You renounced your humanity

You renounced your humanity

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>Do your homework first.

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we need to go wider

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That cutscene was 10/10

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why done this

For power?!



Can this still be done in Special Edition?

I miss orbposting

To escape from reality

Pretty sure, file structure is pretty much the same.

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seriously though why is he so wide?

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Holy shit got any more?

>characters you want to see in DMC5

This was so fucking good. Someone post the rest.

>so wide
soy please

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I'm playing through 1 the first time and I'm at mission 12 after exactly two hours. Is this game only four hours long or something?

It's not very long, and fortunately nor is DMC2.

is this a pinky and the brain reference?

It was originally a Resident Evil game so the pacing is quite snappy.

Originally it was also more open like RE games. Then they went with missions.

Fun times.

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>Struggling with spider boss in 1
>Many times doing little to no damage
>Remember devil trigger
>Destroy him
I hate being stupid

It was a peaceful oasis from the rampant DmC shitposting.

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This looks hotter than DMC4 Lady. She'd look better with white or black hair rather than gray.

i would

Lady Nero deserves fanart

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