Dragon Ball FighterZ


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Broly is a big guy.

Attached: big_guy.png (1920x1080, 3.89M)

Skin status:

Hot [ ]
Cold [X]

if it's not an announcement that the update's in a few minutes, i don't give a flip

>yfw Sonic got raped again

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we've been known the update is on the 28th with the characters

Bardock looks incredibly generic. I mean, his framedata and shit may vary, but his playstyle is the same as so many other characters in this game from the look of it.

That's a big problem with this game, too many characters play too similarily

He lost again ?

Am I the only one getting triggered by this?

Attached: broly_block_looks_like_16_suicide.webm (1464x812, 2.38M)

>too many characters play too similarily
The problem is that they are all rushdown characters, so they all seems similar.

Yay more characters that are gonna play the exact same fucking way as anyone else. What a scam.

Yes, 7-10.

Krillin, Frieza and Beerus are designed around zoning. Too bad that just means they never get played.

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What match? I'd like to see it

You webm is fucked m8

works on my machine.

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Well it's not working correctly on my phone, the other ones are working fine, maybe it's a driver issue idk.

So he basically just has the same combos as 16?

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can't watch the video, this jewish site is saying I have to be a premium member

If you couldn't tell that from the trailer...


>Well it's not working correctly on my pho-


It was just a bunch of blocking anyway.

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Say what you will, I've been on this shit website for 10 years and I post from my phone almost exclusively these days, it's much easier and convenient, it's probably been a month since I last accessed Sup Forums from my PC.

I think I'm gonna pass on this one boys. Man I hope 17 is more interesting.

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Dumb phoneposter

I didn't watch the trailer. Stopped following this 2 days after its release.

Fuck off

>Bardock's assist

A C-tier character.

>Bardock has an overhead Spinning Mixer

We Rashid now.

Reminder that people paid money to get this character. Honestly looks like they just copypasted a bunch of stuff onto him and changed the colors.

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How much is the season pass again ?

someone who understands fighting games

someone who has no idea what fighting games are or how to play them

already given up hope on bardock, does broly have anything unique at least? any armor?

Wow, what a snore fest.

35 bones


If 17 is really part of the Season Pass that will be biggest fuck you to people who bought it, he technically is already part of the game as an extension to 18, he shouldn't be an standalone character. At least base Goku and base Vegeta makes sense since Japan loves those.


really disappointed how he turned out. I expected him to have some interesting stuff like his sleeper hold and be a really momentum heavy, rush down. He just looks like a shittier version of adult Gohan.

Broly looks alright, it was inevitable he'd be a grab character, but he's basically a reskinned 16.

>must login to watch

how about no?

If he has a completely different outfit, which he would assuming the leak was correct and he's in his ranger outfit, then what's the issue? Its not like they'd lift his moves from 18's moveset and give him a few green effects and call it a day. r-right?


>he's basically a reskinned 16
you know nothing about the game, right?

see you in the corner

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>y-you just don't know how to play
>I'm a real fighting game fan so I accept any garbage that a lazy dev team will throw in my face
Have some fucking standards.

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>Its not like they'd lift his moves from 18's moveset and give him a few green effects and call it a day.

I mean looking at Bardock right now I would assume they would do something like that, yeah.

If the leaks are right then Broly and Bardock are going to be the most interesting DLC characters.

>base Goku and base Vegeta
self explanatory, literally wasted slots
will be a Frieza clone for sure
will be a 18 clone for sure
probably has reused attacks from Vegita and Goku
>Fused Zamasu
Goku Black is already in the game, they could have gone with normal Zamasu and make Fused by his level 3 install but no, that would be too much effort

They made the Blues play pretty differently from the Super Saiyans so I'm pretty sure they'll do the same if Base gets in

also >Cooler
>Frieza clone
what the fuck are you talking about

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>Broly has 16’s dunk as part of his auto combo.
>He can do loops by just calling assist and mashing square.

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>They made the Blues play pretty differently from the Super Saiyans

Not really, there are a few normals and specials that look different but they function the same way pretty much.

And yeah, Cooler has a lot of the same moves Frieza has, I'm aware he has unique moves aswell but if they wanted to make Cooler a Frieza clone they definitely could do that.

>bardock can combo his 2 lvl 1s together


>Bardock's toolset looks underwhelming as hell

Post yfw you didn't fall for the hype around this game

I fell for it but at least I had some fun, DLC lineup looks completely underwhelming though, interest in the game will probably die off until Evo. I seriously fucking hope they don't make us buy the whole game again when they make a new version next year, Arc Sys used to do that shit with every damn game.

Was Broly really this big and slow in the movie?

Wait. Bardock doesn't have his choke hold nor can he pick the other guy up and brutally slam him around like a ragdoll?
What the fuck is with this generic punching that makes up his whole move set?

Big yes,

Slow no

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You are fucking retarded dude. The blues are literally completely different characters when played correctly, just because you're literally trash at the game and their normals look similar doesn't mean they're the same as their SS counterparts.

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Damn Broly looks pretty good. I think my dream team of Black, Broly and Frieza might actually be pretty viable.

Also Bardock looks kinda generic, but being able to combo 2 lvl 1s seems pretty useful and his specials give him alot of utility. I can see him replacing Vegeta in alot of teams. Shame about the shitty assist though.

whatever you say shill


that guy is a fucking retard for not showing what happens when bardock hits
shows off broly's ten fucking times but does bardock's once and it whiffs

>Too much effort
>Literally double the work load



>gets destroyed, probably doesn't even actually play the game
>uhhhhhh ur a shill
Like clockwork, fucking back to plebbit you absolute clown.

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>will be a Frieza clone for sure

Nah man, if you watch the movie, Cooler uses barely any ki attacks. He just straight up tanks Goku's shit and beats him up. My ideal Cooler is a big bodied character who's in your face with super armour and distance closing attacks.

Since Broly is confirmed as a grappler, having Cooler as your Hulk/Juggernaut is not a bad idea, since aside from Jiren and MAYBE an obscure/unpopular character like Bojack he's the only character who can really fit that mold.

Yeah it was pretty annoying to watch. These Jap streams always fuck around while everyone around them makes wacky reactions.

I wish Broly had more moves that would carry him and his opponent to the opposite corner, such as the Lariat he used on Vegeta and the running grab.
Most of his combos and moves seems to end him him blasting people away from him with ki, I really expect both of those characters to have a more brutal and close and personal style.

His block should just be pushing his chest out like in No Mercy.

So he can air throw both in front and behind? That's pretty cool.

>Super armor
>Hits like a truck
Damn monster, who let this character in?

Does he actually have super armor? I haven't seen enough footage of him yet, but that's the number 1 thing I was hoping for with him.

Yeah, it seems odd they didn't include that move. Maybe it was for balance reasons, since 16's shoulder charge fucks everyone up and giving Broly a similar move would be overkill?

destroyed dude lmao

the twitter said he has super armor on his heavies and even some of his mediums, but there wasn't a video or anything

you mean this?
they didn't show evertything you know

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So this is pretty much 1st movie Broly, well at least this means he'll talk instead of going KAKAROOOOTTTTTTT all the time. Now let's see if Gohan can put up a better fight here than he did in second coming where Broly was toying with him the entire time

The reality is that you're a brainlet and you have literally no idea what you're looking at, therefore your judgement of it is so incredibly worthless I'm not sure why you even decided to share it.

It looks as if zero effort was put into Bardock, what a fucking shame.
Both from fanservice and a gameplay perspective, this character is underwhelming as hell, he adds nothing to the table and doesn't even have the few moves he is know for, they couldn't incorporate Bardock's raw, savage fighting style into this game at all. I was 100% sure that he would both have a sleeperhold grab as a special and as an assist, but he doesn't have that move at all, probably because it would be TOO MUCH WORK to get him to properly hold each character of different heights by the neck.
Pathetic. Now I know what degree of effort they are putting on the post release characters.

Dragon Ball is the best shonen of all time


>Super armor on some mediums and all heavies
Fuck, that's pretty strong. I'm assuming his normals have to be pretty slow to make up for it?

>Characters in this game have a pretty short move-list
>The retards from Banco can't even properly show it off, causing many people, including myself, to get the wrong idea.

>mentally ill furry gets shitblasted
there is a god

Holy shit .... that's a lot

>It's a yamcha assist not attached to yamcha

thank you based DBZ gods. immediately putting him on my second spot. Is that bunch of his unblockable when fully charged? because that's super fucking unga in a game with batshit assists like vegeta's and i love it

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I'm curious what the on block recovery for Bardock's dash punch is. I'm willing to bet it's safer than the super dash, and something more like Hit's. If so, that's definitely a good option for getting in.


Wow, straight up copy pasted from the movie, didn't even use the part of Broly trying to stop the blast or Trunks's blast. Am I the only one who thought that finish was stupid as hell? Why the hell didn't Broly dodge?

here's hoping bardock has his sleeper hold.

Who do you think would be a good team to compliment Bardock?

Maybe Tien and Trunks?

My hope is that his sleeper hold has a 63214P motion and the Bamco staff couldn't pull it off even if their own lives depended on it.

>base Goku
There is no character with a Kaioken or Genkidama mechanic.
>17 will be a 18 clone for sure
Yeah, because 18 use her shield move exactly like 17 in DBS, right?
>Cooler will be a Frieza clone for sure
Watch the fucking OAV or kill yourself.
>Vegito probably has reused attacks from vegita and goku
Like his Spirit Sword, his 5 fingers beam or his crossed arms kicks.
>Goku Black is already in the game
They have nothing in common, Fused Zamasu is full of zoning tools, watch the fucking thing before talking

You are full of shit, retard.

>sleeper hold is the one bar variant of his anti air, turning it into a grab.

mite be cool

>Yamcha assist

No it isnt, Yamcha actually holds them for a bit, that is one big hit.

It's the same as Ginyu's

>worst characters has the least amount of love put in them

Bio-broly when?

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Basically all they did was combine Goku's tatsu & DP alongside Vegeta's forward kick move and thats it.

I expected a command grab, considering that's one of the only notable attacks he does in the special but nope.

Blue Goku & Vegeta have more unique stuff unfortunately so far, but I'll wait to see more

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