>full game costs $135 + $82 to unlock the entire campaign
Full game costs $135 + $82 to unlock the entire campaign
Feels good not being poor.
Paying $217 for a full game is how you end up poor
Just buy the races you want to play, no one's forcing you to buy it and they have to charge something.
I do agree that the price of each DLC is still a little high though, but you can't do the above and still fight unbought races.
i activated a rus key on steam for 25$ on release and im still mad we dont have a goty edition with all dlcs. i will never buy a faction for 10$ this shit is bullshit and needs to stop asap
It's a much cheaper alternative for those of us fags who play the tabletop.
Total war games have had bullshit pricing for a long time, you should pirate everything
Only if you're one of those morons that can only get a minimum wage job.
Honestly, $217 for at least a hundred hours of content is a steal compared against may other activities and hobbies.
I paid 50 bucks for both base games and pirated the DLC.
Cant, the only crack was when TWW2 came out and there hasnt been an updated one since then, norsca hasnt even been cracked