Next gen graphics are coming. Now we need more Shakespeare-tier stories.
Next gen graphics are coming. Now we need more Shakespeare-tier stories
were not going to get that level of real-time, in game animation for another 30 years.
Shakespeare was low-brow entertainment for the masses in his day. You want avenger-movies tier stories that sounds smarter because it's old-english.
Oh look, the next wave of gullible idiots are just now getting old enough to be drawn in by marketing and tech demos.
Read up on how Killzone was marketed.
>I'm too smart for culture
I wouldn't trust a game dev to write anything of substance these days
No thanks
inb4 UE3 laggy textures
fuck that for a laugh. games are already trying too hard to be movies, how much more fucking insufferable are they going to get when they try to be Shakespearean? You thought skull face wanking himself on a jeep ride was bad wait until a villain delivers a 30 minute tirade
Exactly. It's an endless cycle of new people to fool.
Everyone always gets over hyped about next gen console graphics, animation, and frames per second. Then it turns out most devs somehow end up making the last two suck. The better the graphics, the more devs try to cram more in, then everything goes back to 30fps, just at higher fidelity.
It's like the WWE game cycle. "OMG Next gen we'll have 16 men in the ring!" No, they'll just up the polygons/lighting, then the CPU won't be able to handle it....AGAIN. Then next-next gen comes around: "OMG! More powerful hardware! This time, they'll surely have 16 men in the ring!"
Then it happens again.
already happened
and also, I see lots of people complaining about rehashing, and yet when game devs push forward with technology like OP's video, people also complain abut it, so what do you guys want exactly? i'm curious
If it's well written and not psuedointellectual tryhard shit like all of kojima's games than a 30 minute tirade would be a pretty cool buildup.
I honestly wouldn't mind a more phylosophic space game
to die
what do you mean
its just motiontracking thats cleaned up
the tech is there
its possible
they are working with nvidia to integrate the new rendering pipeline etc
its just not cheap to do it
its not impossible, you could probably do it
go buy maya, mocap, a mocap rig, spend thousands of hours to learn to work those programs and develop or adopt a pipeline and churn out characters, pay actors and build your own studio that costs a few ten tousand dollars etc
funny, because moore's law dies in about 7 years.
that't not even bad. to answer your point, i'm all for pushing tech forward, but if a whole game is just cutscenes with great tech and 5 hours of gameplay then it's not worth it is it?
dude i'm an old ass man in my 30s. I don't have time to listen to a 30 minute speech because the devs paid a b-list actor and mocapped him and they needed their money's worth. we need more gameplay in games and less exposition
>Now we need more Shakespeare-tier stories.
Reminder that Shakespeare's stories, for his time, were low-brow and vulgar rags for the common man's consumption.
>I'm too smart for culture
I posted the wrong video, the actual intro cinematic to OWB is 30 minutes of dialog, and it's not even animated like a movie, it's just sitting there listening to mostly static robots talk to each other.
>but if a whole game is just cutscenes with great tech and 5 hours of gameplay then it's not worth it is it?
idk, when it comes to half-life, most people are more concerned with the story and what happens in Episode 3 then the gameplay.
well if that was the case, why don't they just make a HL3 movie instead of a game? Our medium is videogames, gameplay should be first and story second.
HL1 and 2 were pretty revolutionary for their time. I'm willing to bet that the reason 3 hasn't come out is Valve hasn't made the gameplay as ground breaking as the first two. Besides, i've never heard anybody complaining about the exposition in both of those games, they were quite concise with their storytelling with the exception of the last few hours of HL2.
>Andy Serkis trying to perform Hamlet
Christ tell me why they get this cunt to do anything involving a motion capture character?
He's absolute shite
because Caesar
He preformed and wrote for the queen you retard. Stop spreading misinformation to make yourself look smart
you mean Gollum
Uncanny valley as fuck
I get that he's overacting for a techdemo (and that Andy Serkis isn't a good actor), but the way it's stretched over an alien face feels way off
Why even bother making a monster and animating him like a human? Is every company going to start getting too lazy to hand-animate anything and start mocapping everything?
>t. Read some soyed out article on cracked and thinks he's a master of iconoclism
>what video games need is even more emphasis on graphics and story
>fuck gameplay, let's literally make animated movies and call them video games
Kill yourselves.
>Is every company going to start getting too lazy to hand-animate anything and start mocapping everything?
>going to start
I feel like all those demos were designed for Nvidia to market and get people hyped up for Volta's launch next week. That ray tracing demo was cool, but they needed 4 titan v's and it ran at 24fps at 1080p. It's going to be at least another generation or two until we see anything close to what they showed off
>next gen graphics
I was really hoping for next gen framerates and installation sizes instead, with next gen here referring not to the inevitable shitshow these past two generations have been despite each being "next" at some point but rather what next generation hardware coupled with responsible, respectful, GOOD design ought to be able to accomplish.
Experimenting with new art and programming to make a system's output look a lot better and like it's working harder than it actually is is good design, programming for a theoretical system with hardware twice as good as what you're actually releasing on and then releasing that shitheap without optimizing down to reality is not good design.
>shakespeare-tier stories
So mostly decent writing that's disgustingly overrated and retroactively gets its metaphorical cock sucked so hard it gets pulled through spacetime? Pass.
Reborn walking dead telltale games...
that alien looks gay as fuck, british accent only adds to his overall poofter level.
Skull Face's rant was just poorly paced and could have been delivered much better in a cutscene. That rant itself was fun and fine, and the Sins of the Father part was pretty cool even if it was blatant time filler.
30 fucking years? What are you stupid? We'll have shit from black mirror in like 20
When this stupid meme of "muh cinematic story on gaymes" will ever end? It's not funny anymore after all this year.
wow you're such a drama queen
idk why but I feel like I've seen better face animations. His upper nose looks like the textures are stretching when he moves. No visible saliva or reflections from the teeth either which makes them seem fake
no shit retard it's an alien
Leo Tolstoy shat on Shakespeare every chance he got, but George Orwell shat on Tolstoy in return and defended Shakespeare
Explain to me how this is in any way an advancement over what LA Noire already achieved?
>not posting the REAL impressive demo
>George Orwell
nah he just shat himself.
>trailer starts playing
Andy Serkis is a treasure.
>could have been delivered much better in a cutscene
It was a fucking cutscene.
>forgetting the long ass villain rants from mgs1 and 2
George Orwell was great nigga.
>engine showcases
They always look impressive but you never see it in a game.
shit his entertainment was literally for the plebs
What if I tell you that thing is actual high-end PC real time game animation, today? Look it up, Epic could release it if they wanted to. They usually offer for free that kind of amazing stuff in their marketplace actually. Does it count?
>Whines about communism
>Whines about fascism
>Whines about capitalidm
What a great writer
I'm just gonna be the boring one and explain the actual purpose of this demo.
3Lateral has been working on their 'Meta Human Framework' and it basically just means they can retarget performance capture real-time onto various different facial rigs. This is a 'relatively' standard performance capture in real-time on Unreal Engine.
The reason this is significant is because in games with for example character customisation, they often still use the same facial rig which makes animation look weird on it once you're done customising. This system can blend between the various rigs at runtime without a performance overhead.
It's going to be used in Squadron 42 and Star Citizen as 3Lateral worked together with CIG on it.
Literally since the beginning of graphics, because people care more about pretty renders than actually playing the game. At least in the atari days and in the early 3D days it was merited by making something actually possible for the first time.
And unfortunately people won't buy the new game that does 16 players in the ring because "it looks old".
I used to think it was because the main way of advertising your game in the past was through magazines, so the pictures had to look good. With mass access to video nowadays I don't see why people would still care about a great looking still image.
The worst part is we all did it to ourselves, better graphics were long the reason to buy a new console. We just passed the point that visual fidelity expectations fully eclipse actually designing the game, hence our going on 15 years of the same shit with more polys.
GRAFFIX are killing video games
Pic related, companies have been using "muh grafx" to sell shit for 35 years. At least in this pic it's warranted because you demonstrably improve the game. Now we get to see higher-definition sweat on a virtual athlete while the field textures flicker uncontrollably.
Reposting bigger version
>something that has always been a part of video games is killing video games
Yep, we'll transition to HUGE processors and cards to make up for the processor wall we'll hit. There's no way around it.
Then we'll have to wait for quantum computers centers to come online and pay for our monthly access to them to run next-gen games.
so this is what gaming PCs will look like in the future
These demos prove nothing
>star citizen
Neat, more experimental shit for them to soak up investor dollars and devtime with.
>all these demos and new tech
>new GPUs have been pushed back to Q3
>and will probably cost double what this gen did at release
Who cares about next gen graphics when we wont be able to get next gen GPUs.
The guy comes from a theater background, he has performed in both Macbeth and Othello in the Royal Exchange