How is this that a FUCKING VIDEO GAME has better story and characters than anything shat out by Lucasfilm or Disney in...

How is this that a FUCKING VIDEO GAME has better story and characters than anything shat out by Lucasfilm or Disney in the past 20 years?

Attached: IMG_6214.jpg (220x305, 36K)

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I don’t know.

Because Bioware were actually pretty good until all the talent left at the end of DA:O

KotOR is trash though and turns that interesting era into prequel-generic bullshit. Most overrated game of all time.

Bioware was pretty good back then

It was made by people who paid attention to what Lucas had done wrong over the past 20 years, and who also had experience making RPGs.

You can see similar care and attention in Rogue One, even though that film was neutered by executives in terms of storytelling and character development.

Good Star Wars alien: Speaks in gibberish with English subtitles.
Bad Star Wars alien: Speaks in English plus gibberish.
Great Star Wars alien: Speaks in gibberish and has no subtitles.

God Tier Star Wars alien: ROONDA DE HADOONGA

Could say the same thing about most of the class stories in SWTOR.

Shaka laka paka
Boom hanjing, gonghua?


They had the balls to tell a new kind of story for that universe. Lucas tried this with the prequels but he kept putting in pandering shit for kids and toy sales; Disney will never try this as (even if you like them) each NuWars movie is safe by-committee boring shit.

Because they just ripped off the OT.

Attached: 1448051306002.jpg (474x607, 70K)

Because it can spend much more than 2 hours on it, which makes it a fucking given that they are better.
Which does not say much, because the characters were 2 dimensional and the story boring.
>M-Muh Tweest
Obvious and lame if you are not an idiot and paid attention.

>the twist is obvious and lame
Suuuuuuuure it is

It is though. They go out of the way to telegraph it even on Dantooine. And Kashyyyk's computer, which is either your first or second planet, essentially tells you it point blank.

I mean it seems obvious now because I've been familiar with the game for 15 years, but I honestly can't tell you whether or not it would be obvious to me if I played it for the first time now. The twist relies on the fact that you being Revan would literally be the last thing you'd ever imagine. It would be like if in the next movie it's revealed that Luke was actually a clone of Luke and the real one is still out there. They'd never ever do that, so if they did you'd never suspect it.

>What is Luuuke Skywalker?

Luuuke was the second clone. You're thinking of Luuke. There's also bigger Luke to consider, who may have been to blame for episode VIII's terrible plot.

Because pre-crisis Bioware actually cared and wanted to contribute to the universe instead of throwing out everything they couldn't use as a soulless cash-grab.

[Disgusting throat noises]

Attached: [Manaan Intensifies].png (392x336, 191K)

How the fuck did another studio come and clean up their shitty staturday morning cartoon capeshit tier plot line and make a better better sequel?


>things that never happened for 300

Makes sense that biofags would likely be Sup Forumstards as well.

>muh Avellone's edgy self-insert is so deep

Because it's a game that has more time and ways to develop characters and a story. Also, because they didn't need to appeal to the surface level star wars """"fans"""" and instead made an rpg set in the star wars universe.

Better than a villain who looks at the camera and makes a cheesy threat that you’d see in a capeshit movie,

>fuck dude, it's so edgy and mature like ME and NOT for children

Attached: fedoralord1.png (655x745, 1002K)

Better than a Nameless One ripoff villain who acts as edgy as possible because it's considered """"""good""""" writing by obsidiots.

>implying that is what i posted at all
Back to tumblr faggot.

imagine being such a brainlet that a fucking video game character flies right over your head

>no, you don't understand!
Obsidrones arguments are always so full of intelligence.

Kreia is a Ravel ripoff, you fucking brainlet.

>heh, you little kiddies aren't grown up and mature like me. I only play children's video games that have MATURE and DARK stories like Kotor 2

Attached: fedoralord3.jpg (800x1199, 271K)

>what is Sion

>he's still going

Attached: 1494104156726.jpg (480x360, 25K)

>heh, he's still going

>lmao, he's still going

>I-I don't care!
And you'll reply again. Watch.

Idk but KOTOR was pretty boring.
Maybe if youre basic the twist and genric plotline might of been good


>and you'll reply again
Hey I was right. And you'll do it again.

>imagine begging this pathetically for (you)s

>and you'll do it again
Hey I was right. And you'll do it again.
Best theme


The game has some real poppers on it for sure. I've used this one to sleep.

If you don't enjoy both Kotor 1 and 2 for their own merits, then you're a fucking retard.

>Luke was subsumed by Bigger Luke, whose larger personality caused an imbalance in both his character and the Force

That one is so nice.

Attached: AT LAST.png (447x378, 15K)

They actually wanted to make something good.

Tel me about bigger Luke, why does he wear the robes?

Someone who is completely different from TNO in every way.

He's still going.

>Attack of the Clones was better than Last Jedi


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You're a fucking retard.

It is better.

Because george lucas was fucking tired of star wars and wanted to move on from it, and disney only care about shekels, not good products

Lucas being tired of "Star Wars" after the PT is like a nerd being 'tired of sex' after jerking himself off. That entire trilogy did nothing new. Hell, if you wanna go one further, Lucas isn't even responsible for the best film in his own damn franchise (Empire). He directed the first and the prequels. That's it.

If his brain wasn't clouded by his ego, he would've started the sequel trilogy in 1999. Look at the PT with all those sleek ships and ultra fast lightsaber fights. That should've been sequels! But he was too scared SW would flop without Vader. So, now we have shit sequels, shit prequels, and only one really good SW movie - that Lucas didn't even direct.

It's all on him. He got lucky with the first movie due to his wife's management skills and the SFX team.

Lucas made prequels because Darth Vader was the central character in the story and he wanted to tell the first half of his story after telling the second.


Tired as in tired of dealing with owning the IP and the business side of things, not anything to do with actually working with it.
Like how notch got tired of minecraft because he had to legally put up with autistic children all the time.

Well it's true. His story wasn't complete. We got the Vader trilogy, then Lucas wanted to do the Anakin trilogy.

>Tired as in tired of dealing with owning the IP and the business side of things,

Part of the trade off for billions of dollar franchise, and having to never worry about going hungry, the next paycheck, being a failure, medical care, sending your kids to shitty schools, being robbed on the street, ever being homeless, and having people hang on your every word until you die. He could've hired some capable consultants and subordinates.

He literally made one movie (his wife cut down all of his shit ideas), and coasted off the success of the special effects team, script writer, editors. And the best one in the franchise isn't even his. When given full control like with the prequels, he was exposed.