Redpill me on Vermintide 2

Redpill me on Vermintide 2

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It's a good game

It's refreshingly OK

terrible balance, it feels like the devs don't know anything about their own game and don't test changes at all

full of bugs, even after two betas and several patches later every single map you run into bugs

awful performance, it just doesn't look anywhere near as good as it should to warrant such a powerful PC to run it, even when it runs really badly on the lowest settings

pointless korean mmo grind, enjoy your 0.5% chance of finding a highest tier item or a cosmetic

but the gameplay itself is pretty damn fun, even with bots, if only the developers would get their shit together


I love the game but its still in Beta.

Shield + Axe or Shield + Mace, dregbarazi?

1h hammer.

>playing krubes
>ironbreaker in the group is a 12 year old or younger with a high voice
>elf joins
>he starts sperging out regurgitating Sup Forums memes
>elf gets pounced
>kid starts talking about how we should leave her dad because elves are gay

I met Sup Forums incarnate


>could only play this game on low because my cpu sucks
>not sure if worth it since friends say the physics are 99% of fun

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Gotta say booping a rat in the muzzle with a two handed hammer and watching it ragdoll down a cliff is pretty satisfying

1h hammer is considered the best if you know how to dodge. Shields are a crutch, learn to dodge.

you can't even turn off those physics

>this game is good because it's fun

Do you actually have an argument or just buzzwords?

>built shitty mid-tier in 2014 for $600
>runs game on medium
>get a comfortable 60fps by removing SSAO and Depth of Field
>could run it maxed out by now if cryptocurrency didn't ruin the gpu market

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I only play 2x axe dwarf and I have had hours of fun.

2h hammer if you want to be useful in the harder difficulties.

I spent $950 in 2016 and can run it on Ultra with 60+ fps

Cheap, fun, easy to pick up and put down, and the thing feels like a passion project by everyone involved, which makes the experience “cleaner.”

Kid sounds p cool desu

I found Vermintide 1 disappointing. Does it get better in 2?

Its better in every possible way

Fun with friends, meh solo


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Except Kerillian. Her personality is worse by miles, lumberfoot

2h hammer is garbage in vt2

not if you know how to use it

Give that kid a hold

>playing with friends, run is going decently
>all of them lose connection simultaneously because they live together in the sticks
>play with their bots waiting for them to reconnect, when suddenly this happens

I was not prepared

Attached: ravaged.webm (900x600, 2.85M)

fun but buggy and grindy

It's funny how evident it is no one plays Bardin Ranger. The smokebomb (sometimes?) does self damage even if you choose "on activate, heal 20 health" you take (more?) damage and I'm sure all mentions of health is ALWAYS temp health. Despite the fact that the descriptions sometimes spells out "temporary health" and sometimes "health".

Basically the more you play the more jarring the heaping of bugs become.

raise your FOV, faggot. that's some console-tier shit

>change some setting, somewhere
>goes from constant 60 fps to not only stuttering but also having these weird game logic slowdowns

If ones physical enjoyment of a activity does not motivate one enough to do said activity. Then what is the point?


It's vertical fov in the options retard, 59 is fine on the slider.

Fun as fuck, fantastic feeling combat.

Pubbies are pretty shit but should improve over time as more casual retards leave and more dedicated fans remain.
Mods and dedicated servers in the pipe line which will dramaticaly improve the experience.

Fairly grindy for higher level gear and an absolute joke for cosmetics.

I love it 8.5/10

that webm is not "fine". it's console-tier zoomed in garbage
fix your shit, faggot

Gotta say, Pubs in this game are some of the worst I've ever played with.
How do you get to level 20 and STILL be so bad on Recruit?

Also I wish they'd do something about Host Migration, it pisses me off everytime the host DCs near the end of a mission and it resets to start.

every class is viable if you play properly and coordinate, it's a co-op game so fuck the autistic meta. just make sure to stack the stats for your career and have fun

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THat webm is above 90 fov retard, look at the fish eye effect

90 fov is fucking garbage. Anything below 120 is console peasantry.

get out of recruit and veteran asap, many pubs in champ and legendary are god tier banter fests in between the seamless full tome/grim runs ranald will still fuck you

1h hammer?? Wait, what?

I thought people exclusively use axes or 2h hammer with dorf

foot knight/10

its a bit hard when every other game DCs to start and every other game fails cause everyone is a fucking moron.

I like my games not to look like they're running on source engine, thanks.

>trying to revive someone while you're targeted by a boss
deserved it

>queue veterans with my brother seven fucking times
>wipe to stupid shit every time
Chaos spawn grabs, people flailing on boss without any awareness of what's around them or clearing adds, wasting healing supplies, take your pick. We're never going to reach champion at this rate

maybe you're in a shit region. expand your search range and play with yurobros


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Grinding for the sake of grinding. Inferior to L4D2 in just about every way.

at least there's a gap, the feel when you can't even tell there's anything left to fill in the bar is worst

>actually finish skittergate on champ with zealot, slayer, foot soldier and waystalker comp

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>it’s a chaos spawn regenerates to full three times episode

I'm in the UK.
one of the best pub games I've had was with Russians.

I swear I fucking manage to block and dodge it every single time it targets me as waystalker, then it turns around and keeps grabbing the scrub zealot or merc and healing back to fucking full. Not to mention the retards who never interrupt it
>Kruber doesn't use morale boost at any point during the boss fight or the whole level previously
>wastes it immediately after the fight against three clanrats

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>some character are literally garbage tier

fucking op class mainer kys.

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Also this happened one time.
We were fucked anyway, the Kruber had already died once, after he ran off and left the rest of us fighting a Rat Ogre.

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>tfw only just realise morale boost gives temporary health to downed people too

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>it feels like the devs don't know anything about their own game and don't test changes at all
They don't. They were throwing out significant nerfs in the beta just 12 hours before launch.

If you "know how to use it", you also know how to use other, better weapons.

Huntsman scrubs should just get over it already and learn to aim

The game keeps selling a lot. I don't think that day is coming soon

Honestly I feel huntsman is THE best special killer in the game, they really overnerfed it to the point his other careers just offer more in the terms of group support.


If you're a fucking scrub is this game still enjoyable

>autistic elf player thinking they're better with range because they get automatic zoom on their ranged weapon

Longbow and rifle are both extremely slow weapons
It's not just that it's harder to aim, but it's also punished if you don't get headshots (you wont get ammo back)

It's not the fact that they nerfed it you shitposting nignogs. It's the fact that they didn't notice it and do something about it until right as the game was supposed to come out.

>fps with M+KB
>still can't land a headshot
Git gud.

I don't play huntsman, but for my defence, I do land headshots, it just takes me a bit longer because I have an awful mousepad that somehow skips 33% of my mousemovement so it's ridiculously hard to aim without taking my sweet time doing so

I can get headshots with a gamepad. The only time i use a KBM is when im going CUHRAZY with the bright wizard

>I have an awful mousepad that somehow skips 33% of my mousemovement
Then stop using it you tard. Don't tell me you're this fucking stupid.

Why the fuck is fartshart taking so long to patch ANYTHING fuck's sake

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>terrible balance
Every character has classes that are good, maybe 1-2 that are bad depending *cough battlewizard/unchained*
>full of bugs
No shit, didn't you play Vermintide 1? These bugs won't get ironed out until the first DLCs bugs are patched IN
>awful performance
I run a 1060 and an 8350, I get stable 60 fps with dumb shit like sunshafts and shadows turned off. Idk what pre-built you're running spuddo
>pointless korean mmo grind
Did you get pissed at D3 too for not feeding you the exact set you wanted your first run? The game is built on coffers that shit gear at you, once you cap on power make shit you want for weapons and just pray they patchfix the abysmal drop rates for red/cosmetics
>gameplay itself is fun
Yeah pretty much, they did a good job adding the classes to diversify comps instead of running the same shit constantly.

I don't have a better one and I haven't got a new one yet because it costs like 20 €
Using just my table is not an option either because it's literally worse

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If your mouse has a laser it shoud work just fine.

No, it severely punishes shitters. Should do it more tho. All ranged classes should be nerfed to Huntsman tier.

Pre rendered frame option. Its not exactly that phrasing. Set it to 1

This is a no honk zone.

>walks in front of a ranged character
>gets hit by FF
>ragequits to shitpost on a thread because he's too autistic about his green circles to let ranged thin the hordes coming at them

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tried that, didn't work, might've been a gpu or a system setting which is why I'm so boggled because I mess with my system config a lot

If you’re simply bad, you can stay in recruit/veteran and still do fairly well.
The real punishment happens to people who are just plain idiots and don’t grasp concepts like movement, situational awareness, item management, etc

i keep dying, what do i do? seems blocking has a delay or doesn't do anything to actually negate damage

>59 is fine

lmao you fucking shitter 90 vertical fov is the bare minimum to even attempt champion difficulty let alone legendary

>use bardin's flamethrower
>mad fucking elves, bountyhunters & wizards are STILL spraying their shit in that direction despite the flamethrower creating a 100% confirmed killzone at a chokespot/horde or whatever it is
>then they get rats on hitting their ass, all because they just HAD to have some of those kills that someone else was already handling

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Stop dying

Not sure but I think block protection is based on the weapon, like for example, a shield will 100% defend against any damage caused by rattling fire

No, I simply shoot back at them and disband party even with 2g3t near the end of mission if fuckers keep shooting at lone rats or never switch to melee even while being one step from horde causing unnecessary ff.
Ranged should require skill as well and be secondary, it's melee focused game not l4d for soyboys running away from enemy.

>main Sienna since everyone wants to play Dwarf/Kruber
>dome fucking pubbies with Bolt staff charged shots because they want to blunderbuss a blackrat from a distance
>"omfg wizard wtf???"
>kick them outside the bridge
Cya shitter

easiest way to spot a shitter and console faggot is when they dont max out fov instantly in any game they play

>walks in front of a ranged character
I think you mean
>a ranged character walks behind him

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>french name
It's like playing with french in monster hunter all over again

I get wanting 90 fov since it's generally considered "human field of view" but going past that is just fully autistic and makes everything look like you're going warpspeed

You claim to know about the balance of the game and then call Unchained (one of the best careers in the game) bad, why should anyone bother reading past that point?

>using special for just one fucking rat
It's a special but jesus they must be really bad if they need a goddamn homing missile when standing right next to an enemy that's walking in a straight line

>proper lighting and dynamic shadows are considered "dumb shit"

the few times I've done that I've got motion sick
I'm sorry Sup Forums

they're shitty memes that only obscure your vision. shadows and dynamic lighting should always be turned off

its literally a factual gameplay advantage.
