How can you call yourself a gamer if you haven't played those games yet?

How can you call yourself a gamer if you haven't played those games yet?

Attached: Arse.jpg (3840x2160, 1.65M)

GR2 is great
Yakuza 0 is great

Persona 5 is overrated garbage, worse than both 3 and 4 as well.

Only weeblets can unironically listen to Miku's squeaks.

im not an ironic weeb

How do I start playing yakuza?
I don’t want to start 6 games in

0 is the best place to start.

Because im not a disgusting weebshiter.


Because i quit games before all these were released. But, 1 down, 3 to go

This! Being a ironic weeb doesn't make you cooler, you're still a weeb

Yakuza 0 is GOTY.
GR2 is great too.
Persona 5 is awful weebshit.
Miku is pedophile trash.