Mmo thread

mmo thread

talk about mmos, old, current, upcoming, and how shitty they all are.

why do we still bother with this loathsome genre?

surely the next hyped mmo will be able to survive past a year, right?

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>They are shitty mate, what else can we talk about
>Stockholm’s Syndrome

>what else can we talk about
Why they're shit, of course.

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>Secret World Legends finally continuing its main story early April
Cautiously optimistic

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>overhaul game to make it better
>it's worse
secret world is wasted as an mmo.

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it is, unfortunately its one of the few closest things I'll get to a conspiracy/horror-inspired magical bullshit of a game set in modern times

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Blizzard killed the genre.

Say it with me: Blizzard killed the genre.

Let's all say it together. Here we go.

Wasn't that great?

Don't you feel better having said it out loud?


When will Stars and Sponges make a comeback, why did you all leave I am lonely.

I started playing FFXIV a few months ago. Recently I got a full time job, so I don't have time to play videogames anymore. I miss my character.

>try mmo
>join guild
>it's good for a time
>mmo dies
>guild dies
>look through old guild site postings and videos
>all those people you had fun with. ran content. planned community events.
>all gone

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>relapsed and bought a month of wow time
I forgot how clunky this game was. Feels completely out of place in 2018.

I miss my xiv character but not xiv. I logged on during the free weekend and couldn't find the motivation to do anything.

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Still playing osrs and have zero complaints kappa

ESO is pretty fun. I completed the zones of the 2nd alliance (Kadwell's silver) yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. Gonna start Kadwell's gold later today. I have over 8 days of playtime on my character and barely did any dungeons or PvP ,never even attempted a raid and only ever joined a trading guild. And yet here I am enjoying it. I didn't even buy any of the DLCs or chapters yet, gonna do that once I'm done with all the launch zones+Craiglorn.

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It's strange but I never felt this way about any other MMO character. I've played Anarchy Online and World of Warcraft for thousands of hours, but the characters just feel like shells I use to interact with the world.
My girl in FFXIV is somehow more than that.

Waiting for Classic with da boyish

Probably cause your character participates in the story, even if it's just *nods* during cutscenes. There's also all the emotes the game has. I don't think I've seen another mmo that has multiple idle stances for each race.

The last free weekend I logged in during, I just looked at my character and ran around housing. It was fun to sit around with people I used to play with.

I only played FFXIV for about a year, not counting the time I spent in 1.0. I don't think I'll play seriously again because all of my friends have moved on or become poopsock players who I can't compete with without dedicating my entire life to the game so I will be relegated to pugs.

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If I wasn't already raiding in another mmo I might be doing that in xiv since I really enjoyed playing monk, but I don't want to be raiding in 2 mmos. 3 hrs 2 nights a week is already enough for me.

One of my favorite things were those meaningless questions the nip children ask you when the refugees move to Revenant's Toll. They have no effect on the game, but they encourage you to build up your character in your head.

There's also that. Gives you a bigger sense of ownership over your character.

It's more like she has a life of her own, even though I am the one controlling her.

gonna b gud

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Reminder that GW2 redeemed itself and after the countless QoL changes it's currently the BEST B2P MMORPG on the market.

I had much fun playing Albion Online, i would roam around the black zone and gank gatherers. Taking there gear and sell it was great. One day Albions dev said fuck it we gotta protect the gatherers. I never started it again

don't fall for this.

Saw Dead Frontier 2 on Steam.
It's now an MMO TPS. Can't wait to see how badly it runs.

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I bought the GW2 expansions despite my better knowledge because I wanted to play the Path of Fire content with the new specializations.

Turns out I need to play the new content to unlock the specializations. But what do I need the new specs for if I already played the new content?

I've been enjoying ESO, for the most part, for various reasons. Shame they shit on the lore though.

boi do i hope you are right

pantheon is on my radar specifically because its a classic MMORPG without any of the gimmicky shit other games tried to push.
It's going down a relatively similar road as FF14 design wise. No big experiment. Group focus. World Building. If they pull that off half-decently I'll be happy.
Vanguard wasnt all that bad either but massively overscaled. Hoping that Braid actually learned his lesson.

vanguard is full on pve only, right?

I'm excited for it because I like what I see on the streams they put out every couple of months. It basically looks like everquest with a fresh world ready to explore that hasn't been datamined to shit and that gets me excited.


Fuck you.
Warhammer Onlines was/is great.

it was pretty much from what I remember.

I just hope they put as much heartblood into the world building as with everquest.

Also underwater dungeons would be nice at one point.

Reminder not to believe anyone who recommends an mmo they're playing. Misery loves company.

Tera had so much potential, I fucking hate korean devs. Always the same shit with them. Prefer their little korean roundtable and keep the rest of the world out of balancing decisions because muh language barrier. Then they end up removing fun features because the korean gamerniggers decide what stays in the game

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Why would anyone recommend an MMO they're not playing?Isn't that the point of a recommendation?Liking a game and wanting other people to try it?

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>you need to play new content
Thats not true. If you had hero points stocked up from befor you couldve gotten the new specialization immediately. Just go to tyria or HoT, collect some hero points and put them into the specs if you dont want to run through PoF maps

>missing the point this hard

>>missing the point this hard
You do realize we're talking about MMOs right?

Other than AD lore it did a lot of things good. Oblivion was worse.

There is a playable aquatic race so I'd be surprised if there were no underwater dungeons.

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>go to HoT
dont do this
how the fuck ANYBODY played heart of thorns without the path of fire mounts is god damn mind boggling
the maps are fucking shit garbage and run like trash

Started playin that EVE online, what can I look forward to?


bless this thread

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GW2 has 10 billion players even tough literally everyone thinks the game is a joke besides the few whales! Mornic shill

>mfw bless will be b2p with p2w cash shop
Black Desert 2.0

neither the kr nor jp cashshop has been p2w. What would the western release possibly add that they don't have?

Just wait and see, screencap this if you want

That's a pretty good point. Beyond a certain point in the sorry the game also strokes your character's ego as you become more and more famous. I would call that lame but that is exactly what the Ace Combat series also does that, so if you've played those you'll know what I mean.

>Thats not true. If you had hero points stocked up from befor you couldve gotten the new specialization immediately.
I don't because I've never done any skill challenges. I leveled all my characters via structured pvp and quit the game before hero points even got introduced. Skill challenges were the lamest shit and even on my first character which I played in PvE I skipped as many of them as I could. Gonna do a chargeback rather than being forced to waste my time with shit I don't enjoy.


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first for still play tibia

Dofus is shitty now.

are you seriously doubting the ability for the game to get nexoned?


but nexon isn't involved


I'm gonna play drift city now
once novaRO gets its magic damage fixed, I'll play that too a bit, or dump it for kRO:zero/jRO
then I'll probably play mabinogi
life is good

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Fucking release Lost ark NOW, I have a huge urge to play MMORPG again but all of them are shit right now.

>Lost ark NOW

""""""this year"""" supposedly

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I'm glad I never got too invested in them. Nothing like cutting back in all the areas that make a game entertaining in favor of having more players on screen at once. The progression systems they all use are ass too. Play your fucking heart out until you get some EPIC gear and then sit around bored out of your mind while you grind for useless vanity items and wait for the next major content update.

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dead just like the genre

no NOT buy this trash!

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hmmmm where have I seen that business model before?

>pay to play
>buy to play
>free to play
There's no pleasing you people.

i miss old DAOC pre trials of atlantis

mmos will never be good again because they were never good. what made them enjoyable was the friends you made along the way.

You're wrong actually. I enjoyed an MMO recently without making any friends. Just some weird people.

Not really an MMO, but can someone give me the idea of Warframe?

Third Person shooter
Weird lore
Nice people

>wanted to play bless
>hear its more pvp than pve focused
I thought it was a pve game with optional pvp not a BDO.

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>game fails three times
>turns to west for last chance with pay2play and cash shop shit up the ass, including pet skills that boost droprates, damage and defenses

Anyone knows a game like FFXI? I want to play that but the game feels way too old, camera controls like shit, takes forever to do anything, and tfw can't even play properly without a controller

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It's pvx with a focus on pvp.

>burned out on mobile mmos
>all of them are 3-5 button with the option to be auto grind fests
>but super high population for every one of them so you can get together and auto grind raids
>not feeling that magic anymore from p99
>8 or 9 years of this crap plus the 5 from live
>ff14 is becoming a chore
>log in tuesday, hammer out s1-4s, maybe log in a day or two afterwards for weekly tombstones
>wow has been uninteresting since wod
>i cant even followup on this
>the old republic's playerbase is so fucking small you only have a finite timeframe per day to get a raid together
>this is just sad watching a raid fall apart because we cant find a dps
somepleaseone send help

are there any MMOs out there anymore? am I missing anything? yeah im stuck 10 or so years in the past

What I am looking for:
Tits and ass
skimpy female armor from the get go or earlyish in the game
end game
stable enough population

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>you can't get pets with skills unless you pay money, goy
But that's wrong, user.

You can
But you can't manually choose the pets skills so you have to regrind them over and over and over and over
also assassins poisons boosting your damage are not possible to get anywhere from other than the cash shop.

When are we going to get a mmofps where I can be a medic bros? I miss planetside

I've never played WoW, should I start now?

>bless has a cashshop
>bless has cashshop currency that can be earned in game
There's no pleasing you people.

as long as it has bikini armor I do not give a fuck

Started guild wars 2 a month and a half ago. I really enjoy it still, but even if i didn't 200+ hours for what was like a 45 dollar investment is great

>you have to grind if you don't pay
That's the trade off, isn't it?
>assassins poisons boosting your damage are not possible to get anywhere from other than the cash shop
I'm going to assume you made a type cause that sentence makes no sense.

>bless has shit gameplay and is not possible to differentiate from other gook MMOS
>bless still has shit gameplay and is not possible to differentiate from other gook MMOS

good for you, sweeite.

>game that flunked 3 times in different regions isn't even out yet in the west
>people running drastically to defend it without even having played it
whats wrong with you faggots

Reminder not to fall for the action combat meme.

Now that's what confused me because I thought it was pve focused for the longest while with some pvp game modes added on. That's why I didn't care so much if the cash shop ended up being p2w because I thought oh it wouldn't matter to me anyway because I mostly do pve. I'd still give it a try though because there are things like dungeons, raids etc

desperation for a new MMO, duh

Playing WoW Ascension, having a blast.

>spout some lie or half truth
>actually that's wrong
>wow why are you defending it so hard?
whats wrong with you faggots

bless this mess

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I just want a pretty world without normalfags but don't want to kill all the normalfags. That's all I really need from an MMO.

I want to grope this bunny until she queefs on me.

that's not how queefs are produced