And thats a good thing

And thats a good thing.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>and that's amazing

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I liked Starfox Adventures

I never got a chance to play it but it seemed neat. Should I?

>One of the things I noticed when I was handed the script is that this was a script, like, an actual script. Not a game script.

>an actual thing the main dev working on this game said

And it's beautiful.

>Giving clickbait attention

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Starfox Assault was way better though.

I hate the fac tthat most videogame"journalists" are just there because they couldnt get a real job

>And it's not okay.

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It really is not. I just wanted to play a GOW game based on norse mythology. I could boot up FFXV if I wanted to play a generic rpg.

Why does SoyMedia always tell the reader what to feel in the middle of the headline?

>x... And That's Amazing
>x... And That's Not Okay

because these "journalists" are really just bloggers masquerading as reputable

Because media isn't about reporting what happened so you can keep abreast of the world issues. Now thanks to social media and mass communications you can find that out instantly.

It's now about propaganda and politicizing every issue in the hopes of converting you to their side of the ideological battle.

liberals can't just make up their mind on their own, they need to be told what to think and feel

>giving flat girls attention

One of the most bizarre things I've ever seen is when Stephen Colbert announces breaking news to his audience that Comey was fired, and the audience cheers and he gets upset & basically tells them what to think about it

me->her heart
you ---------------------------------->tittymonster heart

This is what healthy media coverage looks like.

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>every single one of his videos has at least a million views
I don't get it. I mean, I don't get this obsession with Trump. Don't they ever get tired? Don't they ever crave something different?

Guys, I have a theory.

Colbert is the one who actually rigged the election to get Trump elected. Why? So he could make video after video talking solely about Trump and it would make him millions of dollars.

Attached: Colbert's obsession.webm (1280x720, 2.35M)

Lonely people never get tired of feeling like they belong to something.

>Sup Forums

>Apes Tear Off Peoples Faces and That's a Good Thing :)

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It's not a meme at this point. We've essentially turned into a society of sissies who go into meltdown the moment they leave the hugbox.

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Joe Rogan runs a clickbait site now?

>Watch This Baboon Eat a Deer - Those Things Will Fuckin' Tear You Apaart

>Sup Forums

Having their very own demon in power gives them endless material for moral crusades, which in turn gives them a dopamine rush. They don't actually have to do anything to make the world a better place, just cry in moral outrage around their peers. It's like a religion.

That being said, I didn't even used to dislike Colbert when he did an over the top impression of a conservative and mocked them because it was very tongue and cheek. But all of this stuff comes from some place of genuine hatred and is ridiculously unfunny as a result.

im sure whoever won the election, hed still be talking about the current president regardless

because you know...its his job

Is this the part where we pretend Colbert made a lot of skits about Obama?

Nobody wanted to dare belittle Obama because of the race thing.

And left wing media.

>Sup Forums has hated on the God of War franchise for well over a decade because it didn't compare to Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden
>Devs acknowledge this and make something new

Sup Forums is so fucking dumb.

you are the dumb one if you believe Sup Forums would ever like God of War no matter what they did, changes or no changes

Thats how news have been for the past 100 years, social media literally didnt do anything.

>Devs acknowledge this and instead of enchancing the gameplay by making the combos more balanced and more skill based they just fucking changed it into something else entirely
It's like... imagine if the ones who made the original Devil May Cry acknowledged that the combat wasn't that great instead decided to make it third person Last of Us/Dark Souls clone instead of just making the combat better like they did in the third game. Can you imagine that?

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at least it wasn't so obvious before

As one of the nay sayers to old GoW it was bad, but it wasnt full retard. It had servicable combat if you were looking for something you havent played before, especially as small as the genre is.
Now it seems like its trying to get them skyrim bucks with bamham combat which makes it deserve even more scorn

Tittymonsters don't have a heart.

God thing I never played or cared about GoW in the first place but I can still see what a clusterfuck of a TLoU clone it'll be.

>Sup Forums is a single person
I fucking loved those games m8. They weren't perfect but they had a lot of personality.

>make a god of war mainline sequel
>it's not like god of war at all
>that's amazing
hurr durr

What is it with numales and their passive aggressive headlines?

GoW served a niche while showing potential to become even greater, and by all means the original trilogy was still fantastic dumb fun.

The problem comes from this new take going in the absolute total opposite direction the series needed to go in. The combat needed to be faster and more frenetic, so they turn it into a Naughty Dog walking simulator where enemies wait their turn. They were introducing all these annoying side characters in later sequels no one cared for, so they handcuffed you to a kid for the entirety of this game and apparently the sequels the way the devs are talking.


God of War was "hated" on Sup Forums as much as anything else was. It had plenty of fans.

>This is the future of God of War, and it's beautiful

>GoW could be better
>make GoW worse

God, I love that album.

Awesome taste user, but I prefer Young Americans.

The cinematic shit and kinda shitty combat is why it was often disliked, so I don't see why making the game even more cinematic and have even worse combat would in some way make people like it.

>Implying there'll be any sequels
Bombs don't get follow-ups.

>Thats how news have been for the past 100 years
no it wasn't you nigger.

Dead on arrival holy shit

>People complain that TFA is generic and repetitive
>Makes the TLJ shit
>People call it shit
>Other people defend TLJ by saying it's not shit because it's different
I bet the same people who like TLJ are the same people who like the new God of War.

Attached: TLJ collapses.png (1165x857, 666K)

Yes it was. I mean it wasn't as bad but "the news" have been about pushing their politics for a LONG, LONG time now.

>Duh news used to be good when I wuz a kid cuzz I was a kid hehhe
I bet you unironically say shit like "modern feminism" too

Look at any influental person in history and they say the news are propaganda and full of lies
This goes back all the way to the founding fathers, and all media had been owned by the same group of people since the mid 19th century

>use computer and phone for 90% of any entertainment
>turn on TV for once
>can't go half an hour without hearing something mention Trump unless I'm watching some cartoon
How the fuck do people stand watching TV? I only turn it on for Supernatural and even then I can watch it on my PC if I wait a day.

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If you mean low iq tards who like whatever marketers tell them to like, then yes

I wouldn't even call the old games bad, they're perfectly fine, they're just style over substance. There's some fun to be had in them but mostly just for the spectacle of it all rather than the actual gameplay.

I suppose the new one is continuing that tradition of "rip off the popular model of action game combat and then add a bunch of spectacle" but the modern popular model of action game combat is unfortunately fucking boring as sin.

Because they're editorials, retard.

Yellow journalism has never been as bad as it is right now, at this point in time

Everything about TLJ felt so spiteful. it's like when you get a new comic writer and the first thing they do is start undoing the previous writers work out of spite (Unless it's Ken Penders at which point he deserved it)

What spectacle?
This game looks boring as fucking shit
You used to beat up monsters the size of capitol buildings. Now you beat up skeletons who bleed lava at you

What fucking spectacle?

because sweetie ugh... that's problematic/creepy/weird... and that's not ok. impeach. trump. now!

>What fucking spectacle?
Well the Midgard serpent looks pretty spectacular and I assume you'll have to fight it at some point. Assumedly there's more to the game than just fighting skeletons, that's just all we've seen in leaks. It's not like they showed off all the crazy bosses in the past games before the games had come out.

I'm not surprised the people who can't stop whining about TLJ are also the sort of people who like capeshit.

>Well that's just the leaks
>They surely have more
Every single action scene of Uncharted 4 was openly shown before release

If they had more to GoW they'd have already shown it off. It will be like Shadow of War where nothing fucking happens
But go ahead, buy it, like the dumb cattle you are, based on hopes and assumption. Be sure to get the digital deluxe edition

>an actual script

What does this even mean?

It means it was more like a movie script than a video game script. That's what he meant.

Videogames are bad
Movies are good
Videogames should be mature, like netflix shows, because they are just better.

If you have any fun playing a videogame, it's bad. When playing videogames you should be bored, like watching good movies, because good movies are boring.


Stop triggering me user,
My almonds can only activare so much.

>Turn on news in the morning
>First story Trump, Up next, Trump, and now our panel on Trump
>Go eat lunch, watch news again "Our top story, you won't believe what Trump just said!"
>Evening news is still non stop Trump
>All internet news is Trump related somehow
>Late night tv
>"Donald..Trump! *audience applauds and laugh*
>Repeats again the next day
>This has been going on for years
>Only thing that can temporarily stop it is mass shootings or natural disasters

Attached: 1519246471807.png (600x886, 433K)

It's the 5 minutes of hate from 1984, but it's 24 hours of hate instead

It sells user. If no one gave a flying fuck I assure you they wouldn't.

But if they go on like this they'll only be openning the way for another 4 years of Trump. The last thing we need to be doing right now is giving the cheetos more media attention because he clearly thrives on it.

B-but that's not a good thing.

I thought we were the hate machine tho.
How low we've fallen, when we loose to TV.

I gave you a damn link

>Wake up
>Turn on TV.
>Everyone is talking about the latest Trump tweet
>Turn off TV
>Go to work
>Co-workers are talking about Trump
>Holy shit, can you believe what he said?
>Leave work
>Play multiplayer game
>Someone brings up Trump
>Everyone argues about Trump
>Everyone gets banned for being Toxic

Attached: 1478923993855.jpg (271x271, 13K)

>come on Sup Forums
>Sup Forumstards spamming trumpshit

oh cool, maybe now it'll be a good game

I can't believe people are still so insecure about their hobbies.
Actual video game scripts should go hand in hand with the gameplay, so there's an actual overarching theme between what you do in the game and what you see. This looks like order 1886 all over again, except this time it's fine because it's God of War.

I literally just said it looks fucking boring. I'm not defending it you retard and I'm certainly not planning on buying it. I'm just not going to say "waaaah it has no spectacle" when they've shown a big ass sea serpent that presumably you will fight with a lot of spectacle, a la the sea serpent boss in whichever entry in the series that was, I can't recall.

Just because I'm not frothing at the mouth with hatred for a game that isn't even out like you doesn't mean I'm interested in fucking buying it.

>when they've shown a big ass sea serpent that presumably you will fight with a lot of spectacle,

When the kid said "It wants to help us!" I knew it was because the devs couldn't figure out a bossfight with it and it would just be another set piece

vid so you can give them clicks

We haven't exactly fallen, its basically we're the most hate filled but we get a tiny ass megaphone while TV gets every fucking tv, monitor, display, bus ad imaginable. We're more hateful but smaller and no where near as wealthy. Also they control the narrative which is why lewd anime girls is bad and should be banned but if you want to save your children from being raped you should be arrested. At least in the UK. US has people too afraid to admit that the issue behind school shootings isn't guns and is in fact the people and that nothing is being done about bullying and supporting those that are bullied while being super focused on making sure all the kids know that Steve using the women's bathroom is fine because he identifies as a woman. Straya has people defending literal murderers and demanding we let more brown skins in when white farmers are living in fear of savages and we know they won't live of the dole like the wastes of space coming here and they'll have their papers. I shit you not the fuckhead leftist equivalents of Australia was saying we should have civilized people with the proper documents sent to the camps we put all the sand people in because they tore up their documents and put them at the end of the line so we allow more wastes of space and money to enter and commit crime.
>tl;dr TV has nothing on us in terms of hate but too much money and control over the general populace.

>that opening
>him unironically saying "the original god of war is unironically one of gaming's greatest system's greatest games"
Yep, I expected a retarded video and I got it.

Why is that anyways?

Lol, what do you mean? Yellow journalism was literally responsible for inciting war.

Making money of you retards who can't help but give them views is a real job.

It's just like The Last Jedi. I'm telling you something is happened between 2008 and 2013 in the entertainment industry. Almost every returning franchise seems to be obsessed with the Fallacy of Novelty. More than any other decade, people are trying to shit on everything created before 2013, while hopelessly relying on it at the same time (by not creating new franchises for their new, crap ideas).

"Because fuck those guys who liked the old things, i hated those old things"

because retards love the same thing in a different package

Money. It's always money, followed by social standing. Desperation and greed increase the desire for both. And fear (the world's more fucked up than it used to be), accentuates all four.

No, it's not a very good game at all, regardless of misleading brand names.

Jesus Christ get off Sup Forums already you miserable fuck

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Et c'est d'la merde.

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It's exactly as you describe here in Australia so god knows it's probably awful in the US.

I'm starting to think they're mentioning him as a kind of "any publicity is good publicity" deal to make him win election #2.

I don't see why this matters. When a titty monster is on her back her boobs fall to the side anyways.

I wouldn't necessarily say that it's amazing since the game is not out yet but does anyone actually miss classic GoW gameplay in this thread?

Those games have always been primitive, slow and boring trash gameplay-wise. At least they are trying to turn it into something Sony is semi-decent at making.

>This game will have a 90+ critics score and a 80+ user score and there is nothing Sup Forums's Ninten-xbone-pcfags can do about it

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