>sink a small fortune in advertising and marketing for Sea of Thieves
>it's just pirate-NMS
Sink a small fortune in advertising and marketing for Sea of Thieves
xbros win again
>trying to sell the no man's sky comparison this hard
Makes me wonder how shit Scalebound was if that was cancelled and this was the alleged better game....
is that really all it is? randomly generated islands on the sea?
With fetch quests and epic pvp battles!
I think even if Scalebound would have been good, they just saw how popular these shitty battle royale games are and decided to pour their money into their own version of that.
>The absolute state of rare
Pretty sad 2bqh
>company gets picked up by main console for EXCLUSIVENESS
>hyped to hell and back for a couple of years
>game releases
>it's a chicken running simulator
The only thing different is that this game actually fulfilled their promise of multiplayer. "Everything is fun with friends" is literally keeping this turd afloat.
Salt did it better, for cheaper, and released a month earlier to boot. How embarrassing.
I know we all like to shitpost but it's sad how far xbox has fallen.
>Rare's only chance to show that they can make more than just kinect games
>They blew it
>Being associated with the Xbox brand almost killed franchises like Tomb Raider and Dead Rising
>Greenlit absolute garbage like Recore, Quantum Break, Ryse, Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3
>The biggest game in the world at the time PUBG managed to lose it's steam to a fucking rip off all because they signed with Phil
>Cancels almost as much games as he announces
>Every year says there will be more exclusives and still hasn't delivered
>Upcoming lineup is a barren wasteland
Oh but Phil is so based because I can play 360 games on my brand new $500 console that will be outdated in 2 years with my shit tier Duke controller
>Crackdown 3
If you don't get shot today I hope you get hit by a car you fucking Sony faggot.
Legit question, what would do you guys think Microsoft should do to help the brand? And be specific, like not just say announce exclusive and don't cancel them. What types of exclusives, what games, services, and other jazz they should do to turn this situation around?
Recore is absolute garbage I had the displeasure of wasting time with that because of Xbox Game Pass™
Microsoft doesn't need to do anything, they already got E3 set.
You have shit taste the Definitive Edition is great.
Set with a lot of multiplatform games just like last year right?
>Halo 6 teaser and Beta announcement
>Gears spin-off
>Ori and the Will of the Wisp gameplay
>Forza Horizon 4 announcement
>Crackdown 3 sp and full destruction mp with improved graphics
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Battlefield V
>Shadow of the Tomb Raider
>next Assassin Creed
>Splinter Cell
>new ip
>old ip
>jp ip
>Xbox and Xbox 360 BC announcements
Wait, is the captain of the ship a chicken or are the pirates smuggling chickens to various islands?
So all the have is Halo in other words?
Even the reviews are calling it wide as an ocean and as shallow as a puddle. Its nms in a nutshell.
Halo is all they need, new book about the "Master Chief" has generated a lot of hype so Halo 6 starring Master Chief is all they really need to win, the rest is just bonus.
The islands are not randomly generated. It's a medium sized map with a lot a water and about 15 or 25 islands and a bunch of fuckin rocks.
>Halo is all they need
I doubt it.
nms didn't get shit on for being shallow as a puddle. It got shat on because the game was missing 95% of the content it had advertised
Even the wishlists are looking lacklustre.
cant wait to see days gone and spiderman for the 3rd time
A fucking 3 part mini comic book series announced by 343 starring the Master Chief generated a lot of hype. Halo 6 is literally all they need while the rest of the games will just boost them up more.
Yes it did actually, why you lying? Besides sot is also getting shit for being 10% of a game.
scalebound probably looked to be decent, but M$ didn't saw as much potency in some Japanese action game as they did in another "you can do EVERYTHING" kind of trash that pulls in all the initial interest from the casuals
Scalebound wouldn't have sold more than 1-2 million copies even if it turned out to be a 10-9/10 game, while shit like this will sell maybe even over 5 millions easily
It's what's to be expected I wouldn't be surprised if they had some surprises but faggots that expecting the Fable reboot or the Perfect Dark reboot better set those expectations low.
>new book about halo generating hype
Hype is more often than not misleading.
Fable is basically confirmed tho. Playground opened a 2nd studio to work on it. It might be good, Forza Horizon games are basically the only truly good MS games nowadays.
You must really like eating Japanese shit, weeb. sub 15 fps with a gay ass protag and shittiest boss fight in history isn't decent. How low are your standards?
NMS gets updated and in current state is more or less an enjoyable experience
Sony's conference being shit won't suddenly make Microsoft's conference any less lackluster.
Shut the fuck up please visit this thread , game isn't coming until next gen.
Master Chief is the hype.
they can still show it at E3, you fucking aspie.
Cant wait to see terry crews making shitty jokes to hide the shitty crackdown 3 gameplay and another shitty minecraft update hosted by those two autistic hosts again.
I thought daddy phil said he was never gonna show anything till it was gonna release.
Rare is long gone.
Stop acting like a damn Xbox fan you fucking Sony shill, Microsoft already stated that they are no longer showing shit 2-3 years in advance only games that are 18 months in advance, you're going to be disappointed so fuck off to Sony's shitty conference.
I know man, it's just, shit, I thought they had something special with this game, the initial reveal looked pretty interesting, and the water looks spectacular, but I guess that's the only thing worth of note for in this game, the water.
jesus christ, don't be such a pathetic crybaby. I don't fucking care about your console war, you underage cunt
Apparently, you care about cancellations and a completely different experience than what we were promised since your dumbass once a repeat of 2013-2016.
>He didn't buy Sunset Overdrive yet
This revisionism
Everyone was saying wide as an ocean, shallow as a puddle for NMS
>2014 game
No that was Skyrim you mongoloid
>Master Chief is the hype.
is it 2007?
Master Chief was always the hype and still is.
Who the fuck did
Yeh maybe for the one nerd still buying the goofy comic books lmao
Nope, Halo 5's sales and backlash speak volume.
>Halo 6 gameplay trailer with Beta announcement
>Gears spin-off
>Forza Horizon 4
>Fable Reboot by Playground Games
>Crackdown 3 sp and full destruction mp
>new console exclusive from Crytek
>Jet Set Radio 3
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Division 2
>the new Remedy game
>Shadow of the Tomb Raider
>new game from the Inside/Limbo devs
>Ori and The Will of the Wisp
>Battlefield V
>Dark Tide
>Perfect Dark developed by Electric Square
>new ip from Armature
>Vanquish 2
>Age of Empire IV for Xbox One
>Xbox and Xbox 360 BC games that are 4K enhanced
>Xbox One X price drop
>wahhhhh noooo they wont show new games they only show games that are already announced wahh
Kill yourself retard
>it's impossible to have the same criticism for two different things
>Fable Reboot by Playground Games
>Perfect Dark developed by Electric Square
>he's still pushing this
>the Sonyfag who acts like an Xbox fan keeps wanting Microsoft to cancel their games or repeat Halo 5
>he's still in every thread crying about people who want new games instead of garbage Battlefield
Im screencapping this just for when e3 comes and its another disappointment.
well both of those have been rumored to be working on new xbone ips. playgrounds had hints of fable. but the electric square part is a stretch
All cancelled before E3 2019
electric square said theyre working on an existing, well known MS owned IP
They're doing the right things a little at a time. I want them to focus on backwards compatibility OG and 360 games as well as include these services onto Windows 10. You can already stream backwards compatible games to PC but Microsoft would kill the competition if they created some OG Xbox/360 emulator that reads and plays Xbox games from the PC's disc drive.
I love streaming shit from my Xbone to PC. Making crossbuy a standard would help as well. I honestly feel like if Microsoft focuses on meshing their console and PC services together they'll be able to create something unique Nintendo and Sony can't compete with. They really have the users (almost every computer is using Windows) and it just feels like a waste of resources.
i was more or less reffering to it being perfect dark
Yes, for next gen
Wait for it