Why isn't this game more popular? It's basically a free to play VTMB Shared RPG.
Secret World Legends
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I used to run tokyo raid as main tank for my guild in the original game, and I see no real reason to go back to it. Is there new content compared to then ? Did they fix the tokyo level (not raid) into not being shit ? Did they stop rushing the plotlines ?
Because even though they made gameplay somewhat less tedious, it's still shit.
The base game is basically the same with a slicker UI also now there's actually content after Tokyo Morninglight in South Africa
Okay but is tokyo not a bucket of soggy dicks now or is it the same shit it used to be ? Are they still forced to put a retarded gameplay gimmick in new areas to compensate for the fact that everyone that reached them is at max gear tier already ?
Did they fix the terrible combat the MMO had?
You mean AEGIS? They threw that dumb crap away thankfully.
yes, that's what I meant
There's no more AEGIS if that's what you're asking.
Because they turned the game into maximum casual mode, despite the combat change being good. Like, build options were severely limited because Funcom thinks their playerbase is retarded and thus you can only use one type of a skill 1-2 times. Adding levels was also a mistake, because it shoehorns players into a linear progression, where as before there were no levels and the only limiting factor were your AP/SP. If you liked a particular area you could spend all your time there until it is 100% complete and then skip right to tokyo if your build was optimized. Now you're forced to grind areas of the game you might hate.
I think I'm going to boot it up again and play a bit.
I'm not big on the leveling changes, either. Decks and the ability wheel were the one thing that really made TSW stand out.
We're apparently in a minority, however.
I actually like the smaller ability pool. Who wants to grind 300 AP just to max one wing of your weapon then grind another 300AP just to get the obscure passive of a completely different one.
The linear gear upgrade is flawed but I can't think of anything that will replace it satisfactorily. At least the distillates guarantee an improvement on your gear over RNG drops.
You can still just do the story missions to end game and skip the rest I think as long as you do dungeons for the upgrades.
Can you play this on a toaster?
Yeah it's a remaster of a 2012 game basically
They seriously scrapped that? Goddamn it.
I'll play it when they let me play it offline, or the day I can make my own private server to play the game offline
Yeah. They really improved combat, but at a high cost. You basically pick a class at character gen, which determines your starting weapons and have a small, linear path of options to spend AP and SP on.
>Who wants to grind 300 AP just to max one wing of your weapon then grind another 300AP just to get the obscure passive of a completely different one.
You weren't ever forced to max out a tree and honestly, you're paying the same amount of AP if you want to max out your tree right now. Nothing has changed in that regard and quite frankly, passives actually cost more now.
The difference is that before, you could dump 25 AP into a very streamlined build ie. blades and dump all your SP into gear. That means you could play the story up to the Belmont chase with the anima guardian, then go to venice and skip into Tokyo.
I get your opinion from a completist's standpoint as it is easier to spend points now, but if I want to play a build that uses 4 builders, then let me play that build. Because right now, combat feels a lot like ESO where you just alternate between your two resource pools.
>tfw that one guildmate that could never get behind the fucking pillar during the fight
I used to tank this fucker on nightmare with a 5k hp Hammer/Blade dps/tanking build
Healers hated me
>tfw never could run NM ankh/facility/slaughterhouse because I didn't have experience in them and no group wanted to take me
this game had the worst community I saw in an mmo in a long time
They probably noticed the elitism and made the nightmare/elite now more easy and random groupmaking
Thinking on giving the game a go, is there a Sup Forums server or guild or something?
I don't know where it began but that was a trickle effect across various MMOs. It started in WoW with WotLK and achievements/gearscore and started in RIFT with SL and achievements, certainly occurs elsewhere too. That, and the overall lower mean age for vidya.
Game used to a have an official guild and general but they're gone now and I'm not sure where they migrated
Illuminati a shit. Dragon is weeb trash.
Join the Templars. Take the battle to evil.
>they finally added official forums
>no one knows because it's been too long
Great setting + utter shit MMO gameplay
Would be a AAA single player RPG
I’ve found players to be really helpful. People I met through dungeon finders always gave me advice when I started tanking in nm, with dps taking care of interrupts for me when I had trouble until I became a behemoth and could healtank any nm dungeon easily. I also met a 40 years old gal who tagged along whenever I asked her, gave me her builds and who I started calling mom and casually flirting with. Fun times.
shits like that in elder scrolls online as well.
>want to start doing trials (12 man raids) for gear
>look for trails group
>find group, they want me to do a DPS test first
>go to one of their player houses and do my rotation on their target dummy
>want me to get 30k DPS, self buffed
>if your groups DPS is high enough you can ignore mechanics and just finish the boss before the phase change
>many groups have never actually done the mechanics, just cheesed it with damage
>in order to get 30k DPS self buffed you need optimal non-trial gear and a perfect rotation (usually macroed by e-peen DPS fags)
>or the buffs from trial gear set bonuses
>can easily get 30k DPS with group buffs, but can't get it self buffed without the trials gear
>told I can't run with them
>repeat for every trial group
elitists always have to have that power over others, since its all they have. i think it was more apparent in TSW because the community was much smaller, there were less options for people to get groups together for high end content, so some people thought they were the big swinging dicks of the game.
Dragon is best faction and lore. Lumies are tryhards and Temps are stuffy.
We’re going to South Africa, guys.
>played illuminati for the hunter deck costume and gas mask fetishism
>had a couple stuns on my build for the usual suspects in hell raised to avoid being one shot
>suddendly my entire group dies
>"wtf happened guys"
>"why didn't you stun him out of the aoe he was channeling ?"
>"...because my stuns are for me and you can just move out of the fire ?"
>"no wtf you're supposed to stun him out of everything he can do so we don't ever have to move"
I quit the group right there lol
I fucking hate groups that try to skip phases and ignore mechanics. I play for the fun of the encounter, not your shitty treadmill reward.
Did they say if you had to complete Tokyo first?
You have to complete Tokyo’s storyline, obviously. But why would you wanna skip it?
I haven't done it yet. Guess I have a week to finish it up so I can get on the day one hype.
Were characters wiped when Legends hit?
Yes and no. You can still play TSW classic but the characters are not transferable to the separate SWL client. You can transfer your account which transfers all your cosmetics and unlocks all weapons.
Because its an MMO that really shouldn't have been an MMO.
All the MMO aspects are shit and actually hamper the game and story.
>B-b-buh muh interned fronds, muh repitition, muh math sheet to minmax
Yeah real fucking quality aspects there.
Interesting. Thank you user.
Here's a guide so you can max out your transfer
I'm not too worried. I never got terribly far in TSW but I'll check the link out anyway. Appreciate it.
They announced a new expansion for Legends.
>tfw stuck on the character name boss
Both the combat and character progression are still boring and terrible.
I can't deal with that, no matter how good the story might be.
I dunno it's super easy now for me. You don't even have to worry about your build too much like similar games. It plays like an easy mode rpg not counting the investigation missions.
That's the point. There's no variety or thought put into it. It's just boring.
cause i played thru the story once and there was nothing left to do but do all the quests over again while I wait for eternity to queue for a dungeon since theres like 10 tiers of dungeons
are you me ?
Because 95% of the changes they made going from The Secret World --->> Secret World Legends were fucking terrible.
That gearing system is a travesty and whoever green lit it should be shot.
the original's crafting is complete bullshit tho
>Why isn't this game more popular?
Because the gameplay is shit
any links to see how is tanking on endgame?
While bullshit it wasn't something I encountered often enough to piss me off though.
Whereas I loathe the eternally upgrade your gear system we have now with a passion. Makes building multiple sets a pain in the ass. Removes the fun feeling when you beat a mission or dungeon boss and get something new. It's just, oh here's another 3% toward the next tier.
Between that, skills being even more boring than before since there's less build flexibility, the daily system requiring the exact same thing every day, pvp still having just the 1 shitty wind map last I saw, and level requirements, the games pretty much dead to me now. Planned on playing again to enjoy the story and once I made it to max level while still in egypt (ap/sp gains insanely slow down at that point) I lost all interest.