so, I basically gave my spirit to my main pawn so she can live a normal life
that's good and all, but if I ended my own life, then who's there to take my place as seneschal? how does the world keep on going without "god"?
so, I basically gave my spirit to my main pawn so she can live a normal life
that's good and all, but if I ended my own life, then who's there to take my place as seneschal? how does the world keep on going without "god"?
Other urls found in this thread:
Good question.
i don't get how people get into DD
everything besides the combat fucking sucks
It's the waifus
>everything besides gameplay sucks
even though I disagree, what's the problem with that?
wait, what? Why did you change what I said?
combat is like 90% of the gameplay
This was a nice touch at the end.
>finish ng+
>the seneschal is your previous character
I thought it was fucking awesome, but it just further complicates the matter of the OP question
I believe the best way to make it fit is by suggesting that the godsbane sword is actually not capable of being used for suicide, since it's basically just an extension of the will of the user. If it was so easy, the cycle has a chance of being broken and the game screams at every point that breaking the cycle is simply not possible. So you try to neck yourself with the sword, it doesn't work, you sit there summoning the world over and over, until one of your creations has enough will to come and put you down.
posting best girl
for fighters anyway
Post pawns
Godsbaning yourself there doesn't unseat you as the Seneschal. Remember that Savan pulled the godsbane from his chest and needed YOU, his replacement, to "free" him by killing him with it.
It's your previous character if you're in offline mode and disconnected from the myriad other worlds/cycles referenced by the pawns. Online mode picks the Arisen/pawn of some other player for the Seneschal you encounter. It's about as meta as the Cycle (lol new game plus) itself.
Pretty much this.
So even though I wrote out combat you decided to still interpret that as me meaning everything about the game?
>Godsbaning yourself there doesn't unseat you as the Seneschal. Remember that Savan pulled the godsbane from his chest and needed YOU, his replacement, to "free" him by killing him with it.
That actually makes sense, but when you stab yourself doesn't it show your Arisen falling as though dead? Maybe it was a casualty of the cut content and they originally planned something else, and left the cutscene in.
so how was my pawn able to have a complete life at the end? I had to gave her something by stabbing myself
btw I know it's different if you're online, but it was still pretty cool, because for my ng+ I made my character older, as if he's already been through all this shit, and the past just repeats itself... in a different dimension or some shit, idk it was nice
>game is combat
>so nothing sucks?
>tfw your pawn screams "MASTEEER" as you both fall into the abyss
I know people like to shit on DD's story and dialogues but that shit was touching
>boss didn't drop that thing I wanted
>welp, guess I'd better kill myself
>game is combat
and here i thought there were such things as questing, exploring, talking to people, inventory managment and so forth.
what a dummy i am
real best girl coming through
and who the fuck was Grigori? I don't mean like who he was before becoming the dragon, but at the beginning as you play with the next seneschal, it is him you try to get to, right? I haven't played that part in a while, but I think it sounds like him
so to become the seneschal, that arisen had to slay him before even getting to that rift-like place, and yet we still get to meet Grigori with our character
>spot the shiteater who considers inventory management and talking to people "gameplay"
I bet you absolutely love TLOU, Uncharted etc. type of movies
Isn't it said that every human gets reborn each loop? Maybe it was just another lifetime for Grigori and he became a dragon again.
grigori is static, if the arisen does not ascend he resets the world
you can still skip most of these and go for the fights, man
that's why we're saying the huge majority of the gameplay is combat
and again, even if it's a matter of taste, I don't know why would you say that the exploring sucks, or what's your problem with inventory managment
I loved exploring and finding cool stuff, there were a lot of parts where in most games you just simply couldn't reach a certain point on the map, or even if you could, it was empty, but in DD it was almost always rewarding to try and reach those parts
I totally missed out on that, but I guess I have to accept the trips of truth
Copy of your soul. Even just being around an Arisen long enough results in pawns becoming more human and in extreme cases even becoming physically similar; there is an explicit "leaching" effect from Arisen and their willpower/strength of soul. The pawns even mention it in idle chatter; "just being by your side fills this pawn with vigor."
Other humans already having souls of their own and being more "hard" constructs compared to pawns who are literally handcrafted by their Arisen mutes such transformative effects on actual people but they still acknowlege Arisen as notably different and inherently more vibrant than the norm.
It makes sense I guess, it's just strange seeing that cutscene at the end, like it implies heavily that you ended your life all together and finished the cycle of eternal return
I thought that the dragon was an arisen who failed to kill the seneschal. Doesn't Dark Arisen explain that, the dragon used to be a mother figure to the Damon, who was in love with his pawn. He declared that having to choose between killing one or the other of his loved ones, or dying, was not really a choice at all, so he cursed at the question, which was interpreted as "I'll give you my waifu in exchange for being a fucked up tormented monster", right?
as I said my question wasn't about the past of Grigori, but how is it possible for our arisen to meet him if the arisen from the first chapter had to slay him in order to become the senechal
but yes, what you said is true, that's how it supposed to work
even you can become the dragon if you let the seneschal beat you at the end, how cool is that
does that little fuck respawn if I murder him?
I didn't want to fuck anything up by doing that, but the next time I see him I might just stab that fucker and also fournival's daugher
well, I suppose the question is how does a new dragon come if the arisen slays the old one and takes the place of the seneschal? Maybe if the arisen is successful at becoming god, the old dragon keeps coming back until they, too, find a replacement when someone fails to kill you. I kind of feel like the whole identity of the dragon as an ex arisen is something added to make the story for Dark Arisen, and it's a pretty cool idea, even if it leaves some holes.
You stab the Godsbane DAGGER that you got from the grigori, a being created by the seneschal before you that is manipulating everything, into your own chest. Your BODY falls to Earth with your pawn, a being made of soulstuff by that same seneschal, that then becomes a true soul for your lifeless body, completing its purpose.
Meanwhile your fucking Arisen has his soul trapped in the seat of the seneschal, now with the Godsbane SWORD all seneschalforged in their chest. You got fucking played. Enjoy being the final boss for your friends/new character. The cycle of eternal return.
it's just strange that countless lifetimes come to pass and yet not a single arisen was able to beat Grigori before our arisen
>want to get the trophy for speedrun mode
>do it with my lvl200 character
>get to the epic fight that used to take days to seek and slay the beast
>kill it with a single arrow
now THIS makes fucking sense
thanks user
Did y'all miss the part where in the epilogue chapter there are a fuckton of newly created dragonkin running around, all made out of failed Arisen from other worlds in your timeline? The new dragonkin speak in your language whereas before the epilogue they all spoke in latin because they are from the previous civilization (there are corpses in the mountain from a roman-like civilization and others before them too).
If you make it all the way to the Seneschal but lose on purpose to that anti-climatic fight that you couldn't possibly lose normally (very truly symbolizing a faltering of will, the very thing the Seneschal saught to test your mettle of), you get a special ending where the Seneschal TURNS YOU INTO ANOTHER GRIGORI so obviously the Seneschal just creates another Grigori each time, probably from another Arisen plucked from another timeline. Because everfall it don't have to make sense.
Ur-Dragon is some sort of ancient template possibly dating back to the events that started the endless ring cycle.
>If you make it all the way to the Seneschal but lose on purpose to that anti-climatic fight
FIrst time I played it, I won that fight but when given the option to kill hm I stabbed myself instead, and got that bad ending. Was a pretty perfect way to demonstrate failing the test of will.
I guess what made me a bit confused was that I tought Grigori was the name of the arisen that got transformed into the dragon
I never tought about that "Grigori" is the name of that specific being regardless of the name of the source material
>i don't get how people get into DD
>everything besides the combat fucking sucks
odd, because i think the combat is the only thing that sucks
I mean I fought all the new dragons, but why were they even made though? They're not the ones you have to defeat to get your heart back, those are just "simple" enemies
The original title screen music is from the perspective of the dragon.
Reborn into the cycle, "the sky looked the same" but "this world had changed". The people of the land are in turmoil, "Some say to get out fast" "Some said it'll be OK". The dragon feels compelled to do something "The wind is pushing me [...] I feel the blood in my veins", and they envision themselves as "the Dangan" (a projectile). The dragon's mission is to be the challenge. Bound to their mission, the dragon's mind is in turmoil "My mind is racing and wild. Blinded by eyes that cover up the facts" and they become uncertain of their own self, becoming dull to human concepts until recalling everything during their fight with the Arisen as it is the "selfsame pain I once inflicted". "Breathing life or death"? A question asked to the Arisen many times during their fight. The dragon itself feels trapped by the cycle, they can't even see anything with their "own eyes".
"We kill ourselves in the end. It's simple as one, two, three, it's written in the sand."
Like pottery.
Grigori is a title. It's a rank of angel. The dragons and dragonkin are basically the angels of the seneschal, compelled to... I dunno. Make things difficult for arisens. Something a lot of people miss, I think. That the dragon's name is not Grigori, it's his title.
The DLC title screen music is from the perspective of the seneschal, not Daimon. Completely trapped in their duty after such a dire struggle of will, still unable to fully understand the purpose and origins of the cycle. All they can do is wander the coils of light from their observation throne, envious of the normal life they now desire. Parted from their body, their love, their human life, even their true original pawn.
They "have seen the Dragon's Dogma.
Unbound by time, all-binding, grand design." All-binding, even to the dragon, even to the seneschal. They are the one yearning for the wind, sky, and sea, able now to only project themselves upon the world rather than live it. They are begging the arisen, "finish the cycle of eternal return". End them. Send their spirit back to the rift where it may finally know peace or perheps someday be reincarnated.
They even address the former seneschal about themselves. The boy pulled from the sand is the speaker. Bearded refers to their long, haggard struggle that culminated here. The brand is the scar from having their heart eaten. "What future didst thou envision?", they ask. Then again they ponder from their throne the myriad worlds they have been charged with safekeeping without understanding, the coils of light, and see the life they desire.
DD is a game that knows it's a game without explicitly saying so, with the ultimate message that when you finish a game it's time to stop playing it. The volition that the seneschal seeks out is the will of player characters, which is why your character only becomes special when you start playing the game. All dragons in the game seek to test out your will, your very pawn slowly learns from you and soaks up your soul from your very gameplay becoming more and more 'real'.
This is why you encounter another player character on the throne if you aren't offline in NG+, you're freeing them from the throne.
All this said though I think DD had one of the coolest reveals with Savan showing up as the Seneschal when you might be want to assume that he failed in his quest considering Grigori is still around.
I knew this game was something else (than what people see by playing it briefly), but this is just awesome, thanks for pointing out m8
You're an actually fucking twonk
>envious of the normal life they now desire.
Coming on from: The Seneschal isn't actually envious of that "normal" life, they can never go back to it now because of how empty it is that they realize they're essentially in a videogame, THIS IS WHAT THEY WANTED TO SPARE YOU OF. They are pretty much the soul of a player stuck in a single game with the same old NPCs/environment, this is why player volition is so important.
The Seneschal is omnipotent. You were never meant to struggle in the "fight" against them, remember when Savan tells you that he is making sure you are "controlled by forces unknown" ?
What makes the player character in DD special is literally YOU the player. At the very end your pawn turns and nods to you, through the TV screen.
>finished the game 4 times in the last 1-1,5 week
>this thread
Guess it's time to jump back into it for another round
any tips on more magick based vocations? I'd mostly like to try mystick knight and magick archer, how fun is sorcerer? I used sorcerer pawns and their skills looked cool as fuck, but I like to be in the front when it comes to fighting
Even though I played it this many times, the only vocations I was experiencing with were the strenght ones, and I haven't even tried out all of them (I missed strider for some reason)
pretty interesting theory
Sorcerer is a strange one. You'll use all your grand nukes on almost every enemy except the end bosses in which you'll switch over to using charged holy bolt, especially for Daimon, because of how effective it is.
sorceror is fun throwing meteors around, but is a pain until level 10 augments to reduce cast time/stamina usage. use asura armor to speed up levelling
the higher spells ARE very cool, but they also take ages to cast. If you're more of a frontliner, it could be difficult to enjoy
i often heard people saying that mystic knight is the most fun to play (still got bored on bitterblack before trying it though..)
If you like being in the front it’s probably not for you, slow casting times necessitate breathing room. It’s not so bad later when you can blow out a few low charged spells for decent damage but if you really want the oomph numbers and cool looking spells they take time to cast. Magic archer is cool because you can spec your skills for magic rogue abilities and focus on melee, but then you lose out on all the defensive stuff that makes mystic knight good, but I guess it’s preferance. Magic archer is hands down the best in my opinion because you really do get a little bit of everything so you can play however you want with it’s skill set, but if you want magic and melee your better off with mystic knight. If you like switching it up a lot, try out mystic archer. Only downside is it’s shitty growth, so it’s good to use but you’ll find yourself hitting a little weaker, granted the kamikaze skills he gets benefit from the magic defense growth. It’s really up to your style.
fuck me
The struggle was the entire journey overseen by the former seneschal, not the fight that you literally can't lose without standing there eating his projectiles.
okay, so sorcerer is pretty much out, but I guess I should level up as one to effectievely use the magick abilities of archer/knight, right? I'm not planning on min-maxing though, I'd just like to use some magick shit and actually deal damage, because I never used stuff like that in this many playthroughs
>tfw no sequel
Noone, you broke the cycle
Sorcerer isn't that bad once you steal that ring back for the duke but then just forge it and never return it from your inventory to him.
The tunnel of light with the Cassardis music starts playing and you have the choice to just turn back and live a normal life, consequence-free, is unironic kino.
The fact that there is no consequence to turning back really shows that the Seneschal is trying to spare you of the worst of fates, but only you can choose.
gameplay is what you do in the game. if a lot of your time is spent walking through an empty world or wrestling with a shitty inventory system, that means your experience playing the game suffers from it. combat is gameplay, but gameplay isnt just combat
that said, i enjoyed the game
There are two sequels. A mobage and an MMO. You can't play the mobage anymore, it's defunct, but you could still play the MMO if you put in a modicum of effort.
Ok reddit, stop posting
>no sonsequence
>"Accept the quiet emptiness of a false peace. Of false life."
I don't know man, I mean I tried that just to see what happens and it was pretty sad and depressing desu
Yes’m, that’s the shitty part. You have to spend time as a sorc to get that sweet magic damage, and then switch over after a certain point for the sick skills. Really though, it shouldn’t take too long as a sorc to get enough magic damage to be effective as either class since they both have their own way of spewing out as many magic hits as possible. Lightning shot in tight spaces completely wrecks on magic archer, and using the sigils to throw magic balls as a mystic knight can be stupidly strong too. I’d say anywhere between 25 to 50 levels as a sorc would be enough, after which you could switch out whenever and be pretty sick. I know that setting yourself on fire might not make much sense as a mystic archer, but with enough magic damage and magic defense, you’ll be able to kill things just by bear hugging them, forget about slashing them up as well, then you could tear down even the toughest fuckers with a little self sacrifice. If that’s not your thing mystic knight can parry literally everything with added efffect. Or just throw elemental balls like it’s dodgeball day
Go home and be a family man, user. It might be false but at least it's peace.
no, a full blown dragon's dogma 2 able to be more than the deferred dream 1 ended up as
I actually don't mind playing a vocation that I don't like that much to be effective later with the vocation I want to use in the end
Fighters get a lot of shit as far as I see because people think it's a boring class but I actually like it very much, but I didn't mind playing as warrior or assassin for more dmg
Well then you’ll have no problem getting almost 50 levels as a sorc, besides, casting times aren’t so bad with the right planning (the ring and th right skills) and you’ll get to spend time as a core magic class learning what is weak to what before switching over, if you didn’t already know. The shenanigans the magic classes get into is great sometimes though. Personally I didn’t care for sorc that much until I learned about the lightning whip, at which point I was losing my shit at making Cyclopes my bitch after having so much trouble before that.
how about phys. damage thou? if I play as a sorcerer for like 50 levels and then change to knight/archer, would that be enough to catch up on the physical damage?
who knows, I may end up liking sorcerer
fighting my past self and especially my pawn's was painful
>everything besides the combat fucking sucks
Maybe because it's a game and not movie?
That wasn't my past self, as I play online.
>tfw spent a lot of time designing my pawn
>Would get a lot of people using them every day
>Real happy to see that other people liked my pawn and wanted to play with them
>After quitting the game and moving on I can't help but feel sad that I'll never see them again
Too good of a system to be in a fairly short single player game honestly.
It's kind of neat when you're absent from the game for a while and then come back, you get to see your pawn was rented by a lot of people and they liked its playstyle, rather than just their appearance.
I played the second time on hard mode and didn't have enough wakestone to progress at the end (because I sold what I have left earlier), so I just went in to fight the ur dragon offline and I only realized that it was set offline when I was already walking past the main npcs at the end
it seems like if you set it to online by that time it still counts as if you were offline
Well, since literally every attack will be augmented with magic you won’t feel like your that gimped unless you use the wrong element. I don’t remember exactly off the top of my head but I think mystic knight has slightly higher physical damage then mystic archer but is totally outclassed when it comes to anything other than shotgun range. Overall it won’t feel as important, but even tho mystic archer has less phys growth they crit like a crazy sumbitch so although if you pay attention to numbers it will be lower, it won’t be any more then a small margin.
Has someone ripped the music from the game? I have the soundtracks, but I'm specifically looking for the music playing in the background during this particular bit.
there was this one guy that kept renting my pawn and gave her max ratings everytime, earning me 6-700k RCs each round
at the end when I was actually finished with my character and pawn I did BBI runs for some extra rings and bands, and I send him bb armor/weapon lv3s and all the best shit
too bad I'm gonna do a new build and my pawn won't be there for him anymore
They say japs can't write for shit
thank you user, can't wait to try some magick stuff today
>try to waifu Mercedes
>end up with Serene
I can't deny my nature guys
>you continue it
I loved every inch of this game during my play through of it (in 2014). I barely remember the story at all, but holy SHIT exploring Gransys was a fucking blast. I really wish I could go back and play it again for the first time. I started me replay of it on PC about a month ago and after exploring every inch of the map that is accessible early on, I have grown bored.
Games like this are so fucking rare. I'm just glad to be alive to play them every once in a while.
I hope you have as much fun as I did. Don’t forget to give lots of glug to the shegoat for me.
> I have grown bored
what about bbi? I also played it when it was released but without the expansion, coming back to it a few weeks ago was a blast combined with all the new stuff from bitterblack isle
I'm sure I will
>give lots of glug to the shegoat for me
that's taken care of by my fighter m8
I think I'm gonna go for Selene with my magickdude
So any fun classes you people would recommend? Have played the game with 2H warrior class but having only 3 special moves really sucked out the fun of the game in the end.
Good choice, although a true magician would go for the loli in the woods. Selene seems like the rogues choice.
Literally any of the hybrid classes give you a ton of options. Take your pick friendo
strider/assassin are fun classes imo, I liked sniping mobs and fucking destroy every bigger enemy with my ringed/buffed dire gouge