How can you call yourself a gamer if you haven't played those games yet?

How can you call yourself a gamer if you haven't played those games yet?

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GR2 is great
Yakuza 0 is great

Persona 5 is overrated garbage, worse than both 3 and 4 as well.

Only weeblets can unironically listen to Miku's squeaks.

im not an ironic weeb

How do I start playing yakuza?
I don’t want to start 6 games in

0 is the best place to start.

Because im not a disgusting weebshiter.


Because i quit games before all these were released. But, 1 down, 3 to go

This! Being a ironic weeb doesn't make you cooler, you're still a weeb

Yakuza 0 is GOTY.
GR2 is great too.
Persona 5 is awful weebshit.
Miku is pedophile trash.

>You're not a gamer if you didn't play this top right game
Only weeb will say this, fucking disgusting.

I regret not having a ps4 yet so I can play Gravity Rush and Yakuza games

You apparently don't even know what that game is. Disgusting.

Because I'm not a fucking weaboo.

My friends say you have no right to call yourself a gamer if you don't play CoD and LoL. Your games are for those tryhard fake gamers.

>implying i'd ever call myself a "gamer"

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Im a gamer not because i choose to have a life
its because i choose to hate women and minorities

Fucking convince me not to. I already picked up GR2 when it was on sale a few weeks back, was hoping GR would go on sale as well but I'm ready to start a new game and it should be GR.

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I haven't played the top right, will never play it.

Get 0 and Kiwami, if you enjoy them continue with Kiwami 2 this fall.

It was free on PS+ some time ago.

I never pay attention to what is on PS+ so I didn't grab it.

I just checked and it was a fucking year ago, man. Long before they even announced an end to GR2 online.

Well, I've lost track of time. Don't remember it being that long ago.

It was okay. Wouldn't say it's worth $30, it's pretty threadbare content-wise. But if you want to just spend eight hours collecting gems and running races, it's alright.

Is it really that short? In any case I have to play them because I already bought 2 and want to experience it before the online is killed.

I am waiting for them to go on sale for 75% or less. I don't mind waiting since there is a bunch of games in my backlog anyways

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Played 3/4

One day i will play persona 5 but not before i atleast play 3 and 4.
golden on ps4 when??

GR2 is good
Yakuza 0 is great
Persona 5 is boring shit
Miku is fun.

Yeah, I was pretty let down by how little there is to actually do and 100%'d it pretty quickly. Fantastic levels that just aren't filled with very much.

But may as well go ahead. It's not bad.

The Vita version was, it has never been free on PS4.

I can with absolutely certainty say it was free on the PS4, because I got it for free on the PS4.

>only one of these games need a ps4
>it's the sequel to the vita game

Why do you care? The stories are in no way related and none of the characters are the same.

>I can with absolutely certainty say it was free on the PS4, because I got it for free on the PS4.
I'm pretty sure I would have seen that as I've been a PS4 owner since launch and have been a PS+ subscriber since its early days on the PS3.

Are you in Japan?

It is often a bad idea to start a series going back to older games because of aged gameplay mechanics

Well I'm the type of person who wanders around an open world for ages looking at stuff so it might take me longer.

Yeah, that might be it. Didn't realise there was a regional difference in games offered.

I don't call myself a gamer, and Yakuza is the only game there that's not aggressively mediocre.

I don't think you will find that to be much of a problem with Persona games. I played 3, then 5, and one day I'll play 4. Going back even further could be problematic though.

If you play P5 and like it you will like P4G as well, mechanics are worse but they're not that much worse.

Yeah, North America got Gravity Rush as a Vita PS+ title but never the PS4 version. I only ever bought a few Vita games because I got most of the ones I wanted via PS+.

Having played through Persona 1 through 5, it's probably a better idea to go backwards so you aren't disappointed as they continually strip out mechanics and make the writing intolerable.

Gravity Rush is trash
Dancing games are for faggots
Persona 5 manages to be worse than 4 which was worse than 3 but is otherwise an ok game
Yakuza is great

I don't call myself a "gamer" and I don't play fucking garbage like Persona

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Yakuza 0 is the only good game on there. Persona is a visual novel with the most simplified combat system I've seen in a console RPG.

I've played all four and I don't consider myself a gamer.

By not falling for the "modern gaming" meme.