Do you agree video game-wise?
Do you agree video game-wise?
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I bought a new PC in late 2004 so yeah that was awesome. I think KOTOR 2 had some performance problems right?
Yes. Also movie wise because Revenge of the Sith is unironically kino.
I miss them, bros.
lol no, the prequels were all fucking garbage
More or less.
There were plenty of good Star Wars games before though, Dark Forces, Shadows of the Empire, etc.
None of the prequels are inherently bad films, just not up to par with the standard set by their predecessors, and dated CGI, but they did spawn the best era of non-movie Star Wars content.
Video games yes, RotS is shit though. People confuse "so bad it's entertaining" with actually good.
This, basically everyone agrees that pre-Empire Star Wars is fucking awesome
it also birthed pic related, arguably one of the best children's shows ever made
>None of the prequels are inherently bad films
Go home, George.
the prequels are better than disneyshit
While you may be right, I think most people would rather re watch episode 3 than the forgettable nothings that 7 and 8 are.
It's better to be bad in certain ways sometimes.
I don't even think there's been any decent Star Wars vidya since. Maybe Empire at War, I can't actually remember if that came out before or after ROTS.
RotS PS2/Xbox is my favorite lightsaber combat game and I like all the other games there too, so yeah.
The problem is that Disney is really stingy with the Star Wars license when really they should be a lot more loose. Don't just let EA handle it, let any competent and willing developer give it a shot. Yes there will be plenty of duds but we're used to that, the shit will be forgotten and the gems will be propped up.
Look at the amount of licensed Warhammer shit getting released. I don't think any company that cares about its brand is going to find it acceptable
Kill yourself. The prequels were way better than the sequels, with all its glaring flaws.
Fuck off George
That senile old coot was better than the evil we have now.
It's strange to think that the only SW shit I care about came out eons ago.
>Rogue Squadron trilogy
>Pandemicfront 1 and 2
>Pandemic Clone Wars
>Galactic Battlegrounds
>TIE Fighter
>Empire at War
>Republic Commando
>Jedi Knight games
>old EU comics
It's a gigantic successful franchise, and it hasn't caught my attention for over a decade.
What games have a decent Empire campaign?
No. RotS sucks and even though it has a bad story Jedi Outcast is my favorite Star Wars game.
TIE Fighter
Battlefront 2
lego star wars was A+
>turning on invincibility and going full genocide on the geonosians in the colloseum
Nope, shit movie, and shit games. I know you're still young but at least play the Jedi Knight series before shilling garbage like KOTOR
I'm still fucking butthurt that Imperial Rogue Squadron game never got made.
First few missions of The Force Unleashed
TCW is a great show but I could do without some of the stupider things it contributed to the greater story. Its best moments are in the more self-contained stories. The more ambitious stuff -- Maul's revival, Mortis, Ahsoka in general to an extent -- is often a mess.
I like KOTOR II but they whole "gray side of the force" was stupid, light and dark side powers isn't some kind of black/white dichotomy, they're literally just different sets of powers
>None of the prequels are inherently bad films, just not up to par with the standard set by their predecessors
All of the prequels have this weird stiffness to the way people move and talk.
laser swords will never be kino
>the original series is amazing but empire is so boring
this is u
Pretty bad example when vermintide 2 and TW:WH2 are performing exceptionally, blood bowl is doing well and space marine was reasonable
The bad games are very quickly forgotten with the exception of dawn of war 3
I always saw the light and the dark sides as emotional things rather than moral concerns. Being angry etc. to use the force will make you see red and lose control while being in check with yourself let you use your concentration to channel the force from your feelings.
The whole thing was just propaganda for how complex humans are and how it is alright to hate as it is to love and all that mumbo jumbo, but in space.
What the fuck. You can't listen to the dialogue in 2 and 3 and call that shit good. They have their moments sure, and Sheev is great, but they're all terrible films.
Nu-Wars even made the prequels look decent... what a sad world we now live in.
The prequels are the reason why the nu-quels have so much comedic relief. The Original Trilogy was very serious in tone throughout the movies while being light-hearthed at best.
Daily reminder that the prequels are kino and if you don't like them you are ousting yourself as a Redditor.
Apathy is death nigger. Grey jedi are worse than both extremes.
Is they're a bigger example of wastes potential than the prequels? Conceptually they're so close to being kino, but the execution is absolute dogshit
For all their flaws TLJ and TFA are still better than PT and AotC.
I always thought the prequels were unnecessary as a concept. There are some solid ideas in them, but the original three movies told us all we needed to know about the Jedi and Vader.
The prequels could certainly have been better executed though.
Well compared to post EA the star wars vidya has been garbage.
I mean for one, how can you fuck up a Battlefront game so bad that people in an industry awards show throw shade at you. Those are motherfuckers who literally grovel at your feet usually and theyre calling you out EA.
Warhammer on the otherhand since the EA deal has produced games like Total Warhammer and Vermintide. So many of the rest are shit. But I'd have specks of good to pick out in a sea of shit over EA Star Wars.
This. If you hate the new films then whatever but I don't understand how you could like the prequels better. Unless in a they're so bad they're good way
>Vader becoming an irredeemably evil over the top CHILD KILLER is kino eventhough it ruins everything about his arc in the originals and is just shit in general
good goy
Not really... they're such meh films, memorably corny is still better than forgettably average.
Also, nobody seems to bring up the fact that Return of the Jedi is also kind of shitty, literally only 2 out of 8 Star Wars films are very good.
>Revenge of the Sith is unironically kino.
If you think hammy one liners and on the nose dialogue/direction is kino than sure.
No, Dark Forces 2 is the best Star Wars game.
RotJ is a bit sloppy compared to the other two, but it succeeds in a lot of significant and resonant ways. It's an imperfect movie, but it's far from shitty.
Disney's Star Wars are better movies but the prequels are better films.
TLJ is an objectively bad film. It's on par with the prequels in terms of shittiness. At least the prequels held an overarching vision and consistent storyline, not subversion for the sake of being subversive.
yeah, ESB>ROTS>RO>ANH>>ROTJ>>>>AOTC>PTM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TFA>TLJ
The best star wars game
Star Wars Galaxies, Jedi Knight, and Empire at War are great with the Original Trilogy universe. I actually find the expanded universe from the original trilogy a lot more entertaining. Same with KotOR.
Lego Star Wars 2 was trash.
Lego Star Wars 1 however is a masterpiece
I honestly can't tell which the prequel or Disney trilogy has the better protagonist.
On the one hand you have MaRey Sue being a badass at everything from the get go, but at least her personality befits a protagonist.
On the other hand there's the obnoxious prick Anakin, who's somehow supposed to become one of the best antagonists in popular culture, but his cringey lines in Attack of the Clones are pure gold though.
The droidekas in the game had better animations than most sw games that featured them
It will N E V E R stop hurting
You know theres something that went horribly, terribly wrong in the industry and Star Wars.
I feel like I live in a parody universe. All Star Wars vidya is terrible or so openly greedy that I feel like a piggy bank is trying to mug me when I look at Battlefront 2. Oh yea that. There's not only one, but two sequels to Battlefront and both are the antithesis of the originals. EA was also so openly hostile that they said theyd be bring microtransactions back as soon as we turned around. Seriously?
Then theres the films. I now live in a world where people put the shittastic prequel trilogy over a sequel trilogy to Star Wars that had Luke, Han, Leia in it.
If I went back just six years and told myself about everything that wouldve happened in this little niche I'd say I was trolling myself.
I just want to wake up and imagine that Battlefront 3 is still vaporware (not a shitty reboot) and singleplayer star wars games are being made.
I don't even know what the hook of episode 9 is going to be. There's fuck all left to tell in this story.
Who is going to get excited to watch Rey beat Kylo in a fight for the 3rd time, and for a small group of rebels to beat the big bad threat somehow yet again?
Emperor Sheev Palpatine is the best character in the Star Wars universe.
Warhammer is a dead brand anyway. What's its main media outlet? Figurines? Those are nothing compared to an IP centered around movies.
unironically yes, Sup Forums can kiss my ass
that's how I feel. They really fucked things up by having Rey beat Kylo not once but twice. There's no narrative tension to their conflict.
>tfw Kyle Katarn is no longer canon
In a way I'm glad Disney didn't get to ruin him but it still hurts.
Gonna need you two to go ahead and kill yourselves
So someone who kills kids is irredeemable?
You must not go on Sup Forums often, they're the biggest prequel apologists I've ever seen.
>Luke and Snoke gets reincarnated
>Knights of Ren bullshit
>basically everything in episode 8 will be forgotten
Kyle had good games but as a character he was kind of shitty. He was just a vehicle for putting the player in various familiar Star Wars roles.
Old Star Wars licensed stuff was always a mixed bag too, look at all the retarded shit in the EU, Lucas was willing to take risks with it which meant good stuff and bad stuff. Disney only wants to stay in the mediocre widest audience zone for a safe guaranteed success.
But don't you want to watch stronk women Rey beat the cis lord Kylo Ren.
Ren is actually a decent character and I would have loved to have seen Rey fall and him return to the light in last jedi, if anything to see the raging fags on twitter.
The only real pull -- since Rey doesn't have much going for her -- is seeing how Kylo turns out. But TLJ insisted so hard on just making Kylo double-down on being an asshole it's hard to imagine IX will do anything interesting with him.
And I actually liked his character in TFA.
Remember when Star Wars was something special?
Could someone give me a serious explanation of wtf they were thinking with The Last Jedi? Was it specifically made to insult everyone watching it?
I loved Episode III. The Disney Sequels will never be as emotionally and visually striking as RotS
Anakin did a fine role, as an awkward padawan, and as a badass self-conflicting knight. Kid Anakin was shit, but all child actors are, nonetheless
Subverting expectations.
Didn't Rey's actress get asked what she thought about her character being called a Mary Sue and she didn't know what it meant and wrote it off as sexist?
That would have been infinitely more interesting, so there's no possible way it ever would have happened.
It certainly felt like it was made to make fans vomit. Even the star wars mods for sins of a solar empire stopped being updated. The modders seemed to have stopped working on their star wars mods.
Friendly reminder that this is canon now.
They are just killing all old characters to give their new OCs the spotlight. Yes, it’s dumb, but their goal is ultimately to maximize merch sales, not to make good movies
It was different directions. But yes, it was basically saying "Fuck you, we're the fanboys now." All the heroes are dead, and the nu-heroes are granted their roles on a golden platter, without earning it. I seriously hate modern movies. It turned into modern art
is there any good source port for dark forces?
Well Daisy Ridley is dumb as a rock. She says Mary Sue is sexist because it's a woman's name.
who asked for this
As far as games go yes. The lego star wars game was great.
>He had his chance of being cool at the end of TLJ, but the movie threw away any potential of him at the last 30 mins of the movie, which shouldn't even have been in the final cut, in the first place
I'm glad that people are finally starting to realize this. We've been removed from the release of Sith long enough where we can stop ironically shitting on it and enjoy it. 2005 really was the peak of the games I agree.
Just to get this out of the way, if you liked TFA in any fashio n and were surprised that TLJ was awful you are a brainlet who cant figure out blatant story flaws and are literally defending a movie with the most basic fanfiction character writing flaw of all time.
It still amazes me that people defend the dumpster fire known as tfa.
>their goal is ultimately to maximize merch sales, not to make good movies
Which is hilarious considering SW toys are selling like absolute dogshit now and even TRU clearance sales wont get rid of them.
They even killed Admiral Ackbar. FUCKIN ADMIRAL ACKBAR! No more 'it's a trap' maymay for you, old and busted Star Wars nerds, admiral Gender Studies is the new hotness.
Star Wars games peaked with the Jedi Knight series. Best SW game is Jedi Academy.
shit taste
Merch of what? None of the new cast is really all that great DESU. Either too boring or just not overall memorable. I think our 2015 selves would've laughed at us if we told them the Kylo Ren is somehow the best new character of the lot.