Real Talk Sup Forums

Real Talk Sup Forums
Who the fuck is looking forward to this trash? Bloodborne and most of 2017 was really good for PS, but who here is unironically looking forward to all this, without a Japanese game in sight? Underages that started with a PS3? XB360 refugees? How can you look forward to this when all the best playstation games are from Japan?

Attached: westerntrash.jpg (1600x1067, 306K)

Im interested in GoW and Spiderman, although I dont plan on buying them anytime soon

Im looking forward to all of those except spidermen. I started out with snes, so whatever. Who cares, there are ton of different games, dont like something - dont play it

I'm looking forward to them all except Days Gone, but I'm still open to it

I'm expecting about the quality of the previous games, i.e. mediocre to decent, style over substance.
Disappointed as fuck to see it using Bamham combat and stealth, Insomniac is a shell of its former self. I expect it to do really well but I'm staying far away.
>Days Gone
Without exaggeration the most forgettable game I've ever seen. EVERYTHING about it is incredibly derivative, you couldn't come up with a more generic game if you tried.
>Detroit: Become Human
More David Cage schlock, might be good for a laugh.

>God of War
Cautiously optimistic.
Insomniac has a good track record, and Spidey's the only capeshit I enjoy so I'm in.
>Days Gone
Nobody gives a shit, honestly.
I unironically believe that if the trailers are accurate, this will be exactly as good as David Cage wants it to be.

Interested in Spiderman, but not gonna buy it as soon as it drops. Gonna wait for the hype to die down and read some honest reviews first.

GoW is kind of a gamble. It can be that they're just luring in SJW with this kind of advertising and then the actual game is the same GoW we know, but then in Norse mythology. It can also be it's going to be a 'story-centric' game like that stupid Hell-something game.

If someone in there reels Cage's batshit ideas in it might actually be pretty decent. I don't mind cinematic adventure games that don't pretend to be anything else.

Spiderman looks like qte trash, Days Gone is definitely getting cancelled, GoW is TLoU without guns.

>E3 2018 will have the same games sony shows since 2013
>"s-sony w-won!"
mediocrestation soyboys on full damage control

I'm very excited for Sucker Punch's game. Ghost of Toocheema I believe it's called. Yes, that is on my top 5.