Post dem orange characters

Post dem orange characters

Attached: Lanky_Kong.png (496x525, 232K)


Attached: 31E5EC58-2D41-4C06-9742-329F8F586E85.png (534x401, 281K)

you lost. get over it.

Doesn’t change the fact that your boy is objectively the worst president in the history of the country and will go down in the official history books as a despotic demagogue with 500x more scandals/crimes than accomplishments.

Get over it.

scandals like two scoops
whoah, he really is the worst president ever
how could he

Woodrow Wilson was the worst president and he will literally never be topped

>two scoops
Is Sup Forums shitposting your only source of news?

>hes the worst president because the media said so

you mean the same media that said he was going to lose
