What if devs charged money for every button input? Wouldn't have to be a lot maybe .1usd for every 1000 buttons pushed.
Might be good to help out struggling developers.
What if devs charged money for every button input? Wouldn't have to be a lot maybe .1usd for every 1000 buttons pushed.
Might be good to help out struggling developers.
What do they do if someone only half-presses a button?
What if Pannenkoek came from the charge-per-A-press timeline?
Is he still alive? Heard he was losing his eyesight.
he would be rich from savings
>le half-presses haha xD
no such thing you fucking retard
I miss tile user.
there are analog keyboards. theyre used for writing. their keys detect partial pushes and the more expensive ones have several levels of actuation.
Mgs3 made use of them didn't it?
playstation controllers have pressure sensitive buttons which are used to great effect in metal gear solid 3
Analog buttons were dropped in the development of ps4
>instantly understand what it's from that tiny portion of the image.
Should I kill myself?
Fuck those struggling developers! You do good job - you get paid. You struggle instead of working - you suck cocks.
Developers derped to feminists level and want to get money simply because they waste time making shit on unity. Fuck em!
Pannen defines a half press as you holding the button down before the loading screen finishes, so all you need to do is release the button. Thus a half press.
point still stands, they are indeed a thing
They're pressure sensitive, but the button is always either pressed, or not, it only determines the force of the press, which is why it's pressure sensitive and not analog.
incorrect, you can press it half the way or all the way and get two different results.
It would be more accurate to call it a 2/3rds press because there are three parts, the press, the hold and the release. He utilizes the hold and the release but not the press.
Incorrect. You're hitting the microswitch "hafl way" or not, how hard you push it down determines the result. You can see it in okami better than anywhere else where the pressure determines the broadness of your brushstrokes. MGS3 is just kill or choke.
so youre saying that in the spectrum of pressure that can be applied to that switch, one could go to 50%.
Thats pretty good, i'll forward this idea to my boss. You'll see it in a few years.
I'm saying the switch is tripped regardless of if you're at 1% or 50% or 100% and it's not "half pressed", yes.
you're contradicting yourself now.
Those are some pretty sexy tiles there.
So in a pressure switch that has like 3 functions, is a full A press 3 presses now? Because it activates 3 stages.
>dude what everything was a microtransaction ahaha dude we're reaching that ahaha dude
These are truly the funniest and most original threads on Sup Forums, after "dude what if everything was a mimic" threads.
I need to see more floors.
But it's not "activating" any grouping of anything. It's activating yes or no. It either is or isn't. The pressure is just determining the effect of those activations.In okami, you don't suddenly get a different brush when you stroke firmly, in mgs3 you don't suddenly start sweepkicking held guards when you push harder, it varies the existing effect triggered by the button press.
>it varies the existing effect triggered by the button press.
by doing a half press
I'm saying if it did do this, would an A press now be 3 presses?
Half a press would just vary the pressure used, it doesn't actually quantify as a separate button press. Because it's incapable of determining a button being pressed in that way.
I don't know how this is such a difficult concept for you. Look at driving games, since okami isn't relevant enough I guess. Do you think there's several hundred button presses when you press down on a gas pedal or a controller's trigger for every slight variation in acceleration?
A classic
Don't fucking quote me if you're going to ignore my question.
Post moar floors
>it doesn't actually quantify as a separate button press
no, its a half press
All those disgusting scratches..
sauce me up
Sauce please, that knee is fucking killing me
There should be a rule where people under 50 IQ like you are restricted from using the internet.
I answered your question, you faggot. You're saying you actually think there are 100 buttons in a controller's trigger? Because that's what you're implying by asking if it's pressing 3 buttons.
No, you stupid faggot, it senses pressure, which has nothing to do with the button which is either pressed, or not.
fuck off tilefags, your kind should be gassed
Thatsa good idea! Wahoo!
I said IF fully pressing a button activated three triggers would pressing that button be three presses. If questions don't have to be real world examples.
Look those fucking tiles.
If there's three switches in it, then yes it's three buttons. Like how the gamecube's R button (and maybe L button I don't remember) has two buttons. One at press 1 or "half press" as your stupid ass would probably call it, and one at press 2. They're entirely separate buttons, even if you press the physical device half way down for one, and all the way for the other.
fucking newfags, first day on the internet?
Artist is "rustle"
Would you say your jimmies are rustled?
So then you can have half presses. Got it.
oh so it's just lame porn? bummer, thought it was a game
gamecube L and R is analog
>button is pressed down
>and has another button if you press it down further
>two separate buttons
>half press
? Isn't it a quarter press then? What about a 1/128th press when you just baaaarely tap it?
I never said my example was half presses, the functionality is a sound premise though.
not lame but loli
It's analog, and also has two buttons in it, one at depress and one when you click it all the way in. It's not "half pressed" they're entirely two separate buttons that can be mapped to entirely different things. "half" pressing a button can only result in the function of the first button being pushed forth, if it's tripped at all at a "half" press and not just ignored entirely.
>In okami, you don't suddenly get a different brush when you stroke firmly
>in mgs3 you don't suddenly start sweepkicking held guards when you push harder
>it varies the existing effect triggered by the button press.
You know that could easily be coded, right? It's just that it would be fucking annoying if it worked like that.
I mean you "can" code anything. But until it's actually done, point remains is the functionality doesn't change in a significant manner because it's pressing a button, no matter how hard. It's not a secret button only accessible at """""half""""" press that suddenly changes things, or again, driving games would literally be functional based on triggers with dozens of switches.
>Look at some of Rustles lolis a little more closely
>Sometimes their eyes seem faded or clouded and I cant help but headcanon them being blind like Rustle is going to be.
i think it's for the best, he is too good for this board
>Press down a button, let's say the A button
>You can push it all the way to the bottom, say 100% down
>You can also push it halfway that distance (50%) for a different effect
>50% is half of 100% press (gasp!)
>ergo a half-press
You don't even need a basic highschool education to understand the logic of this. You're now calling the pressure pads seperate 'buttons', when in reality there is only ONE button, the one you are pressing. How the mechanism works is irrelevant, since we're talking about the button, not the mechanism. Half an A-button press means you push the button down 50%. If there would be 128 instances of pressure that can be registered, then yes a 1/128 press could exist.
His stupid ass finally went to a doctor and the doctor told him it was totally treatable
But it does change things. Choking or killing, or changing the brush strokes can be a significant effect in the game you play.
You are literally talking yourself into a corner you can't back out of user. Concede with some dignity, before your arguments completely devolve.
Thanks user, you just got me fired.
Likewise user
>different effect
no see that's the shit I mean, that's not happening with pressure sensitivity. IT happens when a device has multiple buttons tied to a physical trigger. Like the gamecube's R button. Two buttons. What your dumb ass calls a "half press" is the pressing of the first, and then there's a second button.
Those mutliple buttons do not exist in the ps2/3/whatever's pressure sensitive buttons. They're one button. You hit the button, it is hit, period. no matter how much pressure. half pressure quarter pressure full pressure. The button is hit, you can't hit it only half way, because that's just how electronics work. it's fucking 1 or 0 whether it's pressed, and only beyond that does it even look at pressure, which is still not a second button but instead a variable factor looked at after determining if the button is pressed or not.
You can't have a computer "half on" or a picture "half taken". You can't "half press" a button in the same way. The effect it has with different pressures? Sure. The button is still pressed though, regardless of that.
gotta pay for that deal
>The button is still pressed though
What deal?
All the way, actually. Because it being pressed half way doesn't actually do anything,
The deal he made with the devil.
yes it does, as discussed.
So you're agreeing it's pressed all the way and thus a 1 in the 0 or 1 position, right?
>haha le epic parallel universes meme bing bing wahoo
god i have ptsd thinking about the cancer that was that week
I'm confused, why are this so sexual?
Don't feed them, idiot; they will keep coming back.
but that would be $100 a month for RTS players
fuck fuck fuck I searched it
Am I going to jail?
What are you, 12?
You've never encountered lolicon on this imageboard?
I thought so. Don't know why you shitpost over such trivialities, user.