SONY WINS BABY. Nintendo and Sega shouldn't have backstabbed Sony when they wanted to get in on the gaming Market. Because look at them now; one of them no longer makes Consoles, and the other has been second fiddle since 2008. And now Microsoft, the only other contender, has decided to drop out too, leaving Sony the last standing. Never doubt the one who's mature enough not to be childish, but young enough not to be out of touch. Try again next time, fuckers.
SONY WINS BABY. Nintendo and Sega shouldn't have backstabbed Sony when they wanted to get in on the gaming Market...
Good one. Let me know when Kaz figures out weebs built the brand and are longterm customers, the soy market for all the western trash in the pipeline has the long term loyalty of Golden State fans.
It's starting to feel like (or maybe it's been that way for a long time) that Sony is the company carrying the flame for video gaming, rather than Nintendo.
List of poorly supported Sony gimmicks
>emotion engine
>"the cell"
>playstation phone
>playstation eye
>3d gaming (ps4 abandoned all support)
>playstation vita
>playstation move
>playstation vue
It's to be expected from a Company that already had it's grip on TV's, Cassette Player's, and others when they decided to get in on the Gaming Market. If Nintendo or Sega had actually went through with their collaboration, things would have been vastly different for them, and would have been the last one standing in that regard.
Good one.
When it comes to add on's and modern day western exclusives, Sony certainly fails in that regard. But much like R.O.B., they are simply a means to further their power and reach. Nintendo does certainly at least have a completely dominated market on handheld consoles, though.
all of those are still supported except the cell, and the vue, and 3d gaming.
ps phones just aren't called ps phones, cause they never were, they are sony-ericsson phones. They suck in their own right but they're hardly unsupported. One's coming out next month.
The eye is just the ps camera now which is supported (&required) for psvr.
3d gaming was just a shit trend that nobody stuck by so no big surprise it flopped.
I mean, 6-7 years of support is pretty good.
required for psvr.
they still get new packages for vue. It's a shit service because the a la carte selection is only in like 2 states, but not because it's unsupported.
not like there's 4 games or more coming out every month for it, shitting all over every other vr set.
Pick on the low quality network services, high prices on games, mediocre sales, removal of ps3/vita from ps+. Pick on actual shit they're doing wrong. Not made up shit.
>Nintendo and Sega shouldn't have backstabbed Sony when they wanted to get in on the gaming Market.
Sony backstabbed Nintendo though.
Nintendo and Sony had a deal, but Sony skewed the deal to where they would get majority rights of the products and screw over Nintendo. So Nintendo naturally declined.
It just so happened to be that Sony was a terrible business partner to partner with because they would not accept anything but them running practically the whole show.
>not accepting this was backstabbing sony
Please. Nintendo have backstabbed plenty. But you'd be a fool to not see how Sony were the ones out for blood here.
They would have owned the rights and licensing to the CD Games, not the Cartridge based ones.
The CD functionality was the new product though. It's what they were contracted to help develop in the first place.
But in the end they wanted it all.
Vita literally had the possibility of being the Switch before the Switch, but Sony incompetence had them killing off the damn thing instead.
Their first party devs are pretty shit these days too, their only saving grace is money hatting a some good devs into exclusivity.
Their hardware is pretty garbage these days too (always has been actually), the DS4 has been a disaster where it burns up the battery if you give it 1 tiny amp more when charging and analog sticks that stop detecting inputs in certain directions.
And ps4 has severe heating issues because the gooks thought it'd be a brilliant idea to stick the power supply inside the console with piss poor ventilation so it sounds like you have a jet turbine in your living room.
Let me add
>six axis
>shitty touchpad controller
holy tits
s e e t h i n g
"Support" the Vita...
They haven't even mentioned it at any conference in probably 4 years.
3d gaming was fantastic too unless you have shit eyes. It's not difficult to implement so not even supporting it on the ps4 is a sin.
>haven't mentioned it
not in the west. It's still getting simultaneous releases with ps4 titles in japan though, and new games as well. The Lost Child is a pretty big one that came out not too long ago, half a year maybe. Plus the ciel nosurge games, collar x malice, criminal girls 2, dance with devils, macross delta scramble, there's more.
I get it if you only buy physical or something, I guess, but the vita still gets tons of third party support, they just don't talk about it because it doesn't get any first party support. They fucked it raw with memory cards, and the system sold poorly, but it's got a fairly high attach rate, and it didn't have such ferocity against it in japan where it's still getting simul-releases on like every other fucking weebshit title that's released on ps4.
>cannot change your username
>network constantly going down
>hacked multiple times
>sends your credit card info unprotected
>raises the price of their "service" anyway
Is this really all you can come up with? It's ok to lose, you know.
Sony back stabbed SEGA.
How can anyone win when there are so few good games
It literally could've been the Switch instead of a weeb machine.
Sega of Japan are the ones who quite literally said Sony can't make hardware or software. Sega of America was perfectly willing to work with them.
Sonya and Microsoft took over from where SEGA left off. Nintendo couldn't compete and retreated into the children's toy market and gimmick consoles. Smart move really. People would spend their time choosing between a Sony or Microsoft console and then also buy a Nintendo as an addendum.
It could have, but the west had such a (rightful) hateboner over the fucktarded memory prices and sizes that it immediately flounderedi n terms of hardware sales. the 3DS was as successful as anticipated, and the premium market for the vita quickly disappeared when smartphones rose to popularity around it's release totally removing the need for a 3g plan on the vita that cost about as much as a proper data plan for a phone, and only had access to skype.
Friendly reminder that Nintendo diversified enough to be more profitable than the Playstation division despite being outsold 7:1.
Sony used to be an electronics titan, you thought of consumer electronics you thought Sony. Nowadays they're an insurance company with a video game branche and they're worth less than a cardboard toy company.
Nintendo is a damn good company, in spite of my gloating about Sony having won this whole console war. Definitely worthy of being an addendum.
It's kind of hilarious how Sega and Nintendo managed to help create Playstation
Nintendo wouldn't have fucking had to deal with new competition if they just went straight to Sony to discuss the contract rather than trying to humiliate them at CES
And Playstation wouldn't have gotten 3rd Party Support if Sega didn't release Virtua Fighter
Sony were already secretly planning a console before that anyway, they were never gonna support SEGA CD.
For sure. It was the smart move.
Instead of going toe to toe with the big guys on the "entertainment console" front, they set up their own Nintendo centric universe. What they had was unique to their machines. A closed system. They pitched themselves as expressly family entertainment. The other two fought over the same territory and in the end one of them would always lose out to the other on a person's purchase...while nintendo could pick up the spare change from both transactions.
"That’s a stupid idea, Sony doesn’t know how to make hardware. They don’t know how to make software either. Why would we want to do this?" - Sega of Japan
>tfw we would still have SEGA if we had bombed Japan for a third time