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>PHD Flopper was such a good soda and it was only on 1 map in BO2

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root beer
root beer
everybody loves root beer

Deadshot best perk

Its also replaced by widows wine in Blops3 remakes

Why is BO1 zombies the best?


best maps by far + you could play the original waw maps

rezurrection map pack

I've played all of the treyarch zombies and have been kind of following the storyline. Has anyone else done this? I feel like it's only me also is anyone here excited for blops 4?

Origins and Buried is great

Lost track of the story after Origins

Story ended for me at Moon. Bo@ zombies sucked ass, so I stopped caring.

They admittedly slacked during World at War releasing literally just multiplayer maps with spawners and traversals for zombie AI added (zombies were just burning corpses from campaign with glowing eyes) so they could work as hard as possible on great layout and art direction for the next game. BO1 had amazing innovation in every map as well as a lot of effort and planning behind each. A lot of risk as well as Treyarch was the underdog studio who was panned by fans and critics for releasing ANOTHER WW2 game after CoD4 changed the game. Employees slept at the studio so they could get the game to be as good as possible.

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I'd agree that blops2 zombies blew big wang but I feel like it's only because most of the maps were pure garbage

Don't think I ever actually made it to the moon now that I think about it. That mean I need to get gud? I got pretty far wave wise with my brother, but never managed to make it to the moon

>remake map
>make the lighting fucking awful
>make it like the zombies got triggered by nazi symbols and tore down the banners
How awful.

what? can't you just teleport to the moon even in round 1?

man that perk was so fucking good

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Can you? We didn't play Ascension THAT much, but I feel like I remember looking up a guide that required you to do a whole bunch of shit to get it up and running.

What do youg uys think they'll do for Black Ops IIII? Was the PC port of 3 good because I might get 4.

>Don't think I ever actually made it to the moon now that I think about it
I was referring to the literal Moon map that was the last original Blops zombies DLC map.

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pc port was alright but didn't the original cod zombies end with black ops 3?

Oh oh oh, that makes a lot of sense. Am I remembering things wrong, or could you not get a rocketship up and running in Ascension? Maybe I'm just too tired from no sleep, but I thought you could do something like that

I played all the maps and followed the story up until they introduced Chtulu and alternate realities because by that point I got lost and had no idea what the fuck was going on anymore

You could get the rocket ship running in ascension, and then I'm pretty sure it would lift off then crash or something. I don't remember the map much beyond being able to abuse the wide open areas to get a massive hoard of zombies chasing me in a circle.

>from WW2 vets fighting off a sudden zombie invasion
>to Chtulu and alternate realities

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moon was in development for BO2 and had a COMPLETELY different layout than the release for Black Ops 1's final DLC. Moon was originally Paris and because Treyarch thought the Paris map wouldn't be as spectacular of a finale to BO1 as it should be, they scrapped the in-development Moon that was going to release for BO2 and retextured the almost-completed Paris map with the assets they made for BO2. The layout was indeed the EXACT same, and reference in the code for BO1 label the areas of Moon as "Bridge", "Catacombs east", "Catacombs west", "dig site", "library", "forest" and "tower" with a teleported underneath the base of the Eiffel Tower teleporting you to a "no man's land" area with a bunker and trenches where zombies would come from everywhere.
Tranzit is considered a mess because it was pretty rushed but if you notice certain areas like the power station use prefabs from Treyarch's original Moon that they were working on for BO2. The "no man's land" was replaced with a stripped down hangar 18 from BO1's multiplayer and the bunker/trench stuff was reworked into Origins.

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I've comeplted black ops 3 zombies and I'm not even sure. I'm pretty sure it's the end of the main timeline. They could do spin offs, like they already did. Plus, the story is anime tier so they can do whatever they want and make it make sense.

I still think that they would get a fuckton of money if they release a only zombies game

Paris did sound pretty bland, and Moon was fun. I wonder if they would've kept the low gravity in somehow.

they could have just made a paris on the moon map

it was the perfect middle ground between simplicity and elaborate, the newer BOZ
have all this ridiculous easter egg bullshit and all these dumbass perks and mechanics you know they're pandering to the syndicate project youtube gaymer crowd

Call of the Dead (originally "coast") had no George Romero, or the actors. It was a zombie engineer from the crashed ship of four survivors. The idea of the map was always based around a wandering enemy with high health who could become enraged until cooled down in the water. The pack a punch was very different too, with a machine downstairs from PH.D. Flopper That could not only upgrade your weapon, but teleport in other weapons from other maps. It was charged by a battery system, but the entire machine was scrapped last minute (you can see various weapon attachments in the trailers for the DLC as well as audio files from the machine) Another third zipline also went between the top of the lighthouse and the power area at the top of the boat that was also removed last minute because of navmesh issues.

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I missed when easter eggs were just minor things and not things to focus on. Something like Shangri La would have been alright.

W@W zombs best zombs

>need to find 3 other faggots to play zombies with
>COD on PC has no fucking players
>COD on PC is also fucking expensive
any good ways to play custom zombies on WaW or even regular? the servers dont show for zombies but do for multiplayer

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>someone got paid to make the widows wine perk icon

There was no low gravity on Paris, but there was a gas mask that would have been required at times.
Moon's layout as we know it is IDENTICAL to the original Paris map. The Recieving Bay used to be the bridge seen in pic related, the canyon was the river Siene, tunnel 6 and 11 were catacombs with skeleton walls, the Biodome being the Champ de Mars and directly under the Eiffel Tower was a teleporter which stayed in the exact same place, elevated over a pyramid while the Tower itself acted as a conduit for electricity.

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everything about WAW zombies was fixed in the BO1 conversion of the maps. I'd rather not get downed by getting glitches inside every zombie I get close to and not being able to crawl to my buddies after getting downed. Black Ops is objectively the best.

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