's a fucking retard and will break his "rules" whenever he feels like it.

I don't want Goku but you can't just dismiss the Western audience entirely, it's a big market. While clearly Nintendo is willing to put in characters specifically for the Japanese like Fire Emblem stuff when the West didn't give a shit about Fire Emblem, the west is still a significant market to sell to.

And he's still not going to start putting anime characters in Smash.

Everyone knows Mickey Mouse, why not him?

>Square Enix owns the videogame license for Marvel

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>smash bros is all about power level
Umm since when?

Reminder that even Funimation wants Goku in Smash

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I don't think he will either but the people considering it as a complete 0% chance instead of 0.001 seriously haven't been with the Smash series for long enough. If you told a Meleefag in 2003 that Solid Snake was going to be in the next game they'd tell you to fuck off.

For what? When they aired the Jiren and Goku fight live?

Gokufags cannot refute the following statement:

Goku did not originate in a video game.

I'm not even asking why Sakurai would put him in.

I'm asking why people even want him? Is it just because a lot of millenials used to watch the anime in the morning before school? Because that's a retarded reason

>While clearly Nintendo is willing to put in characters specifically for the Japanese like Fire Emblem stuff when the West didn't give a shit about Fire Emblem

It's almost like Nintendo is a Japanese company or something

Dragonball is a very old and popular anime
Dragonball and Smash have a lot of crossover when it comes to fanbases. Fighterz is by far the most popular fighter I've seen within the Smash community.

I'm not sure how many of those people actually like Goku, to be honest. But if DB is going to be represented he's the obvious choice.

DB characters play very good in 2D fighters, specially one with fast paced movement, lot of space and free usage of abilities like smash, I'd actually pay a shitload of money for a DB game with the Smash engine.
Goku could be a super fun character to play as. Aren't you the one who's counter shilling saying rejecting a character that could be potentially very fun because you don't like the show?

We have Lucario, he's basically Goku with more hair.

no one gives a shit about Funimation.
Especially now.

>giving a shit what some gaijin whitu piggu wants

Up B: Instant Transmission or Nimbus

Side B: power pole or Dragon Fist

Normal B: Kamehameha

Down B: Not too sure. Maybe Kaioken that augments his other attacks?

Final Smash: Would say super saiyan but Sonic's dumbass will be in. Maybe Spirit Bomb?

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Because DBZ is fucking HYPE!
Something that Smash needs after Brawl and 4 took it all away

Also there are many people who played the DBZ games without watching the anime because they were everywhere during the PS2 era.
Some might forget that there are 9 (!) DBZ PS2 games

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>So would putting in Harry Potter. Not gonna happen, retards.

You have no idea how close you were to being wrong.


It has nothing to do with liking the show or not. The point is Smash is for video game characters and Goku is ANIME. Can you shonen faggots get that through your thick skulls?

>What makes Goku so special as to break the fundamental idea of Smash Bros and start introducing cartoon characters to the roster? Is Dragon Ball even particularly important to it's own medium?
Son Goku is fundamentally about fighting
Mickey Mouse, Shrek, Spongebob are not

You are a millennial


>I'm asking why people even want him?
Because they like both Smash Bros. and Dragon Ball? Seems obvious to me

Villager fights for his right to PAAAAARTY

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Kid Goku would fit way better with smash's theme and his kit would be more original with a combination of nimbus and the staff plus Kamehameha.
If they add adult Goku theyll be forced to add ssj blue and transformations which would suck.
Just imagine both kids and adults Goku as smash, which one makes more sense to you?

I gave you a reason for why Son Goku is particularly relevant to a fighting game even if he is not a video game character originally and you respond with a video game character who is not about fighting.

What's your point?

Here's proof that Goku isn't as big as people here think

There are at least 50 vidya characters with more selling power than Goku

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>nintendo tried to acquire the license for harry potter games decades ago and failed, that means harry potter has a chance

Not very bright, are you?

Give me all the Kakarots.

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yes, Vendetta

Google how much the Dragon ball IP makes overall and post that shit again.

Super Saiyan could be a ground-based counterpart to Super Sonic.

Goku just runs around smacking motherfuckers out of the way.

I don't like shounen and I don't even like DB other than nostalgia.
Doesn't stop me from thinking Goku could be a very fun character in smash. DB has a long enough history of videogames throughout every single platform to justify it's appearance.
And anyway who the fuck cares as long as the character is fun, why are you so obsessed.

>Not vidya
Are you actually gay or just pretending.

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>DB is about fighting, therefore Goku should be in a fighting game dedicated to video game history

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dragon ball influenced not only manga but games as well. so many games borrow cues from dragon ball, especially z. energy blasts, spiked hair, goofy protagonists. not that dragon ball invented this, but you see it play out in a way that’s reminiscent of dragon ball over and over again. the show itself feels like a video game in a lot of ways. fighterz was real popular, xenoverse too. yeah it’s kind of a long shot, but it feels possible lately. i think it would be hilarious to open the trailer like a chrono trigger teaser and have goku appear instead.

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Not if the Especialista has anything to say.

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Cloud is in Smash. He signifies the death of 3rd party support on Nintendo consoles and he is in Smash. Any character is fair game at this point. There are also so many characters in this game that Goku is pretty much the only one they can add that people would be surprised for AND care about.

I care because he doesn't belong you fucking autistic fuck.
>DB has a long enough history of videogames
So do lots of franchises, doesn't matter

The biggest tell is that Namco holds the rights for DB games. I'm sure they strike a deal of some sort.

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Read my post again, dimwit. I didn't say you're wrong, I said you were CLOSE to being wrong.

If Rowling hadn't turned Nintendo down, Harry Potter would be a viable addition to Smash.

Cloud is a video game character that originated in a video game

>Some might forget that there are 9 (!) DBZ PS2 games
There are 35 (!) Nintendo exclusive Bomberman games. Over 50 altogether. He's the true 3rd party rep you should want.

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I don't know if he should be in Smash, but it's the reason he stands out compared to Mickey Mouse, Shrek and Spongebob

>Goku never got a form with green hair

they have lots of properties though, right? dark souls is bm namco right

Can we have Neo from the Matrix then?

It would be so awesome, and he fights too! It's perfect!

How does he not belong? Explain.
Why does it matter if he ORIGINATED from a video game. Explain

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>Neo from the Matrix
literally who?

Cloud himself is the only reason people say "video game history" as opposed to "Nintendo history". There's no reason they can't just keep expanding it. Either that or obviously what you believe Smash is isn't what Nintendo believes it is.

And people who like Marvel like Star Wars, but I don't see anyone asking for Darth Vader in Avengers 3.

>So do lots of franchises, doesn't matter
name some of those "lot" that are on the same level as DBZ

Dragon Ball is honorary vidya, deal with it loser

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>baby jiren

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His franchise started on Nintendo.

And he IS the most popular Final Fantasy character.

Plus, the whole Link/Cloud rivalry.

You're the one who seems autistic when an arbitrary entertainment media clasification is your way of deciding what belongs and what doesn't.
Non Nintendo characters also didn't belong until they did, im pretty sure you also cried about that.
The thing is, if DB was videogames and they added Goku and ended up being super fun to play, would you rather miss that character entirely just because he doesn't fit your definition of what belongs? Enjoy your nth Mario skin.

Based ribrianne poster



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>Smash is about VIDEO GAME HISTORY
Revisionist autism. Smash is (or rather, was) about Nintendo history, and they already went and fucked that up over a decade ago. Why are you so certain they won't do so again?

>all about power level

A large portion of Smashs characters aren't even combatants.

They will put El Hermano in smash instead

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Brawl removed the rule of characters not originating from a game owned by Nintendo. Why can't 5 remove the rule of characters not originating from a video game at all?

pokemon was initially a card game before it was a videogame and it gets in

Google how much the Batman IP makes overall and tell me why he shouldn't get in Smash

snake was in Brawl and he originated from a movie.


all you're gonna get from this point on is reasons why they shouldn't or wouldn't. Not why they can't.


Dragon Quest deserves a rep. We didn't get so much as a Mii costume last time.

Every character in Smash has been affiliated in Nintendo in some way or is actually important to video game history like Pac-man. All Goku has is some shitty games only weebs and mexicans care about.

Gokufags are more mentally ill than KRoolfags and Ridleyfags.
Maybe even more than Sansfags.
At least they have a video game origin.
And Goku is not vidya, no matter the mental gymnastics. An anime character that gets a video game is an anime character. It is just like the tranny problem. If you are born a male, you are biologically a male, no matter what treatments and surgeries you do.

Can you show us where Sakurai said he'd never use non-Nintendo characters?

Sonic was on a sega consoles. Sega doesn't make consoles anymore, hence sonic games on nintendo platforms. Sonic in smash.

Go fuck yourself.

Then why not remove the rule that they have to be in a video game character at all? Or why not just start using real people? Donald Trump confirmed!

>non video-game characters can't appear in Sma-

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U fockin' wot m8.

>And anyway who the fuck cares as long as the character is fun, why are you so obsessed.

That's a movie, not a videogame.

Take note that said videogame is entirely fanservice.


Because it's not like Sonic and Mario have history together.

Their rivalry totally didn't impact the industry during the nineties in any way.