it’s a fantastic game, just might not be what you want from a Fallout game. That doesn’t make it bad.
Good graphics Great gunplay amazing writing and lore if you look at it as a shooter and not an RPG same goes for the progression/perks/builds if you view like above
story is shit gameplay was generic characters sucked leveling sucked mc sucked quests sucked factions sucked and the mods are still light years behind skyrim
I agree. It's a good game on its own. But when stacked up to the other entries, you can't help but be disappointed by the writing and rpg elements
Jackson Gutierrez
it does make it bad because it continues to hold the name while straying further from its roots with every release.
Benjamin Richardson
Imagine being so buttblasted about people not liking your shit game that you create threads for said game everyday hoping that people will start liking it.
Jace Flores
Agreed. It was a great game and I've purchased multiple copies across several platforms. Be sure to tell all your friends & family to pick a copy themselves, we need to help support great developers like Bethesda.
Juan Davis
Take the Fallout name off it and people would have loved it.
Lincoln Martinez
(OP) Agreed. It was a great game and I've purchased multiple copies across several platforms. Be sure to tell all your friends & family to pick a copy themselves, we need to help support great developers like Bethesda.
Angel Gray
this is is spot on and gunplay was dogshit
Joseph King
>Good graphics sure
>Great gunplay okay
>amazing writing and lore if you look at it as a shooter and not an RPG
kill yourself
Jonathan Jackson
an exemplar for how strawman arguments unfold.
Eli Phillips
Most of my problem with it is how poorly thought out its world building is and how hard it is to roleplay away from the main story which is pretty close to unplayably bad.
I liked a lot of it, but what issues there were spoiled those parts. Sometimes the bad parts of a game don't interfere with the good, but in this case they did for me.
3>4>nv, I think.
Caleb Gray
trolled idiots i hate fallout 4 and never got passed that gay mission where you're in the mansion with the doctor who has the atidote or whatever for the super mutants. shit mission and it lost my interest entirely, deleted it for room on my hdd at that point.
Luke Sanchez
I enjoyed the game. The only issue that I had with it was the simplified dialogue options and the lack of armor variety. I felt like I got $60 worth of enjoyment out of it. Then again, I'm not an autist.
Jordan Wood
I unironically love this game. Haters can fuck off.
Eli Sanchez
we literally had this thread today you stupid kike now fuck off
Oliver Roberts
can you explain why you love it without resorting to attacks?
Juan Jones
I fucking hated it. The only good change from previous fallout was slow motion vats and general fluid shooting combat.
Grayson Harris
It's got some really cool ideas. I'm looking forward to BGSs next game. The Power Armor system is great, and all the modding and scrapping whatnot is pretty cool. It'll be interesting to see how the settlement system is expanded in later games.
Mason Stewart
you just summed up the sole improvements, making vats slowtime instead of frozen and the shooting feeling less like TES spells.
i agree, scrap mods (though that's shallow as fuck and more of a good idea than a fully implemented mechanic) and shit is all a good start but knowing beth that's as fleshed out as its going to get.
Kevin Peterson
I love the atmosphere of the fallout games. It was nice to see one with vastly improved graphics and shooting mechanics over the previous games.
I like the open-world nature of it. There are very few other games on the market other than maybe borderlands (except no dialogue choices) like it.
There are improvements that should be made in the next one, however when a game can keep me entertained for 200 hours, it's special. Nearly everyone I know loves it too. It's a shame that the problems with it completely ruin it for some people that badly.
David Cox
>It's a shame that the problems with it completely ruin it for some people that badly. I can't even think of one good thing about Fallout 4, also the atmosphere and setting is completely different from Fallout
Hunter Powell
Then they shouldn't have called it Fallout; or created a sub-series like Brotherhood of Steel. It's hard to be surprised that fans of the Fallout series would dislike what amounts to a shitty Fallout game.
the graphics are mediocre, the gunplay is, at best, standard.
The writing is an incoherent fucking mess and you do not get to excuse it as 'muh shooter'
and fuck off, even for a shooter the character progression is anemic.
Fallout 4 tries to be a shooter RPG and it barely succeeds at the first part. It has no vehicular gameplay for openworld exploration because to this day bethesda keeps using an engine that has legacy code from at least morrowind, maybe as far back as arena so it can't do vehicles.
the 'Lore' once again transplanted supermutants into boston because the game's design is dictated by marketers, not actual writers or designers. There aren't enough new or interesting mutants.
significant resources were wasted on settlement building.
the voice acting is atrocious and pointless.
the only thing it did right is powered armor.
Jack Hall
>shooting feeling like TES spells Holy shit that made me lauf, you're totally right. I always wondered why it was so fucking clunky.
Brandon Smith
My favorite thing about this image is the author arguing with himself in order to win.
Angel Martin
Here’s the thing about fallout fo3 was good for its time, but combat sucked new vegas was a "new game" but it looked exactly the same and there were no innovative new features, fighting things were a chore. plus there were like no open world respawns, making its replayability the worst.
When you first start out in NV there’s no story at all. I’ve never played an RPG like that. There’s nothign to draw you in, and the game is so retarded if you so much as walk in the wrong direction you get raped by a deathclaw, because ObsSHITian is too lazy to design a decently flowing world map so they lock down sections with high-level mobs.
New Vegas was one of the most bizarre aberrations ever released by a major studio. It felt like more like a buggy fan-mod than a genuine studio release. autistic, undisciiplined ideas litter the game like children's toys, massive amounts o ftrash. Multiple ammo types to help slow down and complicate combat even more? For no reason, a blue Super Mutant in a dress is now your friend? That’s gay shit
This is why Fallout 4 is the best.
fallout 4 is by far the most enjoyable. they added innovative new features like ADS, hit markers, respawning enemies (when u compare it to NV its a new feature) and made VATs a lot less cheap. It still is a noob feature, but instead of stopping time it slows time, not by enough in my opinino though .
Power armor is finally as it should be. Its not a gay looking martian suit that looks so flimsy a 9mm bullet could penetrate it. Now i can believe its actual powerful death suit, not the worst cosplay at faggotcon. Plus, in fo4 you can attach jetpack. A fucking jetpack. Enough said, fo4 is the FIRST 3D fallout to have a jetpack.
Kevin Ramirez
making VATS slow motion ruined it.
Jaxon Powell
I can think of a few good things about even the shittiest of games. You're being overly-sensitive and melodramatic
>Holy shit that made me lauf, you're totally right. I always wondered why it was so fucking clunky. That's how the engine used to handle projectiles in FO3 and New Vegas.
Angel Cook
I'm being overly-sensitive and melodramatic because I don't like Fallout 4? wew lad
Ryan Butler
>it’s a fantastic game, just might not be what you want from a Fallout game. That doesn’t make it bad. True. Then again, the game markets itself as an RPG, and as an RPG it's a disgrace.
David Lee
You claim that "I can't name one good thing about falllout 4" like a melodramatic teenage girl
John Flores
But I literally can't name anything I liked about the game, is it really that hard to believe?
Jackson Gomez
>amazing writing and lore if you look at it as a shooter and not an RPG
Fo4 is pretty solid now with all the dlc. The base game was kind of barebones but now there's enough variety to make it decent. I enjoyed far harbor and roleplaying as a raider character.
Connor Reed
>the writing is bad if I keep saying it is OK, shill.
Your series' old identity constitutes less than half of all IP. It's over.
Colton Kelly
Gunplay is good because it was made by id software.
Brody Turner
These games should punish you more, don't end the game when the player dies, fuck loading screens, let the player continue with all the progress they made, maybe remove part of their money? Maybe even remove a random weapon? It's so fucking easy to become a killing machine, the only enjoyable part of these games is at the start, when you aren't swimming in money, weapons, ammo and armor, you actually have to fight for your life, instead of just tanking all damage while half-asleep. It then becomes a game about hoarding shit, which fucking sucks because of the weight limit.
Lincoln Gonzalez
Is there some kind of new rule on v/ that says we must have an apologist thread about Fallout 4 two times per week?
Michael Fisher
>Good graphics Looks shitty compared to other 2015 games >Great gunplay Actually plays like an FPS, not really great but up to par
Oh, I remembered F3 and NV had degradation, a cool mechanic, if some weapons weren't fucking impossible to find again.
Daniel Torres
Literally everything OP posted is lies.
William Johnson
I hate myself enough to try to disprove this image so here I go
>3rd Panel Not all people think than New Vegas is the best in the franchise, just that it is the best out of all the 3d ones, and even if they did, it's their opinion just like there are others that think that 1, 2 or 3 are the best in the franchise. Then there's the whole 3 being better than New Vegas, in that panel there's no argument on why it's better than it and it's used to make the other party look like morons for lashing out at the mention of it so I don't know what else to say.
Blake Bailey
The only thing I liked about 4 was the institute as the bad guys. They made a ton of sense for the setting as completely out of touch scientists that killed surface dwellers with experiments and such.
It's a shame the writing was so fucking awful for the other factions and how shallow the game ended up being. I had to spend all my caps on ammo because everything was so laughably bullet spongey like how the FUCK anybody enjoys that gameplay is absolutely beyond me holy shit. Nick Valentine was cool, I guess.
Levi Howard
I unironically enjoy playing fallout 4 as a shitty minecraft
Jason Lopez
I stopped playing after I reached the institute, they were so fucking retarded. None of their actions or justifications made any sense.
Jaxon Young
That's what I thought at first but they've been underground without any societal influence but what they got from each other and if you've ever talked to real scientists and have a bit of imagination their actions are totally believable.
They don't look at wastelanders as people so they abduct them and replace them with synths who run experiments for them topside. When the experiment is over they terminate them.
There's a farmstead where the crops are burned and everyone's dead because the synths there performed their function.
It's hard for writers to make believable bad guys in games but Bethesda really nailed it with the institute, I think. It's a shame the rest of the game is fucking pants on head retarded in almost every single way.
Jason Long
So does my dad. You two piss me off. "I got this great new game, try it!" *plays shitty minecraft* Goddamn you both.
Hunter Foster
Judging fallout 4 as a shooter and not an RPG. The gunplay was not up to the same standard as other shooters. The story was terrible. Shooter stories should be action packed, well paced and have a climactic final battle. Good shooters also minimize travel without combat and talking to people.
Shooter or not, every faction was retarded.
Nathan Taylor
If it makes you feel better I do play the game when I'm forced to gather materials for my vault
Isaac Reyes
It doesnt. Use a cheat tape
Hunter Powell
Settlement building would have been so much better with a free camera.
Michael Smith
Settlement building would have been better with AI that wasnt shit.
Adam Cruz
Is the ultimate edition worth $40? Even if it's a bad Fallout game, is it worth a play?