She IS coming to Smash, right?

She IS coming to Smash, right?

Attached: shanty.png (707x1000, 315K)

I hope so. But I don't expect it.

Her GBC design could have a regular trophy, I would be cool with that.

lol no

She is more a PlayStation character now OP, sorry.

Attached: 7E3596A8-07E0-46BA-BA44-83478C8ABC9A.png (687x967, 241K)

you seem to have posted the wrong image

If you asked any random person who that is they would say Aladdins new girl friend or some shit.
Nobody knows who that literally WHO is outside of 30 people online

So to answer your question: No

don't be a faggot
we're less than 10 posts in a shantae thread, and the degenerates are here.

If a literally who like bayo can get in then anything is possible.

Post Mermaids

Attached: c348dbd501bdfc23c184bdaf2f2ba637_original.png (181x176, 43K)