How the fuck does Steam allow shit like this?

How the fuck does Steam allow shit like this?

Attached: ss_74898f5d213094a7181a995dae30b7994ea52544.jpg (1920x1080, 504K)

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It's a licensed game, your point retard?

Can't you see it's basically a League of Legends rip off? Look at the UI and map.

who cares

>Can't you see PUBG is just H1Z1 and can't you see H1Z1 is just Arma 3 BR ripoff? How can Valve allow this.


>Can't you see it's basically a League of Legends rip off
So what you faggot, not Steam's problem faggot.

well league of lol is a dota rip off so...

>Steam is a digital distribution service
>Directly responsible for the development of every single game sold on that service
You're a moron, OP.

Looks like they bought and re-skinned Infinite Crisis

They want that gook money

>Marvel Heroes died for this


>it's a ripoff of a ripoff of a remake of a mod of a shit rts
>dey stole are original idea
I'm glad ASSFAGGOTS are mostly contained to /vg/

this looks way worse than Infinite Crisis
bring back Infinite Crisis

arma 3 BR, h1z1 BR and pubg were all made by the same je.. guy

Still waiting for the japanese battle royal, you know, the ORINGAL battle royal.

My thought exactly

>American characters
>in Korean

Attached: kim sees imperialism.jpg (750x864, 42K)

I'm waiting for a battle royal where everyone is dropped into random spots where they get one of bunch of random weapons, including joke ones and household items.
After you kill someone you can take their item.
That's the only major looting.

Why is it Valve's problem? Are you a bit mentally retarded?

I want there to be more stealth and proximity chat for people with shitty weapons to team up. No squads, just good old fashioned inevitable betrayal.


marvel gave permission my man

because their own moba isn't threatened by it and they earn money by allowing it