My legs are ready.
My legs are ready
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I've heard this was pretty bad.
How did Vermintide, a WHFB game, became more popular than the 40k equivalent?
It did many things right from which people hoped they would be in Deathwing, guess what, they werent.
Hope this enhanced stuff will make it good.
>Anyone else thought this was gonna be a marvel game?
Vermintide is literally the reason why Deathwing got shat on so hard, people were expecting a game at least as good.
Deathwing has alot of weird game design issues IIRC, mostly around co-op.
Bunch of new stuff, ontop of the fixes they did, maybe make this worth a purchase finally.
Literally this.
>bought Deathwing on sale to tide me over until VT2
>barely made it an hour and completely lost interest in this dogshit
>preordered VT2 and played the beta, had 100x more fun even knowing all my progress would be nuked
What makes deathwing so different? I'm having a blast with VT2
It's a complete different game.
Also the devs blew all the money into the maps, they are fucking amazing but that's all there was to it.
embarrassing to be honest
Redpill me on both games. Why should I hate any warhammer game? Space hulk adventure is something i'd love.
Fucking finally. I know people are generally down on the game, but I've been waiting of the PS4 version to drop to see for myself.
is this free if I have the base game on pc already?
It's not an adventure. It's a shooting gallery with very little variety in weapons, enemies or objectives.
big question, does anyone know?
just googled it, and yep, it's free updates for pc players who already have it, it's on their website
>I've heard this was pretty bad.
Its watered down EYE to be more accessible to idiots.
Guess what,it turns out that W4K fuckboys dont really play video games but they like the idea of them.
>How did Vermintide, a WHFB game, became more popular than the 40k equivalent?
Zero games on PC. Imagine MHW came out last month. Nobody would play or talk about Vermintide. PC Gaming is fucking dead only fagnite, pubshit and the latest moba are played. Even that shit indie medieval game was already forgotten.
The game failed to satisfy the expectation of the audience, like how the gun is feel and the movement of terminator.
Even if they try to put some tactical elements in game, there is not much tactics involves as well. And I think they failed to focus on either single player or multiplayer experience, not to mention there is no progression compared to Vermintide.
Wait this shit is actually coming out?
Finally. Loved the game, but it had problems. Now hopefully it will be even better.
Did they ever improve the horrific performance and put the flamethrower back in multiplayer?
I'll give it another chance when the update is released but I'm not expecting much.
>Muh duty
>Muh honor
>Muh emprah
Fuck, there is so much more that a space marince can be personality-wise, why do all the games use that tired "pious warrior" template all the time. I miss Blood ravens and their bants in Dow 2.
It's a 2 minute trailer spoken in the voice of an unnamed Dangles chaplain. What were you expecting, a treatise on Unforgiven morality?
Do we get this for free? Bought the game when it was on sale didn't bother installing it yet
Played 15 hours
It was fun but eh. I might give it a try if I can convince my friend to reinstall as well, but at this point I think I might just stick with vermintide 2 grinding for reds
Could be alright if they had a shit ton of new enemies and weapons, otherwise it will still get old fast.
>Comes out the same week as the WH40k ARPG
Great timing guys.
The Enhanced Edition brings a host of new content and upgrades, expanding upon the base game for the ultimate Space Hulk experience:
Class Customization – deep progression system lets players unlock armour and weapon skins, attachments, perks and more for aesthetic and gameplay customization.
Chaplain Class – the Chaplain brings a host of abilities to increase the squad’s survivability, and is more than capable of killing hordes of Xenos in melee combat.
New Weapons – more melee and ranged weapons give players even more options to load out their squad for battle.
New Enemy Types – new, unique Genestealer types offer a greater challenge to those who dare enter the depths of the Space Hulk.
Special Missions – Randomized objectives and enemy spawns bring a new level of replayability.
All aspects of the Class Customization are earned entirely in-game, with no microtransactions.
I liked the old trailers more. Even with the polarizing music choice for one of them
E.Y.E enhanced edition on console WHEN?
Forgot this one
>customize everything
>change colors and trinkets
The randomized missions seem neat, might be what coop needed.
I hope they made it actually playable now. I liked it for what it was but the performance was absolute ass.
>Free patch for PC
Well now I'm interested.
Old and Busted Edition already had those.