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shut up you stupid fucking cunt


Literally gimmick boss from a line of gimmick bosses.
DS3 was a mistake.

Kys you ugly hooknosed Jew hitler should have gassed your grandparents

Loved the fanservice but would have prefered that this guy wasnt such a fucking piece of shit of a fight. It got me so hyped before release and his theme is badass but the fight sucks


>dark souls 3
>anal rodeo
>hit silver knight with greatsword
>Keels over from the damage obviously stunned
>Go in for a second attack
>Wakes up, poises through my attack and hits me twice for 3/4 my health in about a second
>Roll backwards
>Hard reads from the ai because he jumps at me as soon as I roll and kills me before I can blink
P-Prepare to Die I guess...

I always assumed the Giants just had big holes for faces because of how they looked in DaS2. It's weird that Yhorm has a human-like face.

>sister friede
>have to fight two boring and time-consuming bosses every single attempt at fighting the real boss like some shitty NES-era game
>when you get to the real boss it's just a bland, uninspired, less fun clone of Lady Maria
Haha...y-yeah, best boss ever miyazaki-sama

shit dude
must've been pretty rough walking that 30 seconds from the previous bonfire back to your souls
Should have stopped at a bonfire along the way

If you can't punch him to death, blindfolded, while using a trackpad you don't deserve to criticize this game.

>P-Prepare to Die I guess...
haha bro guise amirite we wuz gamers rite?

The walk of shame lasts forever.

Even weirder considering that they have skull


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*spooks your path*

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>Literally teleports behind you

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>DaS2 fags will defend this

>yet dies in two hits

Brainlets should not be allowed to voice opinions.

>teleports you to a dark cave just so you can open a door


I.. I got it for 15 bucks.. What am I in for lads? I've never played one in my life

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is this ds3 version of ds2's road to drangleic castle rubble?

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Shit Souls 2 fans will defend anything.

Even this

Attached: shitsouls2_12.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)


Attached: 1521693116340.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

>using poise for pve outside of little enemies and friede

Tip: attack its weak point for massive damage

Worked fine for me. Have you tried not being bad?

No because getting into the castle isn't your only motivation. In 2 you need the lord souls to get to the castle. In three you need the souls of cinder and one of them happens to be in the castle.

Not to mention you CAN access it right away.

nice get I play mad spirit and bait people to their death so this image is super funny to me

Can you realistically fight him without the reference sword without it taking 6 hours or having 20 buffs?

beat her my first try on my first play through, didnt get why everyone was bitching. Played the game again, stuck on her for 10+ tries (every play through) guess i got wicked lucky the first time :(

fuck this guy
never could get a read on himworse than the beasts of bloodborne that this was based on
also how fucking stupid lazy this recycling was
a fucking knight that runs like a beast on all fours


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Thats Vicar Amelia for me. I ragequit that playthrough and started over, I dont know what the fuck was going on with me that day.

He dies in 4 hits with the gimmick weapon of the fight you're not even trying at this point.

>sword and shield
>sorcerers staff
>tries to use pyromancy
>pyro glove on right hand
and i thought quality fags were pathetic

>Health is so low he dies in literally one hit
>Uses magic, pyromancy, or miracles ever
You deserve all the bad shit that happens to you. Go melee or go home.

What type of bosses are best?

Attached: dragon_god.png (613x600, 593K)

out-fucking-skilled, son

DS3 is bloodborne cut content: the game

pic related, unused enemy from bloodborne files that looks an awful lot like carthus skeletons

Attached: bloodborne_skeleton.jpg (2560x1440, 217K)

as a pyro that has wrecked millions of fags like you I wouldn't talk midget blade swinger of many rolls

that's not the dancer, if that is what you mean. Outrider knights are harder than the dancer.


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Imagine being so pimp that in order to get hurt your bling needs to be attacked

mabye if you're extremely overlevelled, but that would take a long time too

The whole giant design is fucked up.
In 1 they had nondescript faces under their masks, in 2 they had holes and there was a dead one that still had a previous design with an actual face because lol, B-team and in 3 they just couldn't care anymore, put the DS1 giants in, extra large versions of them, the DS2 giants AND Yhorm who has a more or less normal face.

no no they can play however they want but they should complain because in the end it's their fault for shitskilling. Do they go and try to respec? no they come on Sup Forums to post webms of their failsauce and knock the game. fuckem bro.

you know, there is a sword which cuts him down immediatly, right ?
It is literally in the boss arena.
How could you miss it ?

Yes. Use a GS/UGS and hit his arm and head. Takes about 4 minutes on NG+ but probably closer to 8 minutes on NG.

That's what you get for being a cheesy chuck e cheeser

The less you think about all the dumb shit in this game the better.

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didn't mean they were identical in every way. I meant that they are similar in that they don't represent believable barriers (could easily climb over waist-high rubble, could easily use multiple staircases rather than magical ladder) and are too ceremonious for how easy it would be to get past them (get powerful souls to open magic door next to open archway, get magic goblet to activate magic bleeding statue to drop magic fire escape ladder between two existing staircases).

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>Do they go and try to respec? no they come on Sup Forums to post webms of their failsauce and knock the game.
Not worth a (You)


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>crystal soul spear
>crystal soul spear
>crystal soul spear
>crystal soul spear
Nothing personnel, kid

lothric castle and the archives are the most hilarious areas because of how little fucks was given to their development

>copypaste enemies galore (only new enemies being the candle wax trash mobs)
>consumed king's garden is fucking garbage with a poor man's ludwig reskin boss
>copypaste tutorial area and boss but without a skybox or lighting
>duke's archives/research hall but shitter
>boletarian palace but shitter

at least twin princes and the dancer are good

>lothric castle
literally thought I have done that area before, not sure why it was so familiar to me. I'm not that hardcore of a ds player though.

that just reminded me of how shit sorcery damage is in this game.

>no option to ask the firekeeper to let you tenderly wash her feet.

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Blame the High Wall for that.
It's literally 90% recycled enemies from there but now with three times the health and damage output.

>Not posting the toughest motherfucker in action games.

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Clearly it used the ladder.

I oneshot this bitch, just parry xer first attack and r1 spam

>you can parry / riposte Outrider Knights
What the fuck


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How do we save her feet bros

>start smacking into him
>get a critical on his head
>his cinders start burning up
>oh cool, he's still at 75% health but does he take more damage as the fight goes on?
>nope, there's a gimmick sword in the back of the room
That was such a disappointment


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you're in for some vicious ass pain for about two hours, and then you're gonna be another From drone like the rest of us.

>I got it for 15 bucks
If you wanna play online, that'll be a few more shekels...

You'll be bored / disappointed for the next 6-9 hours.

the pursuer always does stupid laggy shit in co-op
I don't remember other enemies/bosses spazzing out utterly when other players are around, and I don't remember a single co-op pursuer encounter that went normally
I wonder what's the reason

You can parry a LOT of enemies in DS3.

But then, you can't parry a whole bunch of others for no discernible reason. FromSoft design at its finest.

i just got the game i played dark souls 2 and when i figured out that i could add another giant to my kill count i was hyped

No, but the doors to the Grand Archives are.
Need to kill 3 Lords of Cinder to get past some wooden doors you could easily break.

Just kill the old hag.


Don't play aggressively like your do most other action games. Bide your time, watch the enemy movement, and react to it. Pick 1v1 fights if you're not confident with crowd control, most new players aren't.

the only one with retarded HP bloat is the dragon in the dlc

Do u guys feel that dark souls 2 is very easy compare to other souls titals i played through dark souls 2 and completed it it was very challenging at times but once i bought dark souls 3 i noticed that there was a HUGE distance at difficulty any of you agree?

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ds2 has the hardest bosses.

Dog just send the elevator up and stand on the other side of the hole after you aggro him

You're supposed to hit him in the head. He swings his neck, you dodge & punish.

Hmm. If only there was something in DarkSouls universe that manifested as a hole in ones body.
Hmm. Maybe as a result of an curse of some sort?
Hmm. Like a sign of darkness. Hmm.
Maybe a Dark Sign! Hmm...
Really makes me think.

maybe for the smealter demon and the lost sinner and a few others but i feel that dark souls 3 hit the mark better with difficulty with boss's


cheesing is easy, who would have known


People try to make sense in lore terms of things like that are funny. It's obviously an oversight or lack of care from the devs but the souls fanbase loves to make castles in the air about lord knows what lore significance
Like how some humans in the games are way bigger than normal humans for some reason

>says ds2 has hardest boss's
>u can chess 70% of the boss's

Two swords lmao.

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didn't mean in general, just that ds2 has the very hardest ones, including the only ones that I have never beaten solo or with summons (ancient dragon, twin tigers, blue smelter)

>nigger wolnir confirmed

>Get to lothric and lorian
>this starts playing

The size diffrerences made some sense in 1 due to the larger ones being almost entirely affiliated with Gwyn and the other lords (although the Berenike Knights fuck with that).
Meanwhile in 3 they made EVERYONE at least a head taller than you, probably so they could reuse BB's animation skeletons, which resulted in nearly every backstab becoming a buttstab.

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>Shit Souls 2 has the hardest bo-

Attached: shitsouls2_18.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

post the one where the dude dodges every midir attack just by walking