Console is 1 year old

>console is 1 year old
>game count: 1
Wow, nice """console""", Nintendo. I'm glad I bought one so it can collect dust in the corner of my room for another year until *maybe* another game comes out in 2019.

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Okay but shitposting and consolewar shitflinging aside the Switch is unironically a beacon of light in the sea of shit that is modern gaming. It's the only platform with games I remotely give a shit about. PC gaming is barren - there are currently no good multiplayer shooters worth investing more then a few hours in that have people actually playing them, XB1 is just a cheaper PC and the PS4 is the only other platform with some singleplayer games I'm remotely interested in (but I can wait for PS3 emulation to improve for Persona 5).

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Two questions
>What game?
>What kind of games would you want to see on the Switch?

Name a console that had more than one worthwhile exclusive in its first year.

What are you by chance comparing it to?

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That's a cute graph. How many of those games are indie ports?

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>open eShop
>more shovelware than Steam greenlight

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You're pathetic

as many as sony has

user I don't even like the eShop but that is factually false

Only ios and Android have a higher ratio of garbage than Steam

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The "Anytime. Anywhere. With anyone." tagline really does make the Switch seem like a cheap whore.


>b-but sony
Every time.

But the PS4 is 5 years old and made by Sony, not Nintendo.



The original argument involved comparing consoles, moron


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How will OP even recover?

>Run perfect on pc or run like ass on console hmmmmmmmmmmm guess why multiplats do not count on consoles faggot

ayy lmao

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Multiplats are not a good reason to buy a console

What if it's multiplats that don't get PC ports?

70 (seventy) million

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not rollin

Right now PS4 has only one real worth time of people with good taste game. That's Bloodborne.

>muh millions
Good goy

ITT: fags who dont get that the switch is a handheld and should be treated as such. incredible to see morons comparing it to the ps4 or pc. it's so much more than that.

these are all me

But switch have more games in the first year, than ps4 in the first two years.

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Runs like ass and looks like ass no thanks

>Complain about switch/Nintendo in a timeline where Mobas/pubgs/lootboxes/muh generic QTEmoviegame and unfinished games are dominant

Do you hate vidya OP?

It's sort of true about running like ass, it looks really nice, but maybe a little too dark overall, almost the same colour palette, would be nice to see more diverse locations. Anyway, still had a blast on it.

Name (1)

Please dont derail threads like this, im absolutely not rolling

video games

Look on the bright side, you got more games than the XBone.

pls yen

And, of course, I got the dyke. Not rerolling.

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I have a big dick

Fuck off I don't want a big tiddy waifu please

>DR 3
well at least they tried



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>all that soyboy and weebshit on the right
What’s your point? At least the PS4 had some games for well adjusted people to wait for the good stuff for laters years.


>mario shit 300057
>mario shit 300051
>weeb shit
>mario shit 700987
>weeb shit


Honestly, this. The vidya market has been stale with Microsoft and Sony one-upping each other with their mini-PCs and PC market itself is a joke thanks to Steam. Hating Nintendo is equal with hating video games at this point, which I don't doubt is true for many Sup Forums regulars.

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>Whenever, wherever and with whomever.

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So. Just as many as PS4 has, when we ignore all the other games we don't like on the respective systems. Cool.

What female character is number 4?

why not

All videogames are for manchildren atleast nintendo accepts it



Sonygggers BTFO.

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i want the one with the biggest boobs

no moe blobs

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>in the corner of my room

This board is for people 18+

Gibe mummy. I hate literal kids.

about time!

Because a refurbished Nvidia Shield is so much better right?

Fuck it

user saves the day

Last reroll. Gibe mummy.
On topic though, I just got a shitch this january and only played Odyssey. Which game should I get on it? It's gathering dust right now and can't see myself touching it anytime soon because I'm playing MHW which will probably take me 500+ hours before I get burnt out.

The Shitch sucks.


No plans for South Park.
South Park gets announced.
Plans change.

>Games I don’t like are soyboy
Christ, this is even worse than when everyone started calling people cucks a year or so ago because they enjoyed different games. But at least it didn’t spawn any shit meme images like soyboy does

1 (one) game

1 game in 20. Bravo Nintensoys!

Are we talking about Switch and Toddler Odyssey?

48 get


Rolling around


lets see the result

One in five... Well... Six once RDR2 releases really when you ignore all the bad ones. ;)

Shitposting aside
That's the reason why I have no games. I put over 200 hours on BOTW, close to 350 on Splatoon 2 and over a 140 on SMO.
It's not that I don't have games but I'm running though them like a cheap whore.
I thought I got cheated but then I realized the only game that even got SMO amount of time played was GTA V but that's because I brought it twice.
If these games were on PS4 I'd maybe have 40 hours each if I'm lucky because I'm never home.

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Knack 2 baby!!!

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This, I skipped this gen. All I have is a 3ds and the older consoles at the moment. I'll wait till the next gen consoles come around with backwards compatibility to buy one.

give me fifty-nine!

you'll never take Kairi's heart!

Vidya gaem

3DS brother here. Have you play SMT IV.
That game is way too good to be a 3DS title. Sure I'm 5 years late to the party but damn SMT IV blows away all my expectations for what a 3DS game can be and do.

Rolli loli my penoli.

Rolling. Come on, gib me a gud waifu.



am i blind or there is no 2B in this list ?

i'm here to fuck

rolling rolling