Do cute girls influence your decision to buy a game?
Do cute girls influence your decision to buy a game?
Yes. Cute boys too.
yeah they influence me not to buy it
Influence sure, but it's very rarely the sole reason I buy something
No. I can't even remotely justify buying the new Atelier (no English dub) for $40+
It makes me not buy them because any game that has to sell itself on cute/sex appeal is a shitty game.
Cute girls being either the protag or/and side characters are included in my list so, yeah.
No. I have a girlfriend.
the only reason to play a game are waifus
there is no other reason or you are gay
Unless you're saying that your girlfriend isn't cute then that still counts as an influence.
sure you have
Not especially, though qt grilz can certainly improve a game that's already at least decent.
>playing some game as a kid
>Has a romance part, get to pick between a few girls
>Never had this choice before
>Pick the blond one because I think she's cute
>Sister watching me play
>Asks why I picked the one that looks like her
>Didn't think about it like that, but when she pointed it out the girl I picked looks and acted like my sister
>Sister starts avoiding me, closes her door when I get home
>10 years later we barely speak at all, live pretty far apart
Is it my fault? I kinda wish we were closer.
No but they do improve a game.
Yes, but whether I continue playing the game, they don't.
I could last playing 4GO for more than 5 hours because despite the top tier art, the gameplay is so fucking boring.
tfw no twintail game
Actually cute ones, not the "muh thicc" sluts that normalfags fawn over.
Nah, siblings don't usually get along like in your japanese cartoons.
Only if its a Japanese game and the girls are flat chested.
Not a single cute girl has been posted. They all look either stupid or overly vain to cover how shallow they are. Assuming that's all you got there apparently are no games with cute girls to play anyways.
The lack of twin tails in the real world is disappointing.
Yes but it takes more than a moeblob to reel me in.
I really, really want to play good games with cute girls but I simply can't enjoy neptunia-tier garbage. Please help.
I recently played moekuri which was pretty fun but the art was subpar, and I want to play the atelier games but can't emulate ps3. Anything else?
Every game in existence would be improved x10 if all playable characters and NPCs were cute anime girls of various ages.
Prove me wrong.
>still no fully fledged FPS with extensive weapon selection and Battlefield size party mode maps but all playable characters are fully customisable anime girls with unlockable cute military / tacticool outfits and game modes such as king of the kotatsu
>Do cute girls influence your decision to buy a game?
This is only thing that make me want to buy a game
A cute girl was just posted
Stop trying to bait faggot
Sometimes. I REALLY like girls. I think they are brilliant.
Well, that's true but the problem is that a lot of devs who make moeblob games cant fucking make a decent game to save their lives.
Imagine if guys like Itsuno made an action game but with Tsunako as the art director. I'd fucking buy a hundred copies.
Yes. But I still refund their game if it's shit. Do you think digital used goods feel bad about being treated like that?
that’s weird user haha! Like an ouuya on the streets?! She will do anything haha!
I dont mind the cute girls. they do add a little bit of difference in games style. What I look for is unique twists in gameplay
Monster Monpiece was fantastic because the battle system. the rub system i wasn't a fan of but I put up with it.
But there is a limit in it. Gal Gun 2 is what I'm questioning. I dont know if I want it or not
It's one thing that could influence my decision but not the only thing nor is it the most important thing. It does however help in getting my attention.
Not at all. Anime on the other hand...
Yeah, but it only influences me to pirate games, i will never pay for it, but i will fap to the girls, only retards pay for porn
I fell out of anime for years but then i saw Galko chan and im absolutley infatuated with her. I have never seen a sexier cartoon in my life, she is absolutley absurd but i can literally feel the bloos rush to my dick when she starts talkig about her tits or pubes or such. Im such a basic bitch.
It's all good unless you force your shit on others. Enjoy the 2D greatness friend.
A lot.
Because I actually like playing games and don't need shit like that to sway me
Based user desu famalam
Oh totally, i just never got the whole “OMG jessica rabbit is so erotic!” Ahit until i felt it with Galko.
unironicaly yes
videogames are power fantasy in the end
No I'm gay.
Girls with cute design that turn out to be psychotic bitches do influence it though.
Sometimes. I'm not really a fan of having moe-blobs or tit-pillows shoved in my face so I tend to avoid them on my own.
They can, they just know they aim for a niche and adjust their budget accordingly.
That's a guy tho
wish there was a brawler game of that series
Dunno, it’s just kind of hot to hear girls talk about their private shit like that. Even when Otaku does it, when she said her’s were thick in epsiode 1 i got really flustered. I think it’s sweet that the Japanese let theirs grow so proudly. I don’t like it anywhere but the pussy mind you.
If I play a game for a total of more than 10 hours, I want to like what I'm looking at.
only if i can have sex with them
My gripe with moekuri was that choosing an attack took forever.
i ran a team that just spammed those ghost NPCs and overwhelmed the enemies with tiny damage.
then i used cheat engine and ruined the game for myself
im in the same boat as you, I cant really find any shitty weeb games to play that keep my attention.
SAO:fatal bullet was fun for a bit for what it is i guess.
Do cute girls buy games with cute girls in them?
no such thing as a cute girl in 3D, and no, traps aren't cute either
did his mom take that picture
I honestly think that the only reason this isn't done is because of the question of how do you make shooting a cute girl satisfying but retain the cute/fun/moe aspects of it? You could just blow her out and let the ragdoll limply dangle there, but that's not Tanoshii.
Does that stop all those modders that put cute girls in FPS games?
not really.
Some games I specifically avoided buying because it had uguu waifushit
-Nier Automata
-Xenoblade 2
-Persona 5
If devs don't want to put in the effort to add real character designs then I won't put in the effort to buy the game. Seems like a fair trade, no?
are all of those girls nopan or something
>Nier Automata
>uguu waifushit
That's a stretch.
War is hell
>character designs aren't real if they resemble japanese cartoons
>Seems like a fair trade, no?
why are you asking this? nobody cares
you're depriving yourself of good games for no reason
2B is pretty blatantly waifushit made to sell the game. I heard she's not playable much but oh well they shoved her in all the marketing and I've long since stopped considering playing it
Cute girls are the only reason to play video games.
>japanese cartoons
That's a gross generalization
>you're depriving yourself of good games for no reason
How can they be good games if they have hilariously lazy character design?
she's not even that attractive in the game, neither is 9S, your entire concept of 2B comes from the insane amount of porn and fanart that has nothing to do with the game itself
>hilariously lazy character designs
Oh well. I'm not exactly pining to play as a whiny generic shonen teenaged boy with single button combat either
girls are for faggots
Don't respond to ACfag.
sex appeal doesn't take effort, especially the games I listed
kill yourself ironic weeb
No one's baiting faggot.
>OP asks question
>someone answers question
I'm sorry for your loss.
She's just a retard that asumes anything and everything. You'll be better off without having her near when she eventually starts asking for shit.
>I can't play games with attractive girls they make me nervous like in real life
moeblobs all look the same. just make a blank vaguely pentagonal face and shove a fucking emoji on and you got the usual anime girl. It's extremely bland, overused, and generic
It's just boring. I admit it, I struggle to care about characters that look identical aside from their haircuts. Crazy I know
you said they had sex appeal then you mentioned you don't like how they look
pick one you flaming faggot
>watch twin tail on a lark because muh gender swap
>stupid fucking sounding premise
>it's actually a fun show
Surprised me.
Yeah. Cute boys, too.
>you're gay if you're not attracted to a fucking doodle with an emoji face
Why are you gaylords always bringing personal sexual preference into this? We're talking about fictional character design nigga not fucking tinder
War is hell. No matter what kind of soldiers are involved, war is hell.
If you wanted something else, just make the cute girls play airsoft or paintball.
What's the premise again, and why does he become a girl?
This is the show that made me want to be a cute little girl
>Do cute girls influence your decision to buy a game?
do you just keep 300 threads open and not pay attention?
splatoon and peach beach splash have the right idea for cute girls in an fps
You people are so fucking bad at not responding to obvious shitposting, imagine if Lanced Jack were still here.
Aliens who steal attributes from planets have invaded the Earth to steal the twin tail attribute from earth girls, taking away their desire to wear their hair in twin tails.
The main character jerks off to twin tails so he teams up with an alien booby monster to stop them and she gives him the power to turn into a superhero but female only.