confess your soul sins my child
Confess your soul sins my child
I never owned a 7th generation console so I never played DeS or DaS, and played only a little DaS2, but I still shit on anyone with any opinion other than (BB, DaS, DeS) > DaS3 >>> DaS2
I lost motivation to beat the ringed shitty
I can't be bothered to keep playing this over done gameplay
I enjoyed dark souls 3
I didn't enjoy dark souls 3
Dark souls 1 is mostly annoying and tedious, very little enjoyment
does that piece of shit get better after the first boss? it was boring as fuck and i don't feel like wasting my time
I second that, haven't even beaten a single boss in that DLC. Played the fuck out of Ashes of Ariandel though
I don't run strength builds
I never beat Lud and Zallen because the Frigid Outskirts made me go insane. To this day they are the only souls bosses I haven't beat and honestly I don't care.
I haven't played anything for almost whole month, and almost successfully trying to get rid of computer/gaming addiction, but now I want to resub to WoW and I'm scared as hell.
That's not a sin. DS3 is actually a good game. Sinful would be praising Dark Souls 2.
I abused the shit out of the 1mp spam with the Twin prince greatsword before they patched it
never killed flamelurker without the big bone glitch at the entrance
I live in guantamo bay on false charges
I think lothric is cuter than gwndolin
I main a Death Knight in WoW, and I like it.
I also actually like jews and arabs.
The only Soulsborne game I've played is Bloodborne because I only own a PS4, Switch and shitty laptop and refuse to play any multiplatform release due to the fact it runs better on PC so I wouldn't be getting the best experience
DS2 (sotfs) is actually my favorite souls game.
I grew out of playing video games but the only friends I have are online
DaS2 is a better game than DaS3. DaS2 hate is just a meme at this point.
I got frustrated at a certain point and abused the dragon head infinite soul glitch to get myself somewhere comfortable. Unfortunately I was almost at the git gud phase, so now I’m forever stuck in limbo of not being gud enough to solo everything, but gud enough to carry shitters, but still not gud enough to outshine my own backup, making every victory hollow
I never beat Maneaters without sniping one through the fog gate
i feel as though DeS is inferior to DaS mechanically. I played DaS, BB, DaS3 in that order and when I got round to trying my hand at DeS it felt way too slow I'm quite upset I can't enjoy the game because I love the game's aesthetics
I feel you man, i played DaS in order and then played DaS and BB pretty much simultaneously and felt that BB was almost too fast and DaS was waaaaay too slow, but still felt that DaS1 and DeS were the most aesthetic and had best atmosphere and set pieces or areas, whatever you wanna call em
never had a real fight with gwyn, always something left i want to do before NG+
parries rob soulsborne games of their difficulty
Infact any combat options that are not close range preferably strenght weapons fucks with the inherent difficulty of souls games.
People that use parries in bossfights are most of the time pure shit when fighting them without parries because they never really learned the boss. Souls games are on of the few cases in which parries reduce the skill requirement.
I had nearly 2000 bell tower kills and sometimes still go back to my character every time DS2 goes on sale