Why does Mary have hectochromia in her eyes? Also how is a human teenager doing all this cool shit...

Why does Mary have hectochromia in her eyes? Also how is a human teenager doing all this cool shit? Short of having a devil trigger, being half demon is pretty unremarkable. Lady contracts game when...

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Lady doesn't do fucking anything spectacular ever. She routinely takes fucking ages to take down average mooks. That's literally her entire screen time when she's not getting toyed with by Dante or beaten by her father.

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Good heritage.

She's the descendant of the priestess who's blood was used to seal the temen-ni gru, which I think hints at her bloodline being specially powerful since that's the seal to the literal gate of hell full of demons.

Her father is also a human that's gained some decently powerful demon powers, and since it's implied that he only got together with Lady's mother to sacrifice her to open the gates to the underworlds, it can be assumed that he already had demon powers by the time Lady was conceived and thus some of that demon power could have been transferred to her through anime demon magic.

That’s sad. But i think people born out of terrible circumstances, mistakes basically are more interesting. Growing up i knew a pretty girl who’s mother used to fuck around with a BAD DUDE like Gangster captain bad. Her mother was beautiful and was known to be a bad punk in her teens, but her daughter was a lovely person. She had no father, but everyone, even she. knew who her “dad” was. I think it was cool how a fantastic hunan being came out of shit.

DMC3 prequel manga says he got the scar and the demonic powers after that book you see him carrying in DMC3 was brought to him, which was 10 years prior to the events of the manga. Since Lady was a teen at that time, and it was only 1 year before DMC3, then there was no demon power to transfer to her. Sadly, the third part, the one covering the events of Kalina Ann's death, was never made, so at best one can assume she got her abilities from the priestess and pure determination.

The demons destroyed the entire city, I don't know what makes you think she is special.

I think she doesn’t have powers. she’s just extremely competent with weaponry. besides it would be more compelling for the narrative of dmc3 if she was purely human. sorry for phone posting

m-my post wasn’t about lady user. Also this implies Dante is also shit at his job too.

big guns allow you to do that

Well, nobody bats an eye at the crazy shit she does and people thought Nero was fully human, I'd say humans in DMC universe are just crazy strong compared to us.

Nero was always kept at the margin of society, so they probably never really noticed how powerful he really was. If humans were that crazy strong, they wouldn't have need Sparda.

Lady is still a small fry compared to Dante and Vergil.

My bad, but i guess he is shit at it, you see no survivors on DMC3's city.
I disagree, the city was full of normal people and they got butchered, it makes no sense for her to be fully human.

I know, but Lady on her own could climb the tower, rotating between multiple guns while taking down mooks and with a heavy rocket launcher on her back. If the entire human race could do that, then it wouldn't really be that weak for Sparda to take pity on.

They planned for Dante in DMC4 to face some sort of uber demons, maybe they were the ones that rekt past humanity.

>and people thought Nero was fully human

I kind of understood he was not like the second he clearly had a demonic arm. Whats the story with that anyway? Why can he not hide it as a human arm?

DMC4 ruined her. I was so disappointed honestly.

Not my dick though.

It makes sense for Humans to be able to deal with a lot of the mook enemies. They're basically slow dudes with melee weapons. It's not until you start fighting the later game enemies that they have capabilities that are beyond and average guy with a gun.

We have people that can run 100 meters in less than 10 seconds or bench press over 300 kg, doesn't mean everyone in the world can potentially do that. And magic is a thing in DMC, that alone makes humans from that universe superior to us.

>Also how is a human teenager doing all this cool shit

By being in a japanese game or anime or jrpg
what she is doing is literally nothing you have 15 year old virgin protagonists scared of talking to a women that borderline forces herself on the beta.
Same teenagers later save existence itself by literally fighting GOD with swords.

I really wanted to fuck DMC3 Lady

Is her last name Sue? Might explain it

probabbly an order fuckery. Its more likely he's an attempt to clone Vergil rather being his actual son.

The iny complaint i seem to see for “ruining” her is that she isn’t a 16 year old girl anymore and is in her mid 30’s. Her tits are still fantastic.

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>I disagree, the city was full of normal people and they got butchered, it makes no sense for her to be fully human.

>since couch potatoes can't stand up to demons, no human can

Green Stars.

The problem is she still has the fashion sense of a 16 year old.

what the fuck is that

Well, she already killed some demons. Maybe she spent some red orbs on upgrading herself.

>hurrrr ugry

Where all the cops, military or even survivors? Everyone AFAIK is pretty much dead besides Dante, Lady,Vergil and Arkham, no other human was found because the average person was killed in the shitstorm, this isn't a HFY situation.

I think her DMc4 outfit is cool as fuck. A blazer but no shirt or bra? Belt straps to hold her shit all over her bare chest? Its cool as fuck, and her battle scars are sexy as fuck.

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She'd look sexier with pants. Her cheap plastic sunglasses however are full-on bad. They look shoplifted from a Hot-Topic.

>Why does Mary have hectochromia in her eyes?

Where else is she going to have it.

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It takes Mary a shitton of effort to dispose even of the most generic trash.
Dante doesn't consider her a threat, the battle against her is just a cat and mouse chase and he dicks around every time she tries to harm him in some way.

They evacuated the place? Why the fuck would they stay around the huge demonic murdertower?

The Pentagon is probably shitting his pants over what to do in the roughly 10 hours the game takes place in.

there is any anime where the protag is badass but isnt scared of woman? this shit gets me mad

Kaze no Stigma

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oh yeah
only this one
already watched btw

She is probably the most normal person of the cast.

Trigun, Cowbeep Boybop, Gurren LAGANN

Good one user, tell it again.


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A better question is why did she think it was okay to shoot Dante in the head for catching her midfall if she only afterwards realized that he wouldnt die from it

I would but Im afraid it would come out off color.

Since catching her like that is an inhuman feat, he must be a demon
At that point in the story, she basically operates as a logic gate, where if you feed in "demon" you get "shoot".

Any woman would do that upon seeing him outside of a Tokyo bar.

Sup Forums, have you ever considered kissing lady?

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I think it's common enough for humans to do flips and crazy shit, possibly due to alchemy being common. Like, Nero and Lady don't remark that Dante is "not-human/a demon" until they impale and headshot him respectively and he gets right back up. Sooo, what, all the running up walls and flipping and spinning his sword around wasn't a giveaway?

There must be some other way for people to enhance their physical abilities (short of healing injuries in a second, which is something Lady couldn't do with her stabbed leg, even though she was able to walk on it hours later). My guess is alchemy. Green stars and all that.

yes, except that she had seen Dante do much more outlandish shit before that scene and only uttered "so hes a demon too.." after already shooting him in the forehead

a even better question. why did her leg not get rip off the moment dante caught it?

It's just rule of cool.

Lady is just like Batman in the sense that she's "super human". I wouldn't get too caught up on it.

h-have i ever considered it?! Um...

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He wasn't going to kiss her I was just pushing off the wall.

>hundred colors

I'm havin' a laff, shit must be like looking through a kaleidoscope while on an acid trip. Why indeed.

Heterochromia iridum describes the eye version but heterochromia itself describes a difference in relative pigmentation; you can exhibit heterochromia in your skin or hair for example, which basically means it can theoretically be anywhere on the body not just in the eyes.

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The tower popped after Dante defeated the boss of mission 2, the city was aready deserted.
Berserk, Petshop of horrors, DMC (the anime) and JoJo

>The big bad in every game except 1 has been human
Sparda was clearly protecting the demons from humanity, rather than the other way around.

>DMC (the anime)

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>hundred colored
Nigga, learn words before you use them.

Krauser, lord of metal, fears no bitches.

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I guess, but it's fun to come up with in-world theories.

Like, why are the first squad of knights (who have been made part demon via Angus' experiments) fucking shit and die in seconds against Dante but Nero (who everyone assumes is completely human) able to go toe to toe with him and nobody comments on it?

Fuck, even Arkham has some breakdancing kung fu moves.

The city wasn't deserted. You find fresh blood all over the stripclub.

She's a normal human. So what she does is impressive relatively.

That's paint, that's just the bar's aesthetic.

Well, when I mean deserted I don't mean people left the place, I meant empty as fuck.
>mfw Dante is akwardly doing whoo-hoo-hoos around a empty place in silence if the music is just for player only

>fucking shit and die in seconds against Dante but Nero
Because there is a difference in Nero and Dante powerlevels, also one could simply assume those knights weren't heavily augmented given a "human" could take them out.

You can tell how fucking awful her new model was when they tried to remake her old 3 outfit with it in 4SE.

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Post more of her

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I want to poke Lady's belly button!

She is like 35 user.

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I was more imoressed with this show than expected

Such a bad bitch i love her.

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>Petshop of horrors
This is one of my favorite manga but I don't think that guy is looking for a homosexual protagonist

Why does her nose go from small and pointy to bulbous and wide?

demon dick

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It´s a Chris-chan reference, look it up

She grew up by 20+ years. She was a kid back then user. Do you also wonder why her tits doubled in size also??

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My nigga, also the count is more like bi, he gets kissed by both genders and just shrugs it off.

Heto eyes are cute

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It looks so stuuppiiiiddd especially with unnatural colors like this.

Lady was extremely fun to play in 4se. I got it because i was extremely excited for muh vergil but playing lady ended up being so much god damn fun.
She might be my favorite playable dmc character now.

you have to be 18+ to post here

I'm not gonna type out the entire thing.

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I can post however I want >:3

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I'm now a hectosexual


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I absolutely despised dmc4 lady at first but she grew on me after a while, don't really know what triggered it but whatever

Slightly offtopic, but I just beat DMC1 for the first time, and damn the game is something else.

I can see why people like it so much, it feels much more engaging and atmospheric than the other games. I also had no idea Frosts and Assaults were enemies from DMC1, I just assumed they were made up for DMC4.
Man this shit was a lot of fun, and I felt that the Orb upgrade prices were very fair unlike the absurd grind you had to undergo in DMC4 to buy basic shit like enemy step. So yeah, just thought I'd share.

The camera and platforming can still suck my dick, goddamn will they ever learn that their game just does not work for that shit?

>will they ever learn that their game just does not work for that shit?
Wowowow! They totally did in a piece of perfection titled God Hand. However due to Capcom not marketing it right and Capcom not making it a PS3 launch title the game bombed and now and forever all our stupid crazy action games will have deplorable QTEs and mini-games and platforming bits and "puzzles" all because of Hideki "God of War" Kamiya is such a goddamn dipshit and everyone else is too prissy to be led by anyone else.

It might just be like how "True Faith" works in VtMB. If you believe in something strongly enough, you can get real powers from it, no matter what you're believing in. She probably hates demons so much and believes in her fight against them so strongly that she gets some real power from it.

I was shocked the game had a literal fucking underwater section. I mean...it was okay I guess, and kind of entertaining, but just thinking of replaying it gives me a headache.
And the last boss being a combination of platforming and a ... SHMUP was just bizarre as hell.

Still miles better than evil pope and "muh savior" but hell, DMC3 still blows it out of the water with Arkham monstrosity and Vergil.

>I felt that the Orb upgrade prices were very fair unlike the absurd grind you had to undergo in DMC4 to buy basic shit like enemy step.
They probably made everything so expensive in DMC4 on purpose so that you would buy their "200k upgrade orb DLC"

Stuff like this is such garbage, games used to just let you enable a console or enter cheat codes in some way, and now they're selling cheat codes as DLC.

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>DMC3 still blows it out of the water with Arkham monstrosity
Arkham and the slugs is the worst thing in DMC3 my dude, half the time the boss literally isn't on screen and you lose your special and DT

They did it for niggers who complained about it then DMC4 was released, DLCs are for Special Edition only. And in Special Edition you can fucking get as much af orbs just by playing at Legendary Dark Knight difficulty for like 2-3 first missions

Yeah, but the gimmick of controlling Dante and Vergil felt a lot more engaging than just flying through demon space and playing a SHMUP.
I can't really name a single fun big blob boss fight to be honest so I'm just comparing shades of shit.

Nightmare can suck my dick as well. The fight was so terrible I actually just let it eat me so that I could fight actually decent bosses instead.

>Why does Mary have hectochromia in her eyes?
So you might have a hint how she and "jester/arkham are related early on, also it looks cool.