I never played much of 5 but I have a hard time believing it's worse than 4.
very obvious why 1 and 2 are so good, and almost the same game
I really enjoyed Tales, I don't get the hate for it. But 2 is best
1=2=3>everything else in the universe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Acceptable opinion
4 compared to 5 is fucking deus ex
Tales is good but I can understand some of the hate, some of the writing is kinda fanfiction tier
Reminder that Curse was released on Steam yesterday.
>Blocks your path
that is the reason of my post
I honestly want it to be good, but it looks like just a scummvm hack job
the monkey remake was halfassed, but the monkey2 remake was surprisingly good
>reddit, the game
I stopped Monkey Island after beating 2. It stopped being fun once they started introducing dozens of red herring items at once.
To be fair, Curse aged a lot better than 1&2 (graphically at least), so they wouldn´t really need to change up a lot to begin with.
I kinda hope that they release some version of Escape that actually works on modern systems.
3 is still decent
4 is passable, IMO
5 is episodic garbage from telltale
guess why they have released this straight-to-scummvm cashgrab
>no achievements
>no current resolutions
>no vector text
it is literally a repackaging, although at least it works as expected, thanks to the scummvm team, and not the rights holders
I hope they release a proper remake, the same as monkey 2
But really though, all three make the whole experience.
Puzzle & gameplay balance wise : Mi3>DOTT>Mi1>FULL THROTTLE>Mi2>GRIM FANDANGO>Mi4
Everything else wise GRIM FANDANGO>Mi2>=Mi1>DOTT=FULL THROTTLE>=Mi3>Mi4
First episode of Tales was really bad, probably turned off a lot of people.
I can get behind that. Maybe 1>=3.
I should replay 2 and 4. 2 because I replayed 1 and 3 recently, 4 because it's been ages.
I wish this Curse re-release had the foreign dubs.
Myst 3 and 4 are finally being released digitally this year as well.
this order is correct op. well done for being correct
this was the birth of the movie game
I enjoy the aesthetics and music, but what a piece of shit point and click
it is like a telltale no-game
Full Throttle is way too short, and its gimmick sections are possibly the worst of the bunch.
I like it a bunch, but replaying it recently it was a rather disappointing experience.
you know saying reddit doesn't mean anything, right?!
Tales lacks most of monkey island series charm.
>ugly character design
>nothing immersive about the locations which are boring(one episode fully inside a monster)
> lack of good ost and graphics
>most of new characters are boring and not funny at all
>Original Monkey island characters feels so different takes themselves too seriously at some points
>a lot of lame humor and failed jokes...
It is a good telltale game and it have some funny scenes. But it have nothing over the original monkey island unlike sam & max telltale which captured some of the original charm mainly because steven purcell worked directly with telltale.
let me explain myself, then
sam and max is too LOLSORANDOM to be enjoyable for me, hence my reddit comment
I guess playing the remaster version made me foget how shitty the action scenes were. But they still,full throttle didnt make me rage as much some of Mi2 puzzles like the monkey wrench one.
I wish that today movie games had the third full throttle quality. As you said aesthetic,music and design was god tier. Gameplay was lacking in the first half. I think if they added a bunch of dialogue and more things to do in the first village where you search for motor parts,it would have been a lot better. The second half of the game,had correct gameplay: bunny puzzle,breaking into the factory,the long fight on the truck...
>the monkey wrench one
this puzzle you mention is one of the biggest lost in translation puzzles in the history of vidya
>Tales is good
Eat a dick.
Monkey Island is the Monty Python of vidya in all the worst ways.
>tank controls
>Monkey Kombat
No. The only positive thing to be said about Escape is that at least it's not Tales.
I literally forgot Escape existed
all I can remember is that the monkey fights were broken, and that there was an hotel section that was enjoyable
what the fuck does that even mean?
But literally everything else is good, maybe beside the Australian guy. It even managed to still look great in 3D (for the time, mostly). I can never think of the controls and monkey kombat as ruining the whole game, and yet they apparently do for so many people.