An actual 4 mana 20/20

>an actual 4 mana 20/20
>and it's a legendary, of course
when will blizzard stop getting away with this disgusting pay to win overpowered garbage?

Attached: 4 mana 20 20.png (200x276, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:

When people stop paying real money for digital cardstock.

0/10 shouldve photoshopped the card text away

there are people here who would look at this post at face value and take it seriously. you're engineering the already infamously retarded into fucking chromosome beasts.


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That shit requires that your oponent draws three cards, at least post the actual most overpowered card in hearthstone

Jeez i hate this thing is all over the meta and they wonder why new people cant get into the game

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I'm here to let the thread know that this card is summoned by two other 9 mana cards that have to survive a whole turn on board, and never really saw play outside of meme decks that barely worked.

See me after class

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at least post the quest rewards or Azari if you want to bait properly

>blizzard keeps making the excuse that hearthstone isn't meant to be consumed at the rate it currently is
>instead of fixing their design to account for what their players want, keep making retarded pointless cards and obviously broken ones literally in the same set because it's "fun"

I don't get it

They need shitty fluff cards so you'll buy more packs.

that card is shit though

>coins card out on turn 3
>you spend the entire game trying to not draw cards and draw every candle in under 4 turns anyway
>get instagibbed by 20/20 hitting face
psh kid 2 ez

>get this card from evolution

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>'well played'

Can’t you just silence it? Wouldn’t that give you a T4 20/20, if coined?

Dormant means un-interactable.
A similar card to it is sherazin, if you know how that works. Im not sure if there are any other cards with an effect like this other than the warlock portal legendary, at least none come to mind.

You can't silence dormant cards.

>card games

Just play MtG, not the low-IQ training wheels kiddie version

the card is pretty much unkillable (also by mass/aoe removal) until all candels are out.
They are also stuck with 1 less possible minion to put in board thanks to that too.
It's just to give pressure to enemy player, but punish if he's not prepared for it even trought he knew that for several turns too.

Gotcha. Haven’t played since Naxx so I’m really out of the loop.

Next expansion already looks like bullshit

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>Have assload of dust coming back after years
>Toss it in mill rogue with brann because Im climbing from rank 23
>Stuff opponents deck with 12 candles as I mill them, 2 Darkness dormant on the field
>Hit a hard wall at rank 15 until I switched to a real deck
I miss it but it was a shitty winmore card

Hearthstone thread, sweet. Murloc Paladin reporting. Hoping the my deck is still viable in the future edition. Fuck control cube locks.

desu tho ever since I got duel links running on my fire tablet, I haven't looked back. Not to say I won't ever play HS again but how fun is SO when you got the anime on loop on the background and what have ya
I made it to platinum rank in 6 days from startup, having not played yugioh in years and never seriously and taking a random gamble on one pack of cards to buy. 'galactic origins' my glad beasts are fug'n beast. Rank 3 and still climbing to Legend. Almost 50% win rate still out of almost 300 duels. Took me 99 victories to get plat.

>Murloc Paladin

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Fun fact, this hard counters one of the new mechanics in the upcoming expansions.

Help, I keep spending all my dust building meme decks like elemental

cant wait till MTG arena kill this trash

pack filler is a staple of every card game to get people to buy more packs

I have literally never once had this guy summoned in all the time I've played since it was in.
If your opponent gets this summoned in, you fucked up big time.

Hey it was my first deck ever. I started 3 or so months ago. A little less time than that. I've gotten all the way to rank 9 without Sunkeeper Tarim.
I win a lot of duels and I think I could breach Legend of i put in the effort.
It is a great deck. Maybe a little bit bullshit but what better for a first deck to get the ball rollan?
My murloc knowledge came in handy with my glad beast deck too, totally by accident. Still absolute do!I'm still almost. Seriously the only time I lose is if I get the worst draws possible for 2-5 turns. I can win in turn 2 prob 25% of the time.

It wont lmao. Magic is dead

Can you silence dormant minions?

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Mind you, for this to work, you need to give up:
>Divine Spirit
>Shadow Word Pain
>Spirit Lash
>Free From Amber
>Shadow Madness
>Shadow Word Horror
>Dragonfire Potion
>Forbidden Shaping
>Shadow Visions
>Kabal Chemist
>Radiant Elemental
And every other even-cost card in the Neutral and Priest collections.
Additionally, this specific card is just a win more card. You need a developed board already since it costs fucking 5.

>They dont play both
Honestly it wasnt nearly as bad as everyone said it was. Ive actually been having fun climbing ladder while I wait for my q to pop

No. Dormant Minions cannot be interacted with at all. They take up a board slot and either do nothing or something depending on their source. Darkness and that plant thing Rogue got from Un'Goro do nothing while Dormant, while something like the Nether Portal Warlock got from Un'Goro generates 2 3/2 Imps per turn.

Are you stupid? You just use 9 mana and there you go

It has no text, silence has no effect

Man these noobs, holy shit have you actually ever played the game?

it isnt a win more card, its a tempo card that trades a poor 5 drop for a good 6+

youre right in the sense that if you have tempo by turn 5 you will be "winning more" by playing it, but a win more card is unnecessary to win, wherein this card the effect is probably the whole reason why its in the deck

>have you actually ever played the game?
actually no but i have watched several streams about it so i can discuss the game just as well as you.

What do the candles do? Are they just a dead draw for the opponent?

Nope. 4 Mana "snuff out a candle" draw a card.

Oh and it triggers when you draw it. The Mana cost is superfluous.

nah, most things in hearthstone that shuffle spell effects into decks, like the burrowing mine and the spiders and the deck of memes, have you draw that card, then it gets used up, then you draw a real card.

the cards autoplay when you draw them naturally. if you somehow get in in your hand through priest magic or some other way, theyre just a dead card, since you wouldnt want to play them, that costs 4 and lets you draw one

>Opponent draws a candle
>Darkness counts down
>Opponent draws another card
>When a Darkness is at 0 it becomes a 20/20
As someone else mentioned some shenanigans can make more candles, but its basically an RNG mechanic for when it will come. Because if you spend that removal killing my 5/4, you know damn well your next draw will be 3 candles in a row

>mentions wild cards
>but only cards going to wild this next rotation
what did he mean by this?

I don't keep track of what's rotating out.

>Spend $4 on a fun deck on MTGO and can actually win
>Spend $40 on hearthstone and can barely scrape enough to make half a deck

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And blizz still thinks this game can be competetive.

Everything up to Gadgetzan is going out. Un'goro will still be here.

>Are you stupid? You just use 9 mana and there you go
But you can only summon him by summoning 2 9-mana minions and keeping them alive til the next turn. You can only play him by returning him to your hand or using entomb on him.

Let's talk about Slay the Spire, instead.

You get all the fun and none of the bullshit.

i don't think blizz originally made the game with competitive gaming in mind

You have to be 18 years old to post on Sup Forums

Dont tell me that you are in fact older than that and didnt get that i was kidding when i posted that card just like op is pretending the darkness is good

Call me when it releases.
>Inb4 "It's already got more than some finished games" or some dumb shit

>I was merely pretending

I know this is going to sound stupid but does anyone else like the witchwood trailer? It's singed so well, i wish it was a trailer for an actual game

>used to play the shit out of this game
>never paid a penny
>gold warrior, priest and rogue
>only played decks I designed myself
>mirmion's head rogue
>mill/fatigue warrior
>everything you own belongs to me priest
>one day question why I am playing this shit game
>dust every single card in my collection and craft a golded milhouse so I never, ever come back

been two years now, feels good man. strongly suggest anyone here who plays hearthstone stops playing too. every game plays exactly the same between the top tier decks and you are hanging on in hope of seeing that orange glow in a pack for a legendary you probably won't ever use.

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I hated that trailer. What the honest fuck was that.. if we're talking about the same thing. God it was so dumb. I'm sorry you like it and I'm being a fug'n dick about it but I can safely say I could do a lot better than that blair witch meets blue's clues bullshit.

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I stopped a bit over a month ago, the game just keeps getting more expensive each release and their design decisions keep getting more retarded each release too.

this, slay the spire was incredible when I played it but I got maybe 90 minutes in and already beat it and saw most cards, needs a lot more content but otherwise a keeper

You're a part of normal bitching used by the people that can't play the game without their wallet. I'm just letting you know. You're part of that idea that is different but the same in irrelevancy amongst the elite in a good few games. Nothing wrong with it. Just haven't played enough or some shit. No point in doing so anyway.

>Man these noobs, holy shit have you actually ever played the game?
meant for OP sorry

feel you lad, I was a neet back when I played and I had to grind out the maximum gold you can earn every day for weeks in advance when a new expansion or adventure was announced

Okay sure, you were just pretending

That sounds like honest good fun user

Forbidden Shaping costs 0 which has no value so it can be used in the odds deck. But who cares since the card is going to Wild anyway.

>The Dankness

it made buying each wing of an adventure very sweet. but the sheer amount of time sunk into it makes me glad I have since dropped the game.

1. Never seen these in the meta and I've climbed to legend this season
2. And what card game apart from poker isn't P2W?

0 is an even number retard

>0 can be used in odds deck

Excuse me, best designed death knight coming through.

Attached: 200px-Frost_Lich_Jaina(61810)_Gold.png (200x276, 100K)

Draw a 0 number of dots. How many pairs can you make? None.

Not a very high bar

That's not the definition of even
The question to ask is "do you have any dots left after pairing all of them off"

>Hit a hard wall at rank 15
Yikes that deck must have really sucked

>MTG arena
You should have figured out by now that Wizards can't make a good digital card game. Fuck, they don't want to, they don't want to create something that could disrupt their overpriced cardboard scam.

A lot of work but your achievements made real by sheer mental fortitude is p'cool. Those types of things are amongst the coolest things I can think of right meow. I really like the idea of never spending a dime and fucking up the day of all p2p players.

It's Mill Rogue. Of course it sucks.

unfortunately I didn't get to do that because I only played meme decks. I guess that made it a double blow, all this time sunk and for nothing. but it was, again, very sweet to actually pull off an extremely specific situation like using tree of life on a priest with a full board and two clerics out after using swipe.

still mad I bought that with dust when not understanding 'dormant' state

I also stopped giving htem money. not supporting wild is the jewest move ever. Even for blizz standards.

Dude you had fun when you got em. That's what's important in almost any situation and definitely this one. Pop on that shit. Have some fun for me bro.

Though I don't play anymore, I have fond memories of the different metas. Of course I hated them at the time, but looking back, it's making me remember what my life was like during those times and how long it's been since.

>those dwarves that multiplied when they survived damage and they all had charge from the warrior's class card
>mother fucking mech mage
>murloc paladin
>that druid type that just stalled the whole game and did force of nature roar of the wild for about 25 damage
>face hunter at it's worst with unleash the hounds vulture combo

>bringing back the improved hero powers
>when most of the death knights have straight up better hero powers anyway, and don't force you to gimp your deck with shitty cards

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I'd like to at least that golden milhouse and the shit tons of dust I have after dusting my entire collection but I literally can't download hearthstone. thanks for being so nice to me though user, I can look back more fondly at all that time spent now from your perspective.

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>people pay money for a game where they remove what you paid for every year
Frankly astonishing.

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Made me happy to read your post bro but even if you got no space you could always come back fresh sometime. I personally love doing so in any number of games. I just like to see what I can do in the shortest amount of time. Not even that solely but it's a bonus to having fun playing way too much. Uncertainty is fun even.

The FWA nerf really killed warrior...

I pay WoW gold for my packs

Why does Sup Forums keep complaining about Hearthstone cards that are actually really shitty?

It's just a meme, dumbass.

>implying you get the same value from something today as youll get from that same something in x amount of time

just play wild, you can play all the cards you have in that format and it's way more fun than standard imo. There are very few tryhards there, it's really more of an adventure, or a long game of arena. I play only nagalock though, so I'm part of the problem on why this game needs rebalancing :/

>Single player card game that you can beat in 5 minutes

Its a mill rogue that intentionally put cards in a players deck. It was fucking awful

shut up underage.

Are you fucking people retarded?

The Darkness is one of the worst legendaries in game